FAQs Topic
14 January 2016 - 01:08 PM
Q. Why did you change the healing items into food?
A. For one, many games do this, it's nothing new or unbelievable. Besides this, I can personally relate to a Pizza and Lemonade more so than a Tonic and Ether. I like to eat food and drink yummy drinks to refill my energy, so like so many aspects of this hack, this is just a personal change, and it helps to further separate this hack from the classic FF mold a bit more. To sum it up, I went with the more modern, realistic approach than fantasy here. Yes it is a bit silly at first if you are used to the the tried and true FF style, but at least puts to rest one of the RPG mysteries of how they can do all this adventuring presumably without consuming food along the way. (That, and going to the bathroom >_>. Well, actually there are toilets in FFVI, but that's quite a lot of time in between...) Also, keep in mind the Dried Meat item from the original game...that's Beef Jerky, a food item, that restores HP. So it ain't all that crazy to assume there can be more food items. Anyways, enough about this!
Fun Fact: There were many, many instances of eating pizza while working on this hack, perhaps that might have had some influence on going through with it. *Honestly, I've been thinking about making a patch that changes these items back, since it seems to be one of the main gripes. But that might seem kinda undecided and regretful about the change, which I am not. Whatever shuts people up though right? (kidding...)
*A patch is now included with the hack package that does this, changes the food items back to classic.
Why did you make the extended intro unplayable/can't move text along?
It's supposed to be like the ending movie, but an opening one. There's also a non-controllable mid-game (end of the WoB) movie-like event as well. These are there for you to watch and not to play, that's all there is to know about them.
Q. Why the hell is Professor Oak in the hack? Were you high!?
A. First of all, yes probably, secondly and more important, back when this hack was first started, before it was 'RotDS', it was called 'Last Hope' and sucked far worse. Anyways, due to some heavy corruption I could not use the dialog editor at all, so I had to hex edit all text stuff. I changed the name of Cid into Oak because it was easy and doable. Then it just stuck, and eventually we did an Oak sprite and decided to keep it. I'm not a Pokemon lover by any stretch of the imagination, I gave up after the Red one on Gameboy -- I do however like the idea of an alternate reality Oak doing dark experiments. It seems to work imo, he is a professor of Pokemon in Pokemon, but a professor of espers in this hack. Works for me, I don't see what the big deal is...?
Q. Why is Cloud, or 'X' character in the hack?
A. Characters was pretty much the first thing that was done back when first starting this hack, and back then there wasn't all that many complete, quality sprites to choose from believe it or not. I'm not a hardcore Cloud fan, or a FF7 'fanboy', I don't dress up like Cloud and go to cosplays, they were just available as characters at the time and I figured I could work him in easily enough in Locke's place, using Bushido. Same with the other crossovers for the most part like Tifa, Eiko... - they were available as sprites that all worked well together sharing the various palettes, and I thought they would be easy to swap in and have their appropriate skills portrayed accurately, and went with it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Q. Uhh is this a serious hack?
A. Yes, it's a serious hack that takes itself very lightly at times. Humor is important to me and hard to resist implementing. Yes, it does use a lot of random bosses, references, some 'stoner' humor... but it's
not a parody hack at all. I just used a bunch of random video games and themes that I am familiar with and threw them in the blender...which basically resulted in a crossover hack lol. But, the main story alterations are supposed to be taken seriously, which I hope becomes obvious towards the end of the first half of the game. It's supposed to be an enjoyable, entertaining experience, and I am totally aware that meshing all these characters together results in something that makes no real sense at all. If possible, try to think of it like some bizarre parallel world or alternate reality to FFVI. The tons of song choices from different games should help with this thinking while playing.
As stated in the readme:
It is a highly personalized modification of the original game and therefore naturally won't appeal to everyone. It's not a sequel or a prequel or a remake to FFVI, it is just a massive mod and customization of FFVI. If you go into it thinking like this I am sure you will have a much more enjoyable experience than expecting some high quality re-take on the game and coming out feeling disappointed.
Q. Why are the overworld maps changed, but not the other ones?
A. I am not that good with map editing, or rather creating new maps, and the thought of creating whole new legit town and dungeon maps is daunting to say the least. It would take lots and lots of more time, time of which I don't personally have anymore. Hopefully someday there will be some or many new maps, maybe someone will volunteer as Lockirby did for the overworlds, in which I would be happy to do all the other changes required to get the maps up and running.
Q. For what purpose did you change the town names?
A. As an incentive to do new town maps someday lol. Since this won't be happening for who knows how long, I guess just to switch up the flavor a bit. Changing just the name of something is basically pointless though I realize.
Q. What would you do differently if you could start over fresh again?
A. Probably opt to have a 100% original cast of playable characters.
Q. Why are the characters so much like the vanilla ones still?
A. It's tough, without changing up the event structure more as a whole. I admit, Aurora is much like Terra still, I found that there wasn't a need to change it all that much personality-wise, since they both are still half-esper etc. and follow the same exact course of events. Obviously some characters required more of a makeover than others, like Locke to Cloud, Setzer to Otis... but for ones like Terra, Celes, Sabin, the new characters taking their spots just kinda fit the same way... They aren't carbon copies of the vanilla characters hopefully, but yes they could still use work to further differentiate. I'd say for the most part, the majority of them seem fresh and original.
Q. What's the deal with General Leo being called Cristophe?
A. Because that is his official last name, and where I come from (Merica), generals are called by their last name as a sign of respect and authority. Yes, this may be a bit overboard, and I have considered changing it back, but Gestahl is a last name I think, for the emperor, so going along this lines I'd think the people of high power and respect get called by their last names, is where I was going with this...I think.
Q. Do you consider yourself a good writer?
A. Somewhat, I used to enjoy writing back in school, does that count? But no, I'm not on a professional level. I enjoy writing, but it's nothing I'd consider a true skill. The dialog in this hack is not a candidate for a Pullet Surprise, but I tried motherfuckers!
Q. Who is your favorite character in the hack?
A. I guess Arc. He is the most original in terms of character remakes and I'm happy with how well his whole story event worked out as a whole. I'd like to at some point add more completion and depth to him in terms of what might of happened to his father, and forgiving 'you know who'. Besides his story, I enjoy him in combat very much, I am a fan of his updated Runic.
Q. What exactly did you do for this hack? I don't see your name in the credits document.
A. I did the majority of the music, dialog, a bunch of event work - back when the first event work was being done, it was all done by Angelo, he did the major ones, but once he couldn't work on it any longer I took up the reins - I finished and expanded more on some of his, and did some of my own, as well as the tons and tons of little event tweaks throughout the hack. I won't list out who did which one exactly though, unless asked further. Lord Envoy did all the major new battle script work for some bosses, but I got down on many as well. I had nothing to do with anything sprite related except in strange cases like the overworld mini maps, and flying esper Aurora. Did all the items and item descriptions. All the decisions and story stuff of course... So yeah, all the stuff that is not mentioned in the readme I will take the blame for.
Q. Are there plans on another really large update?
A. Yes, you can check out the current list of things here for what would be a v2.0:
Anybody got a Q for me? Please ask away!
14 January 2016 - 03:28 PM
14 January 2016 - 03:37 PM
BTB, on 14 January 2016 - 03:28 PM, said:
This is very true, and I'm sure Earthbound's food items played an integral role in going that route myself. I would have loved to hang out with those developers! Must have been some development process in their office, or apartment...
15 January 2016 - 02:42 PM
15 January 2016 - 03:03 PM
A Dummy, on 15 January 2016 - 02:42 PM, said:
Hahaha, for sure. The thought itself is good for a laugh every time. Since the last time you played though (I think) I got rid of/replaced Cheesburgers, so now it's pretty much all Pizza healing. I took them out because they just healed for so little (in-battle) after a short period of game progression and needed an item spot for something else. I hope to bring them back though someday when item expansion is a 'thing'.
17 February 2016 - 08:18 AM
17 February 2016 - 11:09 PM
AgJu, on 17 February 2016 - 08:18 AM, said:
I'm not too sure what's going on there for ya, but that's the common symptom of a wrongly patched ROM. You really need to know exactly which ROM you are patching to so you know which patch to apply. I can't really explain it better than I did in the patching info within the readme, so I'll pm you and 'help you' further.
11 February 2017 - 01:14 PM
11 February 2017 - 01:37 PM

So whichever you'd prefer. snes9x is the better of the two in terms of accuracy and sound. Zsnes manages to hide an issue of some monster graphics having chunks of their graphic removed for a second, due to hardware limitations of the SNES. But that doesn't happen too much anyway, just the really large monster sprites and some formations with 4 or more. But then again, zsnes has some issues of showing characters inside the dialog box during some scenes... and that looks really bad. So I'd say snes9x ftw.
02 March 2017 - 03:57 PM
03 March 2017 - 10:08 AM
12 March 2017 - 09:12 PM
13 March 2017 - 10:23 AM
13 March 2017 - 01:24 PM