19 October 2014 - 07:58 AM
19 October 2014 - 08:25 AM
Not to mention...the slowdown. It's not a bug it's a "feature" *cringe.*
19 October 2014 - 08:35 AM
Flying_Poodle, on 19 October 2014 - 08:25 AM, said:
Advent, on 19 October 2014 - 07:58 AM, said:
Edit: And Ludo is not a character from FFTA2 or WotL; he's a member of Insane Difficulty.
Luso is a character from FFTA2 and is in WotL.
This post has been edited by Advent: 19 October 2014 - 08:37 AM
19 October 2014 - 09:11 AM
With the slowdown fix and the current state of emulation, WOTL is a better experience in every way with the exception of the translation, which is up to the viewer. It's written in a sort of pseudo English sort of "accent" similar to what you would hear on ffxii. It's not as plain American English, but the story is more consistent and has far fewer translation errors (ie, correctly changes bracelet to breath. That was a horrible mistranslation). added to the story are occasional (and well done) cutscenes with voice acting.
You don't play the mods for the story though. In terms of content, everything from psx is in the game, with some added bonuses that affect both the game and mods, offering more built in battles and jobs to edit.
WOTL is widescreen, which fits today's monitors better. Contrary to some people's beliefs, the image is not simply stretched to fill the screen. It's absurd to me that this is the common misconception, but I've routinely switch back and forth. The drawing area is simply extended to fill the wider screen. With PPSSPP running the game in perfect , smooth pseudo high definition full screen out of the box with no setup required, it's a far more pleasurable experienceand far easier to get running when starting from scratch (epsxe requires you to locate bios files and a healthy dose of configuration in order to get started, and still leave you with empty black bars on the side)
On top of the ease of use and aesthetics, out of the box you get two new special units, balthier and Luso, and two new trainable jobs, the dark knight and the admittedly completely useless onion knight (due to hard coded limitations, you can't even make something good out of it). There are about a dozen new fights, including a handful of "meanwhile" type scrbes/battles with delita and ovelia, a bonus fight against the ghost of algus, separate fights to rescue Luso and balthier, and a whole new (difficult) chain leading into the opening of the deep dungeon.
And to top it all off, as of right now, through WOTL and only WOTL via PPSSPP, you can connect with a friend and either test each other's epeens in a battle to the death, or you can team up on special unique missions with unique rewards you can take back with you to the regular game. Something like 25-30 new pieces of equipment.
So, yeah, the sound is a little off and the translation is a little old English, but there's nothing missing from the original. There's just like 10% more game, better aesthetics, and easier setup. Run great on any of today's smartphones out if the box as well
19 October 2014 - 09:21 AM
DrBretto, on 19 October 2014 - 09:11 AM, said:
I've played it, and I maintain that its translation is in many ways actually worse than the original.
Comparing Vanilla WotL to Vanilla FFT is like comparing vomit to fecal matter; both are broken as hell. Yes, that's a really harsh analogy, but it was the first one that came to mind and I'm too lazy to sit here and think of a better one.
That being said, I was just ragging on it. I fully intend to devote my time to it once Tides of Fate is released.

Edit: And smartphone gaming is a cancer unless you're using something at least as large as one of the Galaxy Notes, or you have tiny hands.
I have sasquatch hands, so there's really not much for me to enjoy.
This post has been edited by Advent: 19 October 2014 - 09:23 AM
19 October 2014 - 09:22 AM
19 October 2014 - 09:27 AM
Advent, on 19 October 2014 - 09:21 AM, said:
Comparing Vanilla WotL to Vanilla FFT is like comparing vomit to fecal matter; both are broken as hell. Yes, that's a really harsh analogy, but it was the first one that came to mind and I'm too lazy to sit here and think of a better one.
That being said, I was just ragging on it. I fully intend to devote my time to it once Tides of Fate is released.

Oh, I know you're raggin on it . I just stepped in because someone not necessarily from these parts could take that as a legitimate damning of their efforts. The update, on the whole, has far more plusses than minuses in my opinion.
Don't get me wrong, while I prefer the new translation(it really helps to just read it with a brittish like accent) I'm not saying a talented wordsmith with a text editor couldn't do better, but the original was brilliant it was so terrible. I do find that the story makes FAR more narrative sense with the new translation, especially with the added scenes that fill in a lot of blanks in regards to delita and wiegraf's side stories and the events that lead them to what in the original appeared to be dramatic changes off screen
19 October 2014 - 09:47 AM
DrBretto, on 19 October 2014 - 09:22 AM, said:
Ohh, don't you worry. Once the initial release of "Tides" is... released, I plan on getting my head stuck into learning ASM and sorting that out. I thought of some other stuff ability-wise that'd be cool, but probably not worthwhile for a difficulty mod (like "traditional" reflect aka Magic Hamedo, essentially) but my main focus ASM wise would be fixing OK levels 1-7 to gain experience and equip skills (level 8 would still be enemy-only as it's classed as a separate job) and removing the kill prereqs from the DK (of course, ideally, it'd be really sweet to edit FFTP so as such things could be "ticky-boxes" on the Jobs tab so it'd be really simple for anyone to do for their own personal mod.) Would like to change Phoenix Down to not insta-kill undead as well, though. BIIIIG priority, ASM-wise.
I'd also vaguely considered looking into the possibility of sound restoration so that lightning-based magic would sound mighty and people dying would actually sound like the anguished screams of tortured souls, tragically left crushed, discarded and defeated with no-one to mourn them... rather than, y'know, a failed Chewbacca impersonator's Sunday-morning hangover attempt. (Raar...)
On the topic of the translation, I've been informed by someone more talented than me that event editing is, in fact, possible for WotL, so... yeah
Like I said, this is all a VERY long ways off, but thoughts have been going round in my head, while I've been dealing with computer issues (and many other issues, which are FAR, FAR more urgent and potentially catastrophic if un-checked.)
19 October 2014 - 09:57 AM
19 October 2014 - 05:34 PM
I don't know if anyone but me cares, but since I so rarely get to complain about this I thought I'd let it out. Thanks for listening.

19 October 2014 - 05:47 PM
19 October 2014 - 06:08 PM
Bishop, on 19 October 2014 - 05:34 PM, said:
I don't know if anyone but me cares, but since I so rarely get to complain about this I thought I'd let it out. Thanks for listening.

To sorta expand on this (which I don't need to, because what I have to say doesn't even compare to your dissection of the translation), my issue is when they converted things that DIDN'T need to be converted and ended up making it a lot worse. Character names were by far the worse of this (Argath *cringe*) but the location names were pretty horrid as well, among other things.
19 October 2014 - 06:37 PM
DrBretto, on 19 October 2014 - 09:27 AM, said:
Th translation is bad enough IMO to make the entire game unplayable.
19 October 2014 - 06:45 PM
Bishop, on 19 October 2014 - 05:34 PM, said:

My least favourite part of the pseudo-Shakespearean was that Shakespeare wrote beautifully by using the English language to its fullest, full of prose, foreshadowing, metaphor, allusion, etc. The WOTL translation just attempts to mimic it by adopting the modern cliches of the words themselves, rather than the literary style.
It would be like translating the dialogue into Greek and saying that it's in the style of the Iliad, but without writing it in dactylic hexameter.
19 October 2014 - 11:57 PM
Can't do much about world map editing for the location names, unfortunately, though I only really remember "Zigolis - Tchigolith" being irritating to me. And yes, I know someone's going to mention ZOMG ZEIRCHELE FALLS and "Sweegy Wood - Siedge Weald." Meh.
I hate hate hate, hate hate hate hate hate hate, hate hate. Hate. HATE. FOLMARV. [/Kefka]
Most of the other names I can deal with, though I'm sorely tempted to get Orlandu back, rather than Orlandeau...
I mean, Isilud can still be pronounced EXACTLY the same as Izlude depending on accent/ dialect, so meh. Round here, at least, you'd be pronouncing it the same, and I honestly see nothing wrong with Rafa/Malak being Rapha/ Marach. Maybe that's just me, though?
I remember having this conversation with Doc and Stann aaaaaaaaaaages ago in Chat about the localization, so I'll paraphrase it here: I'm glad to more clearly understand the plot of FFT, but I've no emotional connection to Ramza in WotL, nor do I have as strong a connection to Delita than I did back in the PSX days. THAT's my issue with WotL and THAT's what my script change aims to remedy.
20 October 2014 - 07:46 AM
Bishop, on 19 October 2014 - 05:34 PM, said:
I don't know if anyone but me cares, but since I so rarely get to complain about this I thought I'd let it out. Thanks for listening.

I serendipitously came into the answer on how the translation is so bad some time ago: shitty managers. While PSX version was chock full of Engrish, changing literally everything is an overcorrection, by probably an executive order somewhere along the line.
The speech isn't so bad (ill-fitting at times, perhaps)... but the names of the characters and places are just awful.
The one thing I had really wish the PSP team had done was slightly fix the "Golgorand" name. It's certainly a reference that compares Ajora to Jesus (or a one-off Jesus, at least), as "Golgotha" is the site of the crucifixion. Instead we got "Golgollada Gallows", which is equally as Engrish with no significant improvement. QQ.