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- Last Active:
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- Member Title:
- Novice
- Age:
- 23 years old
- Birthday:
- June 7, 1993
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Topics I've Started
Dawnbomb on Chat Moderation
05 March 2017 - 09:57 AM
This is a message to all people within insane difficulty. every single one of you. (from Dawnbomb)
I have been treated insanely unfairly, and its not funny. i have been repeatedly had my name changed to offensive and inappropriate names over and over again day after day after day. despite asking moderators / administrators over and over to stop, they refused. and when i tried to reach out, i was banned for speaking my mind, not rudely, not with a cynical or entitled tone, just trying to contact whoever i needed to to make it stop. i don't know who the owner of the insane difficulty server is, but this is completely unacceptable of your moderators, and if it was you yourself, you should feel an extreme shame towards your fan base for either doing, or allowing such conduct.
I didn't just love insane difficulty, i recommended it to my friends, and many times over got people to enjoy the mods/hacks that were available on the site. i don't know who banned me, or who repeatedly changed by name, but i hope that some people are removed permanently from the staff. this is completely unacceptable. it says right in the rules SFW, changing me to micro penis is clearly not only rule breaking, but complete and total 3 year old mentality, among the other slew of name changes. i understand communities make their own rules, but this is hardly how any community should operate.
i don't care that this message can be seen by every single random passer by to insane difficulty. this treatment is completely unacceptable. if it needs to be a warning to others to not speak out, or to just stop recommending the site, and leave the community, then so be it. i don't care any more then the seconds it took for whatever hell bent bully moderators to ban me for speaking out against this.
at this point i've been banned from the discord, and i'll shortly be banned from the forums as well to make sure this message can't spread, but i hope that at least this will prevent some further unfair treatment to other members of the community, even if im being banned / exiled / treated like a immature villan for speaking out against this. at the very least i will know full well, that without an absolute doubt, i did not deserve the treatment i received.
In making this post, i have complied fully with the forum rules.
i don't know why they felt so compelled to refuse me to simply be left alone and have my normal name, i don't know why they felt so compelled that rather then leaving me alone, they needed to ban me rather then let me have a normal name, but again, even tho this message will probably be up only minutes before i am banned from the forums despite completely complying with the rules, i hope this reaches the eyes or ears of someone who can do something about the staff.
if anyone wishes to contact me, make sure not to refresh this page (as i can't imagine this post not getting removed to prevent the spread of information), open a new tab to continue browsing as this will defiantly be taken down. my skype is dawn.bomb1 and my discord is dawnbomb#3408 -
job requirements and content?
26 October 2016 - 02:26 PM
first, is there any list of all the new job requirements anywhere? experimenting kinda sucks.
second, is there a list of noteworthy content? like super bosses to go whoop, new hidden characters to recruit, hidden abilities, hidden conditional fights, ect?
also, if the final boss the 'superest' boss, or are their worse ones to be discovered?
downloaded it the other night never having played FFT before, looking to do all there is to be done. never played lion war either so hopefully zodiac isn't TO important to building a team around :S
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