Minecraft got a pretty decent Linux user base, so it's pretty weird they didn't make their Launcher cross platform to begin with, to be honest.
Just posting this "guide", it isn't prettied up for everyone's eyes. I figured it might be helpful to some. It can probably be written up in a lot less "socially awkward" way and also simplified. It is what it is! Using Project Ozone 2 as an example, probably works with any Curse modpack. I might come back and re-write it if I feel like it later.
ITC="in this case"
- Download MultiMC tar.gz, unzip to preferred folder (~/progs/multimc $ITC)
- Download/clone https://github.com/p...curseDownloader (~/git/curseDownloader $ITC)
- Check the git page for dependencies
- Download Curse modpack of choice (Project Ozone 2 in this case), unzip wherever (~/progs/tmp $ITC)
- Check MineCraft/Forge version. Rec. command: $ head ~/progs/tmp/manifest.json
- Start up and prepare MultiMC -- ~/progs/multimc/MultiMC
- Right click, choose "Create instance"
- Set name and Minecraft version (ref. pt. 4) for instance (PO2 2.2.4 and 1.7.10 $ITC), press "OK"
- Right-click on the newly created instance, choose "Edit instance"
- Click "Install Forge" and pick version (ref. pt. 4)
- Right click, choose "Create instance"
- Copy manifest.json to '~/progs/multimc/instances/PO2 2.2.4/'
- From the curseDownloader folder, run: $ python3.4 downloader.py
- In the gui, browse to '~/progs/multimc/instances/PO2 2.2.4/manifest.json' and start download
- You may have to clear the cache if you've done this before and you are doing this on a new instance: $ rm -r ~/.cache/cursePackDownloader/curseCache/*
- In the gui, browse to '~/progs/multimc/instances/PO2 2.2.4/manifest.json' and start download
- Copy the CONTENT of ~/progs/tmp/overrides to the minecraft instance: $ cp -r ~/progs/tmp/overrides/* '~/progs/multimc/instances/PO2 2.2.4/minecraft'
Hopefully this works outside of this particular workstation.

PS. It's probably better to use "$ apt-get install multimc" instead of just unzipping the tar.gz, but that's how I rolled this time around.