Hi Vanish! First off, stellar work! I was really looking for a blast from the past and your patch did just the trick! I started playing yesterday and I've been really into it!
First question: Is there a spot where I can view a list of all the changes to the game? I can see the ones from the latest patch, but none of the earlier ones. I kinda flew through the game and want to make sure I didn't miss any cool changes or anything.
Second question(s): I've gotten a second fallen venus from the mimic in the crossbone isle, is that a mistake or is it there for a reason? Also, I cannot get past the Mercury Souls&Spirit, and it would appear so because I am one unlucky bastard. The Souls make their moves in a pattern and (also, I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen because it would easily exploitable IF...) the Spirit uses Spritz at least once every other turn, sometimes even twice in one turn. What are the odds Spritz is the chosen move? I eventually get my damage reducer stunned and then my whole party gets wiped out, naturally.
New to forum, couple questions
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29 August 2014 - 08:45 PM
While I don't have a clue about this mod in particular, I'll say welcome to you sir to ID. Have fun with these nerdy (in a good way) forums, I hope you enjoy your stay.
While I don't have a clue about this mod in particular, I'll say welcome to you sir to ID. Have fun with these nerdy (in a good way) forums, I hope you enjoy your stay.
29 August 2014 - 10:10 PM
jerriko, on 29 August 2014 - 07:12 PM, said:
First question: Is there a spot where I can view a list of all the changes to the game? I can see the ones from the latest patch, but none of the earlier ones. I kinda flew through the game and want to make sure I didn't miss any cool changes or anything.
Not quite sure.
jerriko, on 29 August 2014 - 07:12 PM, said:
Second question(s): I've gotten a second fallen venus from the mimic in the crossbone isle, is that a mistake or is it there for a reason?
I think it's there just in case you lost the first one. I'm not too sure.
jerriko, on 29 August 2014 - 07:12 PM, said:
The Souls make their moves in a pattern and (also, I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen because it would easily exploitable IF...) the Spirit uses Spritz at least once every other turn, sometimes even twice in one turn. What are the odds Spritz is the chosen move? I eventually get my damage reducer stunned and then my whole party gets wiped out, naturally.
There is no set pattern for enemies in Golden Sun, it's strictly RNG.
From a quick look in the editor, her attacks are as follows:
Spoiler tagged just in case.
Also, welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy your stay.
29 August 2014 - 10:24 PM
jerriko, on 29 August 2014 - 07:12 PM, said:
Hi Vanish! First off, stellar work! I was really looking for a blast from the past and your patch did just the trick! I started playing yesterday and I've been really into it!
First question: Is there a spot where I can view a list of all the changes to the game? I can see the ones from the latest patch, but none of the earlier ones. I kinda flew through the game and want to make sure I didn't miss any cool changes or anything.
First question: Is there a spot where I can view a list of all the changes to the game? I can see the ones from the latest patch, but none of the earlier ones. I kinda flew through the game and want to make sure I didn't miss any cool changes or anything.
Welcome to ID I am in the process of writing an in depth wiki for Fallen Star, Fallen Star EX (Extra) and Risen Star. I am doing all of this by myself so it will take some time before it is fully finished. I think there are some old topics with change lists and such however I will try to write a detail list of all the changes in the wiki. I made over 2000 edits to enemies alone so again it will take some time. Here is a link to the Mod's Wiki so keep an eye on this, FS Wiki.
jerriko, on 29 August 2014 - 07:12 PM, said:
Second question(s): I've gotten a second fallen venus from the mimic in the crossbone isle, is that a mistake or is it there for a reason? Also, I cannot get past the Mercury Souls&Spirit, and it would appear so because I am one unlucky bastard. The Souls make their moves in a pattern and (also, I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen because it would easily exploitable IF...) the Spirit uses Spritz at least once every other turn, sometimes even twice in one turn. What are the odds Spritz is the chosen move? I eventually get my damage reducer stunned and then my whole party gets wiped out, naturally.
Patterns can be set up based on what you do each turn and how you navigate menus. I believe in my testing it was possible to force RNG loops that were easy to predict. Mercury is one of the hardest because of the amount of statuses that can be thrown at you. It can be a bit frustrating but some solid strats include bringing items like Nuts which function as heals and elixers. these are perfect for when you get stunned or sealed. Then bring Mystic Waters as they heal 30% HP. Try to get someone with double turns and you should be good. Double turns isn't needed to win but can make things a bit more manageable. Don't worry about missing anything I made sure there was a chance of getting missable items in the second game as well.
As for the Second Venus stone I left that in as a mistake. It was put there as a quick fix for someone who missed the item due to me forgetting to set it to be dropped. So it really is just a remnant of one of my "quick-fix" patches.
If you have anymore questions or such let me know.
30 August 2014 - 08:49 AM
Vanish Mantle, on 29 August 2014 - 10:24 PM, said:
Welcome to ID I am in the process of writing an in depth wiki for Fallen Star, Fallen Star EX (Extra) and Risen Star. I am doing all of this by myself so it will take some time before it is fully finished. I think there are some old topics with change lists and such however I will try to write a detail list of all the changes in the wiki. I made over 2000 edits to enemies alone so again it will take some time. Here is a link to the Mod's Wiki so keep an eye on this, FS Wiki.
Patterns can be set up based on what you do each turn and how you navigate menus. I believe in my testing it was possible to force RNG loops that were easy to predict. Mercury is one of the hardest because of the amount of statuses that can be thrown at you. It can be a bit frustrating but some solid strats include bringing items like Nuts which function as heals and elixers. these are perfect for when you get stunned or sealed. Then bring Mystic Waters as they heal 30% HP. Try to get someone with double turns and you should be good. Double turns isn't needed to win but can make things a bit more manageable. Don't worry about missing anything I made sure there was a chance of getting missable items in the second game as well.
As for the Second Venus stone I left that in as a mistake. It was put there as a quick fix for someone who missed the item due to me forgetting to set it to be dropped. So it really is just a remnant of one of my "quick-fix" patches.
If you have anymore questions or such let me know.
Patterns can be set up based on what you do each turn and how you navigate menus. I believe in my testing it was possible to force RNG loops that were easy to predict. Mercury is one of the hardest because of the amount of statuses that can be thrown at you. It can be a bit frustrating but some solid strats include bringing items like Nuts which function as heals and elixers. these are perfect for when you get stunned or sealed. Then bring Mystic Waters as they heal 30% HP. Try to get someone with double turns and you should be good. Double turns isn't needed to win but can make things a bit more manageable. Don't worry about missing anything I made sure there was a chance of getting missable items in the second game as well.
As for the Second Venus stone I left that in as a mistake. It was put there as a quick fix for someone who missed the item due to me forgetting to set it to be dropped. So it really is just a remnant of one of my "quick-fix" patches.
If you have anymore questions or such let me know.
Thanks a bunch! I managed to get by pretty smoothly after leveling to 50 haha.
One more thing, the genji gauntlets equip as boots for me, idk if anyone else has had this problem.
30 August 2014 - 11:20 AM
jerriko, on 30 August 2014 - 08:49 AM, said:
Thanks a bunch! I managed to get by pretty smoothly after leveling to 50 haha.
One more thing, the genji gauntlets equip as boots for me, idk if anyone else has had this problem.
One more thing, the genji gauntlets equip as boots for me, idk if anyone else has had this problem.
That was actually intentional to mimic the FFT style of equips which is where the items origins are from. i wanted to give a shoutout to my favorite game off all time so I put in a set of items that are known in the game. It also prevents some broken setups in RS and FS as the items are already really good by theirself and even more so with other boot items. Hopefully that answers your question.
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