A new update for War of The Lions 1.3 by DrBretto has arrived.
Give your feedback in the WOTL 1.3 board.
-absolutely no text edits were made, sorry. I don't have time and/or patience right now.
-Simon reverted his sex change operation and got fat again
-Marach is now correctly "dead" on the roof of Riovannes
-Arise animation reverted for speed
-Cloud can once again properly wield knight swords (including Materia Blade)
-Controllable enemy chocobo in Mandalia is no longer enamored with Ramza
-Uber-mime guest in Mandalia random is now just a regular mime (for getting people to not be afraid of mimes)
-Random mandalia geomancers have been downgraded back to squires (that was never intended to go live)
-Ice Bow now correctly casts ice breath
-Mosfungus Bomb set to 0% learn rate to make the saving of mustadio mathematically possible (he prioritized the ability too high and would run into battle). This also will effectively remove mosfungus bomb from Algus @ zeakden

-The pspOK/Time Mages in the gallows have had their relative levels increased by 5. One of them has golem. Good luck, motherfuckers!
-Names have not been changed, but vertical jump 8 is now infinite vertical and horizontal 8 is now really 6.
-change heretic sword animation to ultima lvl 1 in hopes that it will stop the crashing bug (untested, let me know)
-No idea what's causing Altima's master teleportation to crash the game since I did nothing to it, but I went through and changed all units that used master teleportation to regular teleport and increased their move stat to infinite. Let me know if this works, too.
-Fixed worker 8's energize (or whatever it's called now)
-Engineer in collier that was dual wielding moon blades now weilding iga/koga
-Javelin 2 now has 25% chance to cast zodiak
-beatdown *should* work properly now
-most battles mentioned in the bug report thread have been fixed (except finath river sprite issues. I don't have time for that right now and it's not critical)
-Hunting Bow is now "Lava bolt crossbow" (though you can't tell by looking at it yet)
--10 dmg, fire elemental, procs magma surge. Could be subject to future nerfage, let me know what you all think about it
-To counter the unfixable 100% kills with phoenix downs, natively undead units have the following changes (undead status cast by your party is unchanged) :
--Natively undead units will revive themselves 100% of the time.
--Their speed multipliers have been increased 200-250%...
--...but they have innate slow and are immune to haste.
--This will allow undead units to be a little faster than they were in battle (something between hasted and not hasted), but their death counter will resolve very quickly. Bring mustadio, Beowulf and/or oracles
-Agrias speed growth increased slightly, added raise and esuna to skillset.
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