NT Content & Features: Requests, Suggestions, & Bug Reports
06 June 2015 - 07:49 PM
This thread is for reporting any problems you encounter with NT's features and content, and also for providing any feedback, suggestions for improvements, or requests if you have a good idea for something that would fit into the mod. But got a couple of things to consider before posting:
\\Requests & Suggestions//
Before making a request, consider the following:
-) Consider Scope: This applies to two things; first of all, try to keep requests within the realm of reason. I don't mind people asking for too much though, so don't worry about that, it's just that I won't be able to find the time to implement it if there's too much work involved.
Second, the mod has a certain 'design focus' that it adheres to; this means that it tries not to change the game's story too much so we're avoiding stuff that's too overly story-driven or which buggers up the plot.
...Aeris revival? Never heard of it!
-) Be specific: Brevity may be the soul of wit, but it's great for getting things done much faster too. The more exact you can be when pin-pointing a problem in a feature, or for proposing a new piece of content, then the more precise I can be with improving/implementing it.
That's about it.
\\Bug Reports//
There's lots of different kinds of bugs, and they can have some unpredictable effects on the game. 99% of the time, I've been able to diagnose a sort out a bug fairly soon after it's appeared and hopefully that can continue. However, there's a few things you can do when reporting a bug/glitch that'll make this process easier/faster:
-) Report the type of crash (if applicable)
If the game bugged out, then the type of crash can help me determine the cause. If the game freezes and quites to desktop, displaying an error message, then it's a Hard-Crash. If instead the game just prevents you from moving/taking action but otherwise seems to be behaving normally then it's a Soft-Lock. Both are caused by different things, and let me get to the heart of the problem faster.
-) Mention what you were doing, when, and where
The more information I have, the faster I can fix a bug. Letting me know which which NPC you talked to and where you are in the story can let me pin-point the cause more efficiently. Even if you don't know the name of the location or NPC, or which exact part of the story you're at, just throw in some kind of description like what they looked like or what important story event you did last (for instance, clearing Temple of the Ancients or visiting the Underwater Reactor); I can figure out the rest from there.
10 June 2015 - 05:54 PM
I was told through YT about a strange problem that can occur on Floor 59 of the Shinra Tower when using the Save Point there. If using it, the keycard usually dropped by the guards after defeating them isn't present. It can apparently be fixed by leaving the area and then returning, but be wary about touching this Save Point on Floor 59 for the time-being until I've fixed it.
18 June 2015 - 06:26 PM
Finished the fight with Plasmabuster, and went through the cutscenes and everything just fine. Woke up in Aeriths' bed the next morning, and went to leave. Picked her up before entering the Sector 6 area. Found out the enemies really hurt, especially the hell house. So I went back to rest at Aeriths' house, then the game gave me a black screen and I think "soft locked" is how you refer to it.
Pushing buttons does nothing, so I had to restart the game to get it to work again.
18 June 2015 - 07:13 PM
Moving forward to where I'm at Wall Market. Talked with the old man to make the dress, got the Digestive at the pharmacy, and was staying the night at the Inn to use the vending machine. Selected the 200gil option one, and after that the music plays, then stays on a black screen.
This time, I was able to talk with the innkeeper and everything looked normal, so I attempted to leave the inn. Made it outside, and everything came back on screen and seems to be working just fine.
18 June 2015 - 07:52 PM
After being knocked into the sewers, I talked with Tifa then saved my game. Talked with Aerith and she stood up. The game then was stuck in a loop where the only options were to check on both girls to make sure they were OK. The scene after didn't happen. It's probably a flag or something in the system that needs to be checked.
Was fixed by reloading the saved game from the sewer. It then spits you out as if you were just leaving Corneo's mansion.
18 June 2015 - 08:54 PM
Before climbing the tower to save Barret, I talked with Shin-RA guard and woman on the right. The conversation as follows.
"L, look...This is my job, so I have to be here until the absolute last minute."
"Mmm... I just LOVE men with a sense of duty. Let me stay here with you. "
"Ah...eh...uhm. Excuse me. You cannot pass without the proper clearance."
"Did I do good this time? "
"You gotta be tougher!"
"But, uh, I..."
I think the dialog from when you speak with the guard prior to boarding the train for the second mission and the dialog here is overlapping.
18 June 2015 - 09:50 PM
The cutscene after climbing the golden shiny wire of hope, before entering the Shin-Ra building, Cloud doesn't have his sword.
19 June 2015 - 03:25 PM
After doing the first Fort Condor battle, was running around in the forest before Junon to grind for a little bit. Instead of running into Yuffie, I ran into a wild Red XIII. The only problem being, you can't target him with any attacks, items, spells, or limits. He can attack you though. The only way to continue is to escape.
19 June 2015 - 05:42 PM
While running along the train tracks on the way to Corel, you normally have the "falling through the tracks scene". It seems to be absent, as you pause for a bit after, and can keep walking after hitting the "OK" button. Also, you don't really "jump" over the gaps in the tracks anymore, you just walk over them, like they aren't even there.
Not sure if this is intentional or not, but doesn't affect gameplay.
19 June 2015 - 10:39 PM
Just made it to Nibelheim, and inside Tifa's house, on the second floor in her room, Tifa is standing there. She doesn't move, and you can't interact with her. She's there even if she is currently in your party. Also,
*Sound Glitch*
If you attempt to play the piano, and select the option "I forgot" to show the corresponding keys on screen, no sound plays. If you select "I remember", you can play and hear the piano normally.
20 June 2015 - 06:59 AM
Edit: I've fixed the majority of these and they'll be present in the next patch, but one thing I'm having trouble pin-pointing is how a Mystery Ninja encounter (the Red XIII fight you found in Junon's forests) was able to trigger when Yuffie has already been recruited. All the needed variables, battle AI switches, etc. are in the files, so something must be missing. I'll need to see if the Qhimm community can shed some light on it, otherwise I'll need to come up with some kind of work-around.
[Aerith's House]
Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, this is likely the same thing as the Wall Market Inn problem. Should be easy to fix. I'll check enemy strength in the area too.
[Wall Market Inn]
That might be something to do with the weather variable I added in, but there was initially a problem with it that would cause the screen to not wait for fade-out properly (causing a black screen). I likely missed this one because there's no actual weather effects applied below the Midgar Plate; I'll make the correction to the script here.
[Sewers Loop]
Some of the save points don't have a jump to properly close down their looping script, which interferes with Cloud's other scripts so long as it's running. I'm going through the flevel at the moment to correct each one. Reloading the save should fix it; it's the same problem to the one in Shinr aTower F59.
[Sector 7 Pillar - Text Error]
That's a weird one, but I'm wondering if it's maybe related to the Save Point again. Some of the scripts it uses are stored in the NPCs present on the field screen. I'll check him out.
[Cloud's Missing Sword]
At some point, Cloud's field model lost it's buster sword for some reason. What I think happened was that I updated his other six or so field models to use the new one, and the sword part got lost during the process somehow. It's something I'm planning on fixing for 1.35.
[Red XIII Forest Encounter]
That's quite strange, I thought Yuffie encounters would stop once she was recruited but there might be another variable somewhere that's needed. I'll re-examine the default Mystery Ninja fight + recruitment event and add what's needed. I'll also discreetly add these triggers discreetly to several other points in the game temporarily so that pre-existing save files can correct the issue.
[Corel Tracks]
That's the save point interfering again; Cloud's scripts are being overridden by the looping one used by the save point. I'm going through all the save points again to add the extra jump + label they need to properly close down the script.
[Nibelheim: Tifa's House]
There's some modified script here to handle a Lv.4 Sidequest here later on in the game, but there must be a flaw in it for Tifa's field model to appear. As for the sound, I'll have a look at that. I've maybe knocked something out of joint there.
21 June 2015 - 04:31 AM
Due to a colossal fuck up, I forgot to remove two debug lines I was using to test the positioning of characters for the last sequence of the game. Talking to the technician in the Chocobo Pen of the Highwind will teleport you to the end of the game, altering your game moment/progress value to 1999. It'll be removed following the next patch, which will also correct the listed bugs.
On the Yuffie front, I started digging around the save-map and found a variable which appears to be used for Mystery Ninja encounters. Apparently, changing the value of this byte prevents the encounters from appearing so I'm thinking that the game has some kind of trigger for it that's stored on the World Map script, rather than the field script (which we can't see/edit with a tool as of yet). I can add this variable trigger to the field, though, once I've gotten the game to tell me what value it's been set to in save-games that have recruited Yuffie normally, so after I've ran some tests this should hopefully prevent wild Red XIIIs from roaming the forests of the world :I
The fix will be discreetly added to several moments in the game, usually before an area where Mystery Ninja forests can be found, and in places that are unskippable. This is so players who have already gone past the Yuffie Recruitment event can also get rid of their Red XIII infestation.
24 June 2015 - 08:15 PM
Just discovered FF7 mods and giving this a try as my first. Love it so far.
A few small bugs I encountered (haven't tested repeatability, I might this afternoon).
*Replaying intro Movie* - Minor
When I left the starting location (train station) up the stairs to then next screen, I accidentally ran back again to the train station. This appeared to re-trigger the opening movie (floating lights etc) Although I couldnt see my character or the train station, I was able to run back up the stairs still by pressing left. The intro video disappeared and I was able to continue on, however I could still hear the opening movie sound playing. I ran back down again and the video continued (it might have started it running a second time on top of the first?). I could 'exit' the movie again and I continued on with the story (athough I was lagging for the duration of the intro video music playing).
Not a game ruining issue, but I assume its to do with when the intro movie triggers. I am playing on the steam version.
*Bomb timer disappearing* - Minor
After defeating the first boss in the reactor, I went and used the save point. I remember noticing that the timer was moved towards the bottom of the screen as all the additional save popups appeared. After I saved and returned to the game, the timer had disappeared. When it entered the next screen it reappeared. Not really an issue in this situation, but may be later if there are other times and save points.
Thanks again for all your work.
24 June 2015 - 10:41 PM
Catzyshii, on 24 June 2015 - 08:15 PM, said:
Just discovered FF7 mods and giving this a try as my first. Love it so far.
A few small bugs I encountered (haven't tested repeatability, I might this afternoon).
*Replaying intro Movie* - Minor
When I left the starting location (train station) up the stairs to then next screen, I accidentally ran back again to the train station. This appeared to re-trigger the opening movie (floating lights etc) Although I couldnt see my character or the train station, I was able to run back up the stairs still by pressing left. The intro video disappeared and I was able to continue on, however I could still hear the opening movie sound playing. I ran back down again and the video continued (it might have started it running a second time on top of the first?). I could 'exit' the movie again and I continued on with the story (athough I was lagging for the duration of the intro video music playing).
Not a game ruining issue, but I assume its to do with when the intro movie triggers. I am playing on the steam version.
*Bomb timer disappearing* - Minor
After defeating the first boss in the reactor, I went and used the save point. I remember noticing that the timer was moved towards the bottom of the screen as all the additional save popups appeared. After I saved and returned to the game, the timer had disappeared. When it entered the next screen it reappeared. Not really an issue in this situation, but may be later if there are other times and save points.
Thanks again for all your work.
Yeah, the bomb timer is tricky because I think the game can only display four text boxes at any given time. In the current build I'm working on, the save point vanishes when it's time to escape the Reactor...but what I'll probably do is put regular save points into the first Reactor and then have them start to appear from Sector 7 onwards.
As for the FMV playing again, that's a new one on me. I'll have a wee look and make sure to set it up so that the intro can't be triggered again.
25 June 2015 - 06:15 PM
When raiding the 1st trash can in Train Graveyard: "Received Echo Screen"
During Marlene's reunion with Barret, she says:
"your whiskers hur
When cashing in the coupons in Shinra HQ: "Received 'Four Slot'! "
(These were using the Steam version, if it matters.)
This mod is amazing, btw. I've been thinking for months about modding FF7 for faster gameplay and cutscene skips, and this obsoletes my idea and has me rolling from all the references. Just got Yuffie and that was quite an entrance! I take it I won't be able to date her if I can't repeat that scene ad nauseum...
By the way, not that I've gotten any yet but have you considered making faster summons? Theatrhythm did a really impressive job of shortening KOTR...
25 June 2015 - 06:32 PM
Time/SpaceMage, on 25 June 2015 - 06:15 PM, said:
I've asked him many times to replace the summon animations with clips of Samuel L Jackson from Pulp Fiction to no avail.
25 June 2015 - 06:36 PM
25 June 2015 - 09:00 PM
Oh and while I'm at it, there were a few instances of comma splice errors. They aren't as noticeable, but they irk us grammar police
26 June 2015 - 10:57 AM
Time/SpaceMage, on 25 June 2015 - 09:00 PM, said:
Oh and while I'm at it, there were a few instances of comma splice errors. They aren't as noticeable, but they irk us grammar police
I'll just fix them now; it only takes a second or two. I think the Whiskers line problem is caused by the text box being too small. I had been re-sizing them with an old version of the Makou tool, but it turns out it's not too precise with it's auto-sizing (the new version corrects this from the look of it). I'll have all of them patched up soon enough, once the 1.35 update to battles is done.
As for comma splices, etc. just let me know which line it is and I can have a shot at getting rid of it. Just mind that the localisation for this game is rife with errors and I'm given to producing a comma splice or three when I'm in the mood.
No worries about the Date scene; I adjusted it so that all characters start at 0 points to make it a much more even race. You won't need to wage a campaign of abuse against Tifa & Aeris to get the Yuffie or Barret date now

As for quicker summon animations, I asked about that on the Qhimm Forums a long time back to help ease a challenge run I was doing of Gjoerulv's Hardcore mod. The discussion made it sound like it was very possible to do...but then petered out before anything was actually produced for it, I'm afraid :I