The name is Ronaldo (Nope, I'm not kidding), twenty years old from Venezuela. If someone ask me for a word to describe my entire life, the one would be "peculiar": I'm the younger of four brothers, both my parents are born in Colombia, but they came to this country at young age, so the're basically from here.
If it wasn't obvious, English is not my first language (not that I excells at Spanish either since I got linguistic problems and I can't pronounce the "r" properly....). I'm a HUGE fan of animes like Digimon (fuck Pokemon, at least these protagonists grow and have some kind of characterization and Sora Takenouchi is my waifu

My life also consist of sports like basketball,soccer, whatever the hell has to do with running, and of course,Videogames: RPG's were something I got to love at my twelve years: got a PSX and grow fond of Final Fantasy VI (Yeah, the PSX version sucks, but the story was great). I like strats, action bullet and adventure games (Crash Bandicoot was without a doubt, the only serie that bring up all three together)
Finally, since I not lose something, here is my face: