Hack Fan
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FFT 1.3 "Content" Trifecta Challenge
14 July 2016 - 11:49 PM
Huzzah! I'm finally back, and with a new LP as well. I'm finally doing the challenge run I've wanted to do since my TDD finished. I call it the Trifecta challenge (I needed a name and that seemed to fit *shrugs*). The rules are pretty much the same as a double dare challenge except instead of having 2 units with 2 jobs each, you have 3 units with 3 jobs each. I'm using the same level caps as TDD so no higher than 20 in chapter 1, 35 in chapter 2, 50 in chapter 3, 70 in chapter 4, and max and the end game. I'm doing this challenge on but I removed the level scaling so that it's more like Content. Difficulty wise it's harder than content but easier than regular 1.3. Anywho, onward to the classes I chose and why.
Ramza (Leo) White Mage/Time Mage/Sage
This combination of jobs is originally what inspired this run. White mage is already the best class in the game. Adding short charge from time mage to it will solve the problem of holy being to slow in the end game. Time mage and sage have access to AoE spells as well so this combination will be very powerful and potent. I chose Leo because I wanted either neutral or good compat with any assassination solo fights. Aside from Zalmo all compats are neutral this way.
Randolf (Generic male Sagittarius) Thief/Monk/Marksman
This was a hard combination to make because there were a lot of contenders for what jobs to choose. Ninja and knight were highly considered but ninja seemed like it would make things too easy with double fisting people and I wanted to use different jobs from my TDD as much as possible so I decided to take out knight for marksman. Monk with concentrate is a powerful combo. Poaching is too important to give up and stealing equipment from enemies can give me things I couldn't get any other way as well as removing a threat. Sag makes him bad compat with wiegraf/velius and elmdor/zalera but he will more than likely be doing clean up of the other units that aren't the main boss so there shouldn't be a problem. Having someone that takes less damage in long fights is good as well.
Celfina (Generic female Aries) Summoner/Oracle/Samurai
These jobs give access to powerful combos such as two hand with a stick for big damage. I mostly just wanted to try jobs I don't us that much and these are all jobs I have little experience with. Having lots of status effects is nice and AoE from summoner and samurai is a very welcome addition. Like ramza, she will have neutral compat with most of the bosses. The only exception that worries me is bad compat with rofel.
I'm really hoping I can get through the entire game. With my white mage SCC getting to altima 2 and TDD getting to kletien, I'm a bit frustrated with getting to the end just to fail. Regardless, I'm sure it will be really fun to try. I should have videos by friday or saturday.
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