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In Topic: Problems with the Veldt
3 days ago
Huh. Wasn't there a guide to rage availability in an older version of the Printme? Was going to copy/paste from that but I can't find it in the 1.8.4 or 1.8.5 stuff. Either way, there's a full detailed breakdown in the Unlockme so I can paraphrase from that.
If you're not familiar with how the Veldt works, every enemy formation in the game has a "Veldt" tag that can be toggled on/off. If it's on, that formation can be found in the Veldt, otherwise not. From there every 8 enemy formations are lumped together into a Group, and each random encounter you advance one Group until you make a full circle. Group 1 for example has all the Repo Man, Wild Rat, Leafer and Raven Veldt encounters, so if you're miss one of them you need to cycle the entire Veldt to potentially meet them again. In the event you haven't met an encounter (Or that encounter is not Veldt-enabled at all) when the Veldt rolls for it, the game advances to the next slot in the Group that you have encountered. If a Group has no available formations for you to fight, it's skipped entirely.
Most enemies have two formations that can appear in the Veldt unless they're enemies that only have a single formation. Since you singled out Crawler, I'm going to post it's Veldt Group real quick.
・Sand Ray x2
・Antlion x3
・Sand Ray, Antlion x2
・Eye Goo, Crawler x2
・Hornet, Eye Goo x2
・Hornet x2, Crawler x2
So Crawler has two Veldt-enabled formations; Eye Goo and Crawler x2, and Hornet x2 and Crawler x2. If you've seen all of this groups' Veldt-enabled formations then Crawler has a 3/8 chance of appearing, or there's a massive 7/8 chance if you haven't encountered any of the Sand Ray/Antlion formations.If you missed the Eye Goo and Crawler x2 formation though, this does knock your odds of finding a Crawler to 1/8, which is likely what caused you to miss it so much.
As far as early healing rages go, you have Soldier right out the gate (1/3 chance to cast Remedy, which does stamina-based healing) and can get Conjurer (2/3 Rerise) on your initial trip to the Veldt. After the IMTRF you have Rhinotaur (2/3 Cure 2), Griffin (1/3 Harvester), Defender (1/3 Sun Bath) and Flan (2/3 Regen) as options, and the FC offers Gargoyle (2/3 Holy Wind, 1/3 Quake) if you want to go back to the Veldt before finishing up there. -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
A week ago
Dissenting opinion, it's a powerful but risky option for Relm that encourages using a single-target heal in the lategame, when Relm is able to use a full party Cure 3/RegenX for better results. If you want to pass up on Dragon Hide's superior defenses (10/10 evades are arguably better than 0/20, and it's superior otherwise) lategame then I'd consider it a risk vs reward piece of gear that's only making Relm's brush proc rate better. Considering she can already set a party-wide Shell and how great the Punisher is in general, letting brushes get gear to make them more reliable buff-setters seems fine.
Osmose is it's own beast, and really ought not be in the same discussion as brushes. At best they're both ways she mitigates the need for MP to do her job, but from my experience Relm is rarely scraping the bottom of her MP pool when put on healing duty, and Osmose is only seeing play if I'm using her as a DPS character. -
In Topic: Rod fighting
2 weeks ago
Who do you think is the best rod fighter?
Does rage amplify rod damage?
Can rods hold their own in end game?(I'll probably try anyways just 'cause)
Mog, maybe Gogo (Gogo likely wins DPS but I'm partial to Mog's tankiness)
Absolutely. Mog's best option is generally swinging Punisher around regardless of build (Even Mogoon uses it), and thanks to the auto-crit property they're always some of your most damaging weapons available. -
In Topic: BNW 1.8 Character Build Guide [WIP]
23 March 2017 - 09:56 AM
I am extremely partial to giving Celes a heavy Phantom investment, with a strong helping of Alexander when it becomes available (roughly 15/5). Vigor/Stam levels are useful in general for damage mitigation, Vigor helps her damage (Which, while not a "wow" factor, is still going to be very solid), and Stam helps with Regen ticks along with being the scaling component on her hidden ability. That relic does other things besides changing Celes' command, too; it makes her randomly counterattack like Black Belt and also covers critical allies like Knight Cape/Hero Ring.
If you're looking for a Paladin-style build, I recommend Phantom for sure. She won't be your primary DPS unit, but she will contribute meaningfully to damage done. She's not going to be your primary healer either, but in a pinch she's able to drop massive single-target heals with Remedy/Regen or even a moderate group heal early on with Cure 2 (X-Potion is usually better by the time late WoR is coming around, but early game Cure 2 is great even with no investment). She's likely to shrug off every major attack in the game and still be swinging, something only a few other builds can even claim to do (Stam builds for Terra, Cyan, and Locke). -
In Topic: 2.0 Idea? Maybe?
18 March 2017 - 12:32 PM
In my version of the idea, no it doesn't persist. I forgot that Wonder Wand does persist when I was using it as an example, else I would've clarified that.
Making early summon order something like Stray -> Ifrit -> Siren ensures that it's useful for randoms; Stray is damn good when something is vulnerable but you have other users, Relm naturally has Ifrit anyway, and Siren being third means most encounters that care about MP probably died via Ifrit. Anything after that can be summarized as 'Welcome to flavor town', really.
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