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In Topic: Why was my BOF3 topic deleted?
3 weeks ago
Looks like someone tried to move it out of this forum or moved it to this forum and it got nuked in the transition.
Edit: Did some digging and found the following post in another topic. Is this it?
http://www.insanedif...post__p__147236 -
In Topic: Final Fantasy IV: The Darkness Within Version 1.07a Now Available!
22 March 2017 - 07:59 PM
Running_Moon, on 22 March 2017 - 06:56 PM, said:
Finished it, loved it, here's some typos I found, etc.
Firstly, situations where naming my characters other than the default was not reflected in the script:
Thanks for pointing those out. I always used default names (as I think most others do), so I generally rely on others to find naming discrepancies. Unfortunately, I cannot change the in-battle dialogue as they do not accept naming shortcuts. I may just have to re-write the dialogue to not include names.
(On the subject of naming characters, I found a severe lack of Namingways from post-Fabul to post-FuSoYa. It would be nice to have a Namingway in Kaipo, as well as in Mysidia so I can continue with my juvenile sense of humor in naming my characters.)
Most of the Namingways through this segment of the game were found in the Training Room. Vanilla had many entrances to the Training Room in overworld towns, but I had to remove them because of issues it created by moving it.
Secondly, some typos:
All of these are issues somehow created by the previous patch. I'm not really sure what caused it, but it made name indeces 12 and 13 either partially or fully delete the name associated with them. I either blew out a dialogue bank somewhere, or something in the RAM is overwriting after the game starts. The names themselves are fine in the hex, and calling the final battle sequence during the game opening yields the correct enemy names, so I really have no idea. I consulted pinkpuff (ff4kster creator and FFIV wizard), but s/he didn't know what could cause it either.
Situations where other than Cecil displayed on the field as main character yields odd results:
Something else I've been chasing down since I created the mod. It's a simple fix; I just forgot to force the game to show Cecil's character sprite at the start of these cutscenes. Thanks for pointing them out.
Finally, a small cosmetic suggestion regarding arrows now that ammo is no longer a thing.
This is something else I couldn't quite figure out how to change. There's probably some kind of conditional script when opening a chest that gives a multiplier of 10 if the chest contains arrows. I would need to find that condition and change the 10 to a 1, but I'm unsure if it would have any other unintended effects.
Other than that, I can only echo previous suggestions about making the final boss harder and applaud you on a job well done. Thank you for making this mod, it was a blast!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!Thanks again for all the suggestions and bug reports. I made the final boss harder with 1.07, so I'll have to see what I can do in the future.
In Topic: Final Fantasy IV: The Darkness Within Version 1.07a Now Available!
22 March 2017 - 03:07 PM
Hope you enjoy it when you get around to it.
Don't think I have any lingering bugs other than the known one with a certain character's name (which should only happen once now). Summon damage was nerfed because it greatly outdamaged black magic, even in single target situations. Rydia still maintains one of the largest toolkits in the game; you just have to choose the right tool for the job now instead of going to the hammer for everything. -
In Topic: Final Fantasy IV: The Darkness Within Version 1.07a Now Available!
28 February 2017 - 03:30 PM
Version 1.07a has been released! Please see the original post for details about the patch.
Just a couple quick fixes to some dialogue/naming issues.
Changes for 1.07a are in the Spoiler tags below.
Spoiler -
In Topic: Final Fantasy IV: The Darkness Within Version 1.07a Now Available!
28 February 2017 - 09:36 AM
If I can implement party-swapping in a way that doesn't wreck the game, I will. As it stands, the code surrounding party member replacement is extremely rigid. Switching characters would result in loss of equipment and/or levels or require permanent, one-time party decisions toward the end of the game (another mod used this method and I wasn't too crazy about it).
A week agoThe GBA version is much better in graphics issues and in the organization of the menu.
So why not try it?
11 Mar 2016 - 08:38