Almost finished the game and I have a few questions...
23 March 2016 - 07:42 AM
2)while battling Abyss in the arena, he does this attack that causes everyone to freeze and i get 'defeated' and i have no idea why. what is this attack?
3)Where can I find a Battle Trumpet??
I hope someone here can help me! thanks!
27 March 2016 - 06:08 PM
newthreatgirl, on 23 March 2016 - 07:42 AM, said:
2)while battling Abyss in the arena, he does this attack that causes everyone to freeze and i get 'defeated' and i have no idea why. what is this attack?
3)Where can I find a Battle Trumpet??
I hope someone here can help me! thanks!
The reward for beating the Master Materia is the Red Stone drop which is used to make Red XIII's Ultimate Weapon; Master Materia itself is currently only available through Materia Melding using Huge Materia in Bugenhagen's Observatory (it was actually intended to be removed altogether, but I forgot).
Abyss' big attack is a party-wipe, but uses a special flag to render every party member incapacitated (like how the Turk Wire worked in the Gongaga Battle with Reno & Rude). He uses it after storing enough breath, which can be prevented by inflicting the Darkness status on him (the Bad Breath enemy skill should do this).
Battle Trumpet should be in the Junon Submarine Docks, in one of the chests.
28 March 2016 - 08:59 AM
Sega Chief, on 27 March 2016 - 06:08 PM, said:
Abyss' big attack is a party-wipe, but uses a special flag to render every party member incapacitated (like how the Turk Wire worked in the Gongaga Battle with Reno & Rude). He uses it after storing enough breath, which can be prevented by inflicting the Darkness status on him (the Bad Breath enemy skill should do this).
Battle Trumpet should be in the Junon Submarine Docks, in one of the chests.
I have all the Summon materias and I still couldn't do the melding! should i just touch the red crystal in the Observatory or do it on another way? because I think maybe you did remove it...
So if I didn't pick the Battle Trumpet the first time, I can forget about Cat Sith's HP Shout?? I looked everywhere in the submarine the first time and couldn't find it. and in the Database it says "Midgar raid".
Thanks for answering. I love the mod by the way!
28 March 2016 - 09:04 AM
newthreatgirl, on 28 March 2016 - 08:59 AM, said:
So if I didn't pick the Battle Trumpet the first time, I can forget about Cat Sith's HP Shout?? I looked everywhere in the submarine the first time and couldn't find it. and in the Database it says "Midgar raid".
Thanks for answering. I love the mod by the way!
That's due to summon materia being 1-star; I don't think they can be mastered, and won't be counted properly. Master X Materia was supposed to be removed for the time being to be doled out at a later date for as-yet undeveloped content. You can still get Master Magic and Master Command, though. Unless I did remove the meld in a late 1.35 patch? I'm not sure.
Maybe it was the Midgar Raid; I can't remember, I've upgraded the mod recently to 1.4 and there were a lot of changes so I don't have 100% knowledge of where everything is in 1.35. If you want to finish up on 1.35, then let me know and I'll dig up an old 1.35 file to make a patch so that an enemy somewhere will drop Battle Trumpet.
28 March 2016 - 12:15 PM
Sega Chief, on 28 March 2016 - 09:04 AM, said:
Maybe it was the Midgar Raid; I can't remember, I've upgraded the mod recently to 1.4 and there were a lot of changes so I don't have 100% knowledge of where everything is in 1.35. If you want to finish up on 1.35, then let me know and I'll dig up an old 1.35 file to make a patch so that an enemy somewhere will drop Battle Trumpet.
Just found the battle trumpet. thanks anyway for all your efforts
Now I have everyone's weapons except Tifa's Premium Heart. I am still trying to Morph Ho-Chu but he keeps casting Regan and then gets petrified by himself!
I think this is the only thing left for me to do before fighting Sephiroth
29 March 2016 - 08:29 AM
newthreatgirl, on 28 March 2016 - 12:15 PM, said:
Now I have everyone's weapons except Tifa's Premium Heart. I am still trying to Morph Ho-Chu but he keeps casting Regan and then gets petrified by himself!
I think this is the only thing left for me to do before fighting Sephiroth
For Ho-chu, try casting Resist on him or using a Vaccine to prevent him from giving himself status ailments (he uses attacks that use the Master Fist formula, so he gains damage buffs from them). Either that or cast Berserk on him early on to stop it from happening.
30 March 2016 - 11:11 AM
Sega Chief, on 29 March 2016 - 08:29 AM, said:
Thanks. now the only thing I haven't found yet is Micro Engine. and it does not say in the database where to get it... where is it?
I managed to get the yellow master materia from melding, but no the purple and green ones, even though I mastered all of them and didn't miss any according to the list. how can I know what's missing?
Thanks again
30 March 2016 - 11:14 AM
newthreatgirl, on 30 March 2016 - 11:11 AM, said:
I managed to get the yellow master materia from melding, but no the purple and green ones, even though I mastered all of them and didn't miss any according to the list. how can I know what's missing?
Thanks again
There's no purple one, did you mean the Summon one? I don't think the summon one can be acquired due to most/all of the pieces being 1-star in NT. As for Magic, make sure you have Contain, Shield, Ultima/Planet (renamed), and Full Cure; those ones weren't in their original places and are won from Extra Battle in v1.35.
30 March 2016 - 12:01 PM
Sega Chief, on 30 March 2016 - 11:14 AM, said:
Okay you are right there is no purple one
and I have Contain, Shield, Ultima/Planet and Full Cure with 5 stars.
I wonder why it's not working...
BTW will you be able to check for me about the Micro Engine? I can't get Tifa's Premium Heart without finding one...
30 March 2016 - 10:29 PM
newthreatgirl, on 30 March 2016 - 12:01 PM, said:
and I have Contain, Shield, Ultima/Planet and Full Cure with 5 stars.
I wonder why it's not working...
BTW will you be able to check for me about the Micro Engine? I can't get Tifa's Premium Heart without finding one...
Oh, I forgot about the micro-engine; it's in the Dark Cave sidequest, one of the bosses should drop it (Air Buster on F65, I think, or Hell Armour on F69). To access the Dark Cave sidequest, talk to Dio in the Gold Saucer's Battle Square museum then head through the Ancient Forest to find a bunch of people hanging around. Climb the vine to reach the cave up above and head inside.
30 March 2016 - 11:39 PM
Sega Chief, on 30 March 2016 - 10:29 PM, said:
oh no. I've done the dark cave sidequest and I don't have it. is it lost forever??
09 April 2016 - 10:33 PM
newthreatgirl, on 30 March 2016 - 11:39 PM, said:
Sorry for the delay in reply, I missed this post. The micro-engine shouldn't be missable, so it might be somewhere else instead. I can't remember 100% the 1.35 drops, just that it comes from a machine enemy. Maybe it's X-ATM in North Corel? Although I was pretty sure it was the Air Buster fight in Shinra HQ that had it.
11 April 2016 - 12:06 PM
Sega Chief, on 09 April 2016 - 10:33 PM, said:
But isn't the Shinra HQ a missable area (that cannot be revisited)? If not, I don't mind going there again searching for the Micro Engine.
11 April 2016 - 02:06 PM
The Curator is that Crane Boss in Shinra HQ
12 April 2016 - 01:52 AM
Zooza, on 11 April 2016 - 02:06 PM, said:
The Curator is that Crane Boss in Shinra HQ
In 1.35, the Curator isn't present; it's the Air Buster clone instead. The Shinra HQ is a missable area; I'll see if I can't make a special patch to get this key item available again.
12 April 2016 - 08:40 AM
Time for Sega to get some of that hanky panky with his groupies.
13 April 2016 - 11:10 PM
Sega Chief, on 12 April 2016 - 01:52 AM, said:
okay thanks. let me know about this.
I think you should make it available for everyone. i'm probably not the only one who missed this.