How's it going Zombero? I know you're probably working multiple projects but I still check for forum posts here on my regular site browsing rotation in hopes there will be some news. Still cheering for you!
Any new?
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06 February 2016 - 08:04 AM
One day relatively soon I'll be back to working on this. Part of the reason there hasn't been *any* news at all is this site was never working for me... and it still doesn't work for me unless I use a proxy. I don't know what that's about, but apparently I'm not the only one (maybe all of Comcast is blocked?). Seeing as how this is the primary source for information about the mod, It's a little discouraging to know that if I were to advertise this forum elsewhere, some of the people who see it wouldn't be able to access the site. Under these circumstances, I may have to see if there's anywhere else I can mirror or move the primary source of information for this mod.
Right now, I'm working on an SMT: Nocturne mod, which is nearing completion. Updates on that project can be found in the gamefaqs forum. I also have an Etrian Odyssey hack that is nearly complete, but I don't know if I'd work on that mod or this mod next. Either way, no other projects would come before this one.
I have still been thinking about this mod, and I have an idea I've been mulling around that would have a pretty big impact on the gameplay, so I'll probably make a post about that idea soon.
Right now, I'm working on an SMT: Nocturne mod, which is nearing completion. Updates on that project can be found in the gamefaqs forum. I also have an Etrian Odyssey hack that is nearly complete, but I don't know if I'd work on that mod or this mod next. Either way, no other projects would come before this one.
I have still been thinking about this mod, and I have an idea I've been mulling around that would have a pretty big impact on the gameplay, so I'll probably make a post about that idea soon.
08 February 2016 - 03:40 PM
Ah I see. Well whatever works for you, doesn't matter to me! Your other projects sound interesting to me too so I'd check those out! Your choice in games seems to more or less mirror mine so just do your thing
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