This patch includes:
*300% HP of ALL Bosses, (except Dracula in prologue, you can still beat him under 1 minute). (300% HP in the Boss mod. 100% HP in the original game.)
*300% HP includes Shaft's Orb when you fight with Richter.
*270% HP of Galamoth.
*300% HP includes simple monsters like Karasuman, Lesser Demon, Slogra and Gaibon in the Inverted Castle, because they shares same HP with bosses Karasuman, Lesser Demon, Slogra and Gaibon.
- No other changes. The rest is the same as in the original.
Additional information: Be careful in the necromancy laboratory because Lesser demons very often summons demonic allies.
Download: Castlevania SotN - Boss mode v.1.2
Boss Mod v.1.4.1:
- Added infinite Wing Smash (like in Sega Saturn version)
- Ability to restore HP in the save rooms was removed
- Ability to restore MP in the save rooms was removed
- Decreased HP for Lesser demons from 300% to 250%. In the original they have 400 HP. In this mod they have 400 * 250% = 1000 HP.
- Increased time of items disappearing , from 5 to 8 seconds (except for hearts, money, sub-weapons). In the original, item after 4 seconds starts to blink, then item blinks for ~1 second, which gives totally 5 seconds. In this mod, item after 4 seconds starts to blink, then item blinks for 4 seconds, which gives totally 8 seconds.
Download: Castlevania Sotn - Boss mod v.1.4.1
Note: Update to v.1.4.1 - an error was corrected, due to which the infinite "Wing Smash" did not work on pSX 1.13. Please, download again. And make patch over the untouched version of the game.
Make a backup copy of the original disc before patching.