You can view the release post in this topic here.
So as some of you may or may not know, I've been working on a Final Fantasy IV mod for the past few weeks. Well, it's finally out of alpha stage and I'm moving into beta/balance testing. Thought I'd detail a bit about the mod and try to create some interest.
Final Fantasy IV: The Darkness Within
The story is a drastic alteration to the original, but keeps the same premise. I aimed to keep things mostly within established canon while trying to enrich plot development through better dialogue and a different story sequence. Nearly every text box has been altered in some form or entirely replaced. You're still the same Dark Knight serving Baron, although things very quickly deviate from the original game...
Most playable characters now have more than one way to "build" themselves using equipment. For instance, Edge can be used as a frontline Ninja, wielding ninja swords and dealing heavy physical damage, or you can opt for a build that takes advantage of Edge's Ninja magic and wield daggers that increase his magic stats instead. Rosa can be a traditional spellcaster, or she can focus more on her bow skills and be a hybrid. While each character still has a true purpose to the team, most now have at least some slightly differing options.
Character commands are another thing I seek to implement. A lot of the commands are familiar staples to FFIV or the series in general. Dark Wave makes a return as well as Yang's Focus ability. I've added a new command to Cid that fits in-line with his new personality and I think will be more fun to experience first-hand than to explain here.
Enemies have been massively overhauled. Enemies in general have been given a stat boost and some have been given some debilitating status effects attached to their physical attacks. These are mostly based on monster type, so when you see a certain kind of monster you know to expect certain status effects.
With the sequence of game events heavily altered, just about every enemy has been adjusted to reflect their new place in the story's events. Beta testing will mostly focus on ensuring that these enemies are properly balanced to give the player a challenging, but not an over/underwhelming, experience.
Items and Equipment
The individual status clearing items have made a return. The catch-all Heal item still exists, but is far more rare. With the added status-inflicting monsters, carrying a decent stock of these items will be important to effective party management. Don't worry, the Fat Chocobo no longer requires anything to summon, so feel free to make use of one whenever you find it!
All shops have been completely rearranged. New items up for sale are *almost* always complete upgrades. No more worrying about which item to purchase and equip because it decreases your effective damage by losing a multiplier even though the attack power is higher. Shop prices are being adjusted so that the player may have to make some purchasing decisions.
A number of sidequests have been added to the game, roughly around the 2/3 point of the story. These open the game up a bit and offer the player valuable rewards as well as a break from the action.
Overall Difficulty
While I did not set out to specifically make a difficulty hack, many aspects of the game are harder due to rebalancing and the frequency of status effects. My overall goal from the start has been to make the mod about as challenging as the DS/mobile version.
Release Date
I don't have one yet, so I'll just say "when it's done."
I have had some people ask to help in testing, but at this time I'm not prepared to release the mod to others. I do appreciate the offer for assistance, and I may look for some additional feedback as the mod gets closer to release.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask here or send me a PM. I'll try and respond as quickly as I can.