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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Looking foward to the 1.7.2 patch!
2 weeks ago
I downloaded the RotDS v.1.7.3. I am glad to have someone on top of bug fixing. Whenever there is a problem, Gi is there to lend a hand! Thanks for staying with your project. -
In Topic: fixes to Return of the Dark sorcerer
4 weeks ago
During the Cloud and Tifa mission, if Tifa is not in the first character position, she does not learn spells from items. -
In Topic: 1.7.1 update is out
4 weeks ago
What about having an option in the Config menu to default set the holding of the B button to either dash or walk? That way you wouldn't have to hold the B button all time to sprint. I saw this in the Brave New World mod. -
In Topic: Eiko bug in WoR
23 March 2017 - 10:24 PM
Half the time i was play testing the bug, i had Aurora in slot three. Her cloak was still teaching her Vanish. So, +4% per battle per battle that gave spell points. She knew the spell you get from the Wizard's Hat already. -
In Topic: 1.7.1 update is out
22 March 2017 - 09:47 PM
I bet you are getting tired of hearing from the 'Gemma Sword' guy! I am glad you are making sure the Original Item Names and Esper Restriction patches are working for version 1.7.2! I am looking forward to that! Also, the Level Averaging works, but i don't know if it does when reacquiring party members (like Cloud on his personal mission).
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