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Topics I've Started
A very original idea.
17 October 2016 - 05:48 PM
So, this is me doing something VERY ORIGINAL.
I was actually kind of hyped, seeing a lot of people trying 1.3, that I decided to give it another go, except this time I will also be recording and uploading to YouTube.
I will be doing a generic run, with flexible rules, considering there are some specials I never got to use before and I might want to. Other than that, battles will be kinda long because I'll try to go and kill everyone in the map (kinda thinking about skipping this on Miluda 2, because fuck her)
Anyway, will try to upload as frequently as possible, here's the first video!
It'll be added to a playlist. Also don't expect much creativity or mastery, (Hart already skipped ahead and commented to express his feelings towards me) since it's my 2nd playthrough, and I'm not a very tactical person in general.
Level 1 Challenge - Final Fantasy IX Steam Version
21 September 2016 - 09:57 PM
EDIT: Playlist is here!
As some of you might already know, this is a challenge that has been done by quite a lot of people (I think), and it's been proven that it's possible, but very tedious at moments.
I already started about 2 days ago or so, and I'm done with what would be Disc 1, but Hart requested some sort of playthrough topic in which I talk about my experience with this challenge. This is a challenge I tried and beat probably around 4-5 years ago on console, granted, I had used a guide, since I was just curious to see how it was all possible. It wasn't really any "easier" with a guide, considering there's a few battles in which RNG is needed to win.
That being said, I will try this challenge once more just to see how less troublesome it is to try it on the Steam version, due to certain boosters I will talk about later. Of course, I won't be reading any guides this time around, and I definitely don't remember most of the things I am "supposed" to do, other than a few basics in what would be the Disc 1 portion of the game. Therefore, what I will be talking about here will be a combination of both my own experience and what could possibly be glimpses of that guide I used long ago, so some parts might be similar to that guide in question.
Since the Steam version has these "boosters" (which are: no encounter mode, speed up, 9999 damage with any attack, full ATB/HP/MP/Trance bar, max gil, master all abilities, infinite magic stones; also the possibility to skip certain FMVs), I will also be talking about certain restrictions and maybe some kind of freedom I can take with these, which will be:
- I will be using the speed up booster as much as I can. This booster affects how fast the game goes, but does not affect the game timer, which makes it easy to complete the game in a rather short amount of time, combined with the FMV skipping. However, I will not be aiming for a Excal II low level run, since I already wasted a good amount of hours stealing Phoenix Pinions from Pythons outside of Dali for extra cash.
- Following with the speed up booster, since it does not affect the timer in the Chocobo Hot & Cold mini game, getting points is stupidly easy. That being said, it's easy to grind for points and get really good equipment early on (mainly protect rings and robes of lord), so I will restrict myself from getting those until Disc 3. However, I will not refrain from getting any of the lesser items (on that list, I will not go further than trying to get ethers, so anything below ethers I will probably get, like phoenix pinions for money).
- I will be using the no encounter booster very frequently, unless I am either trying to get a blue magic spell for Quina or trying to steal certain item(s) from monsters.
- I will not use any of the other boosters at all.
- If possible, I will be stealing each and every item from every boss (yes, Hilgigars, I'm looking at you)
- Eventually, I will be grinding for Zidane's Thievery and Freya's Dragon Crest, probably on Disc 3. The only reason I will ever try to catch Frogs is to eventually face Quale, not necessarily for Frog Drop, since I won't even be using it at all most likely.
So far it's all I have thought of, and all I've been doing up to Beatrix 1, pretty much. If anything you guys see that I miss that seems important, whether it is a restriction or otherwise, or maybe something I should've done in a certain part of the game, feel free to comment and discuss about it here.
Without further ado, I will be double posting for my Disc 1 playthrough (as long as I don't get ninja'd). Enjoy.
20 Jan 2016 - 14:37