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Problems with PPF-O-Matic and Windows 10
3 weeks ago
I've been wanting to try some different FFT mods but I've found running the latest Windows 10 that PPF-O-Matic just seems to sit there forever applying a patch. I've tried multiple patches and multiple ISOs. If I quit the patch prematurely and then test out the patched product it will have problems like missing sprites. I've tried compatibility settings and running it as Administrator. Any ideas? Anyone encounter this before?All my Windows machines are 10 so I was thinking of just making a VM with Windows XP (like the XP Mode download available from Microsoft).
...Darn, I'm getting the same problem from virtualized Windows XP.Must be the FFT image I'm using.I think I originally used rips from my actual discs but I lost the rips and didn't want to dig the discs out of storage.
Edit: Seems it was just the speed of the patcher. I had waited up to 10 minutes in the past on a 7200RPM HDD but after moving it to a SSD the thing finally completed in about 5 minutes. That's one slow patcher!
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