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Topics I've Started
Hellish dream
09 March 2017 - 11:53 AM
* Update
I think i understand some of the dream a little better now. My subconscious self was probably conveying to my conscious self my inner struggles in a better light. Guilt, powerlessness, wrath, revenge, frustration, not knowing what is going on...Those things, i believe, have been bothering me a little more than usual lately. These are emotions and situations human beings do transcend or are overwhelmed by.
Now i encourage you to convey your disturbing "hellish" dream.
My humble advice: Make sure to read what you wrote more than once for you might give up a secret about yourself...
Original post
*erased -
Suikoden 2 Hardcore version 1.3
02 February 2017 - 02:32 PM
Suikoden 2 hardcore mod mostly features more challenging battles.
* Warning: potential multiple game overs.
Link to : 1.3 : http://www.mediafire...ma3f/S2hardcore
*1.2: Further modifications to monster stats and drops .
- Modified highland soldiers
- South windows fiends Flyer and Darkbunny
- North windows zombies were upgraded
- Pinkbird, Ranran, Rinrin and Tenten, Samurai, Ghostslug, Kookabura
*1.3: Spell changes and rune slot unlocks at higher levels
*Spoiler: From south windows area it is insanely difficult. Move on and defeat Griffons in wind cave to gain levels. -
29 January 2017 - 01:25 PM
I actually posted something before introducing myself.Shame on me for a while.
Then i found this thread.Hi, i' m a 33 dude, lurker of many websites, who generally dislikes one sided battles.I do plan on doing something about it...sometimes.Thanks for having me.
finished work?
28 January 2017 - 12:31 PM
Who must i contact to publish a finished work
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