[] - Healing & Summon Rebalance, Lava Bolt
- New Intro Screen with FFT and ID Logos
- Smarter AI added to some storyline battles (work in progress)
- Hi Potion now heals 60 HP, Costs 100 Gil, Available in Chapter 2 Start
- X Potion now heals 90 HP, Costs 200 Gil, Available in Chapter 3 Start
- Antidote replaced by Mega Potion, Costs 300 Gil, Doesn't work with Auto Potion, Heals 150 HP, Chapter 4 Start
- Elixir is now only useable by the AI. Enemies that can use Elixir immune to Invite.
- Murasame healing power down from 10 to 9
- Cure healing power up from 16 to 20
- Rejuvenate healing power up from 24 to 30, AOE increased by 1
- Reflect CT down from 2 to 1, Accuracy increased
- Meteor can no longer be Mimicked, is Evadeable, and Reflectable
- Summon Magic can no longer be Mimicked
- All Offensive Summon Magic except Zodiac is now Evadeable
- Moogle healing power reduced from 20 to 16
- Shiva, Ramuh, Ifrit damage values down from 18 to 16
- Silf now deals Wind damage with a chance of adding Float, MP cost 26
- Carbunkle now adds Reflect & Defend, CT down from 4 to 3, MP cost down to 20
- Lich is now 5 CT, 30 MP, Absorbs 33% HP from targets and heals caster. Dark Elemental
- Cross Bow replaced with Lava Bolt, Fire Elemental, 20% Cast Lava Ball
- Lava Ball lost its 20% KO Proc
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