In front of the Radio City entrance to the show
I am a fuck-those-who-don't-value-your-work kinda guy so what Charlie Sheen is doing (or fooling everyone into thinking he's doing) naturally attracted me and I shelled out the 93$ to go see the show, and brought a good friend of mine for post-show lulz.
Like many people who paid to see this, I didn't know what to expect, at all.

Radio City = Pretty

1 Minute before the Lights Dimmed
As soon as the lights dimmed, 3 huge monitors started playing a video of epic proportions. Clips of several movies including Jaws, The Shining, and other classics were arranged to make an introduction movie for Sheen. Jaws suspense music played throughout the video to signal Sheen's approach to the stage. The video ended with Jack Nicholson's famous scene from The Shining, except edited to make him say "HEEERE'S CHARLIE!" instead of Johnny. It was great.
The first thing Charlie and some un-named guest / friend that introduced him did was turn the teleprompters around and declare that their way of planning better was not having a plan at all. There was a guy with a guitar throwing out riffs when they changed topics, and Charlie often turned to the audience on their opinion on different things. They did re-cycle some traditional Charlie Sheen quotes and discuss some of the subject matter we're all used to such as Tiger Blood, Adonis DNA, Trolls, and Denise Richards. Charlie was also asked about the origin of some of his popular catch-phrases and quotes.
There was tons of audience interaction and plenty of memorable moments. Here is what stood out the most for me:
- He likes the word Warlock because it's got WAR - something he's always been in. And LOCK, such as the kind people who try to ride off your talent try to get you in.
- Trolls are people that lie to you and try to waste your time.
- His favorite curse word is either "FUCK" or "DENISE"
- He discovered crack and the internet in the same weekend, thanks to Al Gore
- The story behind 7 gram rocks is that he had to find a pipe big enough to hold a 4g rock AND a 3g one together. Too much crack? Get a bigger pipe.
- He wanted to find a doctor from the audience to try to fix his "Bipolarity", but no one stepped up save for a poser who said he was a "Doctor of Life", and got kicked off stage.
- An audience member asked for some of his money, Charlie sheen pulled out a huge wad of cash and gave the guy a 100$ bill.
- A cute (asian?) girl came up onstage to want to be his 3rd "Goddess". He brought out his two current goddesses to analyze her and then asked the audience, which gave a mixed reponse. He told the girl "we'll get back to you". In my opinion, she wasn't hot. Then again I don't think his current girlfriends are too hot either.
- He admitted that if he's really bipolar then he's willing to live with it because he's happy.
- He "fucking sucks" at marriage and realized that it's because he has things he's passionate about, and that marriage wouldn't let him do them as much as he wants.
- There's things Charlie Sheen didn't find in Marriage, such as two girls.
- Darryl Strawberry was in the audience, and was called on stage for a few minutes to talk about Charlie.
- JAMES FUCKING LIPTON was in the audience, and also participated briefly.
- He says he didn't QUIT Two & A Half Men, but that he was FIRED, and that he would never quit, because he's not a quitter.
- He gave praise to the writers and co-actors of Two And A Half Men and stated that the network will only allow him back if he apologizes.
- He asked several audience members what his apology should be. The most popular answer was "Fuck You, let me live my life."
- He asked the audience whether he SHOULD apologize and get back on the show, and after they seemed to agree he said "I'm getting back on that fuckin' show"
- He said said that we should drop those who tell us how to live our lives or try to make us feel bad for doing the things we like.
- Before closing he told the audience never to dwell on the past because the past doesn't exist anymore - and that the only exception to that is if you can somehow save some artifact from the past, and that in his case, the artifact is himself.
Next to me was a pair of pretty hot girls that were screaming for Charlie the whole time. "WE LOVE YOU CHARLIE!! WHOOOOO!! *sips* Each had two beers in hand. Behind me, two guys who kept trying to start a "BOO" chant in hopes of repeating what happened on his first show in Detroit, but they failed. Those two same guys walked out of the show halfway through.
There seemed to be two kinds of people at last night's showing, which was full to the brim with 6000 attendants. The first kind were Charlie lovers who identify with what he represents. The second kind were absolutely-fucking-rage-quitting Charlie haters who apparently paid just to see him fail or because paying to see him while saying they hate him is not some sort of ultimate contradiction in their minds.
Last night, Charlie Sheen got THREE standing ovations, which apparently is a lot better than the response to his first showing in New York.
It seems that people have forgotten one of the most important rules of the internet - and now of the real world - the more you hate something, the more powerful it becomes. Charlie haters take note.
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