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In Topic: Rank the Knights
08 March 2017 - 11:35 PM
Fauve, on 08 March 2017 - 09:09 PM, said:
Never used him, but I'm assuming he's only terrible against Lucavi since they're immune to debuffs, correct? Is he bad anywhere else?
Starting in early ch4, enemies start showing up with no no story significance who are immune to every single negative status. This slowly escalates, with 4/6 enemies at germinas peak being blanket immune and 5/6 Outside Murond. I'm not actually sure who is and isn't immune in end game orbonne, but I'd guess nearly everyone (except for Altima's demons).
The funny thing about beowulf is that he is so strong, I think he is the strongest character in the game despite roughly half of the enemies you can fight with him being immune to his skills. 90%+ Sleeps and Petrifies with no charge time is beyond strong. The only reason he isnt the new Orlandu is because he is worthless against so many enemies. -
In Topic: Rank the Knights
08 March 2017 - 08:03 PM
Honestly, they are all kinda bad. But if you really want to use them, I'd say Agrias and Hitoshi are the best. Melly joins way to late, and Orlandu's job has the worst stat growths in the game. If you get him at a really low level (like 10-15) and train him as a mime or a ninja, he will be really good. But the amount of effort it takes to make him usable isnt worth the payoff.
If Beowulf is included, he is either the best character in the game or the worst, depending on the fight. There is no middle ground.
Tabeguache, on 08 March 2017 - 07:10 PM, said:
I hear you on wanting two of them, but I can't imagine having room for more than one. There are just better things to have in your party. You also only get one Chaos Blade.
Incorrect. If you are level 99 for Elmdor, Celia and Lede throw chaos blades at you, which you can catch. The ragnarok and save the queen are better tho, they have a little less wp but give you a nice defensive buff. -
In Topic: Dawnbomb on Chat Moderation
07 March 2017 - 10:28 PM
Of course you aren't. Everyone knows I secretly am. This is my alt account so I could mingle with my subjects and see what sort of nasty things they say about me. -
In Topic: Deep Dungeon in Content Dilemma
05 March 2017 - 11:14 PM
I think the DD in content is the exact same as it was in normal 1.306. So yeah, if you are thinking about doing a DD run, you might as well just play normal 1.3. -
In Topic: New to 1.3 Questions From a Considerably Experienced Vanilla Player
02 March 2017 - 11:00 PM
Hart-Hunt, on 02 March 2017 - 02:42 PM, said:
If you pñan on using specials, then you should probably just pick a good zodiac that goes with your prefered special, and then roll with that. Specials jave too varied zodiacs, so you'll end up with neutral bad compats, which will balance their inherent strength to a point.
You really don't need zodiac compats for a special team tho. Just use phoenix downs and call it a day.
08 Nov 2015 - 17:25Henko
15 Dec 2014 - 23:06Crimson Avix
08 Dec 2014 - 16:51Grimmace45
29 Aug 2014 - 10:22Stann
04 Jun 2014 - 13:37Advent
25 May 2014 - 07:24QTprecure
11 Apr 2014 - 02:14QTprecure
11 Apr 2014 - 01:52QTprecure
11 Apr 2014 - 01:20Hart-Hunt
07 Apr 2014 - 21:29