FFIX Unleashed - General Feedback
21 November 2012 - 09:30 PM
IIRC your description of Sleep/Quiet Sword state that it puts multiple enemies but it's single target.
Lucky Seven needs an MP cost if you're going to have Zidane actually have levels that end in "7." It makes it far too good with its whole "doesn't cost anything." Though, I suspect there's not much you can do about this besides give MP cost to L7.
21 November 2012 - 09:30 PM
IIRC your description of Sleep/Quiet Sword state that it puts multiple enemies but it's single target.
Lucky Seven needs an MP cost if you're going to have Zidane actually have levels that end in "7." It makes it far too good with its whole "doesn't cost anything." Though, I suspect there's not much you can do about this besides give MP cost to L7.
24 November 2012 - 02:23 PM
24 November 2012 - 02:38 PM
24 November 2012 - 03:12 PM
uluru, on 24 November 2012 - 02:38 PM, said:
Running has always sucked in Final Fantasy IX. This isn't different here, and if you are grinding, you won't really get out of OHKO range from bosses with anyone but Steiner. Unless Garnet has the Magician Robe, she's going to suck. Marcus will pretty much always suck. If you grind though, you'll be able to run easier. For some reason, the makers decided putting level as a factor for your chance to escape was a good thing (WTF?)
26 November 2012 - 10:43 AM
21 January 2013 - 11:42 AM
So far I'm liking what you did with the game, granted I haven't gotten far
21 January 2013 - 12:33 PM
Kapwned, on 21 January 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:
So far I'm liking what you did with the game, granted I haven't gotten far
I think he discussed the possibility of adding Beatrix as a playable character, but nothing concrete happened.
21 January 2013 - 02:16 PM
21 January 2013 - 04:54 PM
21 January 2013 - 10:56 PM
25 April 2013 - 09:59 AM
30 April 2013 - 08:15 PM
Fights are generally quite balanced, nothing has jumped out at me as being overtly overpowered or unfair yet, and yet everything has been challenging, most fights taking a few tries to work out fully.
Some things I've noticed that could use a review are:
Vivi's HP:
In my playthough so far, Vivi dies; lots. From just about everything at the start. And it's really hard and expensive to stop him falling behind the level curve. Everyone else seems to be in that "can just survive at full HP" bracket, except Vivi, and without access to Protect/Shell, it can be difficult to level him up though "normal" battles early.
Missable item requirements: (These may be by design, if so, disregard.)
Blood Sword: It might've just been me, but I think I really would have struggled without the Blood Sword on the random encounters where Steiner and Marcus are escaping from Alexandria. Even with the sword and a decent equipment setup Steiner was losing HP each turn, so without the ~200 HP from the sword each turn it would have been really rough. Since the Blood Sword requires two items before Treno, someone could have to a lot of backtracking to get past these encounters.
Reflect Ring: I can't get Dagger/Garnet/Sarah/Whatever to survive for long enough against Lani to cast reflect on herself (Short of getting lucky by equipping the correct element resistance) And I was silly enough to leave said ring on Freya at Alexandria; but this is also an easily missed item on your first visit to Treno because of the cost. As a result I'm having to backtrack a few hours to go back and get it. No big deal, but it could have been much worse if I didn't have backup saves.
Otherwise, I've really enjoyed it so far. Thanks so much for making the mod, I'll keep updating with feedback of a roughly disc-by-disc basis if it's of any use! \o/
03 May 2013 - 06:03 AM
The only thing I thought so far was a little over the top involved the two segments where you get to control Beatrix. The enemies seem to love two shotting her and her allies in each case aren't anywhere near effective enough to kill something before it acts. The only reason the 2nd Beatrix segment was slightly below "table flip rage" levels is that Steiner + Auto-Potion w/ Hi-Potions + Chemist meant he was quite the tank during that segment.
Currently in Disc 3 learning some skills before I go find some whirlpools of sand and get whisked away to the next area (Oeilvert & a palace). Highest levels on my team are around 28 at the moment.
08 May 2013 - 03:52 AM
You are a mganificent bastard, Landon.
08 May 2013 - 09:39 AM
Moogleking, on 08 May 2013 - 03:52 AM, said:
You are a mganificent bastard, Landon.
Hilgigars is indeed a dick...until I had Vivi cave his face in with a few rounds of Bios reflected off my party

Wondering what level I oughta be at when I decide to tackle Oeilvert & that desert palace afterwards. Highest level from my party is 28.
08 May 2013 - 12:08 PM
Next up- Dracozombies that aren't Zombies