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Favorite WoB Teams
13 October 2016 - 07:52 PM
While I'm mostly interested in your favorite FC teams, I'm also curious at what everyone else likes to take to the four big sections of the WoB. Barring forced characters, of course.
After my most recent Zozo run, I'm sold on a Edgar/Celes/Shadow/x party. I ran Locke in the fourth slot, but honestly, he wasn't necessary. Throwing the Switchblade on Shadow lets him steal the X-Potion from Dadaluma, and anything else you want can be farmed for later. So I'd probably run Sabin in the last slot, just to be able to slow Dadaluma and the Gigas encounters.
For the sealed cave, Gau/Mog/Edgar/Terra was absolutely hilarious. Up until the Kefka fight, Love Sonata + Albatross auto-piloted me through every single fight with minimal danger. And then for Kefka, while it was a bit trickier to pull off, I eventually found out that Exocite/Water Rondo would chew through the Phalanxes in roughly half a second.
And then for the FC, I just don't know. I'm currently stuck trying to figure out who to take this time. Last time, I ran Cyan/Terra/Sabin, and then swapped Sabin for Strago when Sabin proved too squishy to survive Atma (I know someone's gonna ask, just roll with it for now). In any case, while both were good, I don't want to run a group too similar to my last time through it this time.
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