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This sure packs with fun surprises [MINOR SPOILERS]
2 weeks ago
Hello everyone. I tried this Darkness within mod today. Here's my impressions including minor spoilers if you don't mind.
At the start of the game, Cecil keeps walking, all the way to Mysidia. Where's my loot? Damn it! Oh well, I'll get back to Baron and loot'em later. I can loot the castle before next mission anyway.
But I was wrong. There's the Parom and Polom and they're killed. WTF! Cecil took crystal in dramatic turns of events. DANGGG. After I scream out, I found Cecil got hurt badly and went to underground. After meeting the king, Cecil is dead now too and join party with two twins they killed lol. This is hilarious.
Finally, time to explore the first dungeon. It's babel tower? That's freaking long way of walk. And all chests are those useless status healing. OK. Some are leather stuff packed with monsters. After 5th floor, I started to run. I don't care how many gils I dropped. It's too repetitive for the first dungeon. I wish them fixed this but guess they won't.
Alrighty! BOSS SCENE! I learned from old school RPG to kill the healer first so I did. he went down and when Robo has no coolant, he'll explode. I see. EZ victory or so I thought. It exploded on Polom and he died. SHIT! RESET!
Alright. This time I'll take robot first. It's doable with scanning. I'll keep spamming Thunder until he's down. And he did...what? That rat's gonna command himself. Fine. Just don't go explode on yourself and I'm all cool.
After fighting for a while.....what's this button? Damn, my hunch is rining for another reset now and bamb. Parom down. DAMN IT! AGAIN!
This time I'll try to clean the floor in one fella swoop with Cecil's aoe attack for finishing blow. He killed only robot? FUCK! I desperately tried to kill combined robot asap but couldn't make it on time and Polom went downagain. FUCKKK!
OK. I'll kill the rat and then robot in next turn. With venom, I'll blast Robot right after that rat is goner. OK. Rat is down now. She's gonna cast Thunder to finish the game now. Where's coolant? WTF. He just gave it to you before he dies in previous turn. Parom went down again FUCKKKKKK!
Alright then. Here's final trick. I'll poison the rat and smash him to near dead. Keep defending until the robot blows himself up. IT WORKS! From OHKO to only 20-30 damage on Polom. We all survived, We finally made it in one piece for this first boss.
WOOOOO. This is unpredictable. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.FIVE STARS! -
Unendorsed FFT WOTL 1.3 Vanilla mod released
15 December 2016 - 05:24 PM
[Edited the title so to not confuse anyone. ~Kaffe]
After experimenting 1.3 content on Vanilla for a while, I admit it's much more fun than vanilla version. Mettle was always on my skip list because most abilities will become useless in no time. But in 1.3, it gives life to basic class with many useful abilities. So, I decided to make a patch to share this enjoyment with fellow FFT casual lovers like me.
The goal is this patch is to bring improvements from version 1.3 to Vanilla gameplay. I won't try to modify mechanics more than necessary since it may break the balance. I just want to enjoy 1.3 improvements in vanilla style.
This patch is based on FFT WOTL with some changes mixed in. I decided to do it this way to make the game closer to vanilla experience with as base because.
1. I can clear monster battle before reaching Dorter with level 1-2 characters while while I barely cleared it with level 3+ characters in No wonder why phoenix down is cheap in and expensive on
2. JP distribution is more desirable in Makes grinding much less tedious. This is good for no grind run.
3. I like traps. Sometimes I got bad ones and sometimes enemies got ones. I don't get people who dislike this mechanics though.
4. Damage and difficulty is much more manageable with less wrong ways to play. Sometimes I want to put this job on for the sake of grinding in story battles and I don't want too much struggling to win this.
5. Has slowdown fix patch included. Using as base won't get this fixed easily for me.
Here's the changes I added with my revision
1. Replaced event battles with Vanilla events
2. Replaced job tree and skill sets with data instead while keeping abilities
3. Changed basic potions, ethers, remedy and phoenix down price back to vanilla's price.
So far I'm enjoying this game a lot with 1.3 updates. Big thanks to DrBretto, kyozo22 and all hardcore FFT fans in creating this. I always want to enjoy this 1.3 content CASUALLY and I hope you'll like this patch.
http://www.mediafire...L13-Vanilla.ppf -
[Unendorsed Guide] Getting 1.3 Content with vanilla story battle
14 December 2016 - 03:17 PM
1. Open FFTPatcher
2. Open original ISO file
3. Save patch (or Save as PSP patch)
4. Apply 1.3 patch of your choice
5. Open saved patch file
6. Patch ISO without any options in boot.bin but select all ENT options instead
7. Select patched ISO and hit OK
Now you get vanilla fights with patched 1.3 mechanics and items.
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