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In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
4 hours ago
How far into the game are you, and what strategies are you using? Some bosses crumple very easily once you've found a good solution to the fight. Some fights are still jerks even on related runs, like Dadaluma. -
In Topic: Builds Reference Text
5 days ago
Eh....female mage with emphasis on support is how I would peg WoB mag Terra or Siren Celes. By the WoR, mag Terra's got some strong elemental attacks so Archmage fits better. Don't really see "Oracle" or "Seer" fitting Celes either. -
In Topic: Builds Reference Text
5 days ago
I could review build names again...again. >_> I'm no good with coming up with cool names.
I guess Archmage would go to mag Terra and Assassin to Shadow? -
In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
A week ago
BTB, on 15 April 2017 - 11:30 AM, said:
One, the Fire Lance will be the ideal choice of damage for a dragoon Edgar looking to hit a weakness. However, a Flametongue will eventually out-damage it on a magic build once the Nirvana Band and magic-boosting equipment become available. It becomes an interesting source of damage for a magic build, actually.
Ran some back-of-the-hand calculations with the new Storm Blade Dragoon vs. Flash for a mag Edgar. Was checking to see if a Jumped Break with a 50% random cast chance was enough damage for Storm Blade Dragoon to significantly outdamage Flash, barring any enemy weakness or resistance.
Answer is, no, it isn't enough. It's enough for Storm Blade Dragoon to equal Flash, but it won't outdamage Flash. (Let alone outdamage Flash by enough to be worth taking Dragon Helm & Dragoon Seal over other helmets or relics). "50% random spellcast" mag Dragoon is a new source of Fire, Ice, & Bolt damage, but it won't raise mag Edgar's general dps. -
In Topic: ATB Modification Patch - Speed Nerf
A week ago
BTB, on 18 April 2017 - 10:00 PM, said:
Well, no, I mean more that the ice esper is being used to fuel the power of a fire spell. That kind of ironic.
That...yeah, it is kinda funny. Then again, Celes is the one whose naturally learning Ice magics but then mastering Holy & Fire magics for her "ultimate" attacks.
We'll just say that she has such mastery of cold magics that the temperature wraps back around to superhot magics.
29 Jul 2016 - 14:43Ecclesiastes
29 Jul 2016 - 13:34