I decided recently that I will be back to Hacking Golden Sun! This time I will be doing something totally different. While still carrying over many of my ideas from the first Mod. I will be reworking everything from the ground up and making what I feel will be the best version of Fallen Star. If all goes well you can expect an EX version for FS.
What will make this interesting is that I am doing away with gear as a whole and classes will no longer come with a full gamut of Psynergy. Instead psynergy can be bough and will need to be balanced based on the situation and what you think will best fit your situation. This doesn't mean that classes won't have psynergy, they just won't have a lot at most 2-3 skills per class with the rest being able to be purchased in shops or dropped by enemies. I still plan for bosses and skills to be essentially the same as they are in FS just reworking the gear to be different.
Gear will be a thing of the past as you will be equipping stones to get your skills which will come with some minor buffs or benefits. Such as PP regen or HP boosts. Don't expect to see a lot of Defense boost equipment in the game.
I am hoping to have the full game finished by October but I would figure I would give you guys something to be excited about!
Fallen Star EX: A new mod in the Spirit of the First
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15 July 2013 - 09:51 AM
I think the concept of this interesting but also a bit weird. Are the bought psynergies perishable items or equips that bestow them?
Am looking forward to what you come up with though!
Am looking forward to what you come up with though!
15 July 2013 - 10:19 AM
Sounds like you took some of these concepts from Lost Odyssey, which isn't a bad thing -- LO is an amazing game. Sounds very interesting; looking forward to it.

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