This will tighten up the Ch3>Ch4 balance of the game which was previously made too easy through a combination of way-too-strong OK combinations, ease of getting the DK and OK NPC's, and early farming of top-end gear.
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- Wizard's Cyclone can now properly lock onto units
- Onion Knight & Death Knight Rescues now more challenging
- Night Sword MP Cost up from 8 to 12
- Divine Knight (Meliadoul) SPC / SPM up from 100 / 105 to 90 / 120
- LVL99 Celia / Lede can no longer throw Chaos Blades +
- Zalera's Undead Knights replaced with Undead Death Knights
- Dragon Rod is no longer Two Sword-able / Two Hand-able
- Bull's Eye formula changed to Rdm(1…3) x PA
- Hitoshi / Orlandu MPM down from 100 to 70
- Onion Knight SPM down from 110 to 100
- Onion Knight PAM down from 130 to 115
- Onion Knight MAM down from 120 to 110
- Onion Knight C-EV% down from 22% to 10%
- Hitoshi SPM down from 110 to 100
- Hitoshi PAM and MAM down from 120 / 120 to 110 / 100
- Hitoshi C-EV% down from 22 to 13%
- Nameless Dance can no longer inflict Stop, Frog or Sleep, hit rate increased by 10%
- Elidibs can now Teleport
- Altima II SPM Increased from 170 to 190
- Alma (Divine Cleric) lost Non-Charge, now has Short Charge, lost Move-MP UP
- Orlandu now joins with lvl 3 Ninja Unlocked
- Reis now joins with lvl 3 Sage Unlocked
- Beowulf now joins with lvl 7 Oracle Unlocked
- Cloud now joins with lvl 6 Soldier Unlocked
- Dorter 2 Thieves now have Maintenance
- Bervenia Volcano Ninja no longer spawns with Rubber Costume
- Red Dragons can no longer be Poached in Chapter 2
- Red Dragon Common Poach changed from Dragon Rod to Heroic Gloves
- Red Dragon Rare Poach changed from Dragon Whisker to Dragon Rod
- Woodman Rare Poach changed from Ultimus Bow to Mythril Bow
- Explosive's Common Poach changed from Demon Hilt to Flame Rod
- Explosive's Rare Poach changed from Magic Cannon to Demon Hilt
- Cocatoris Rare Poach changed from Stone Gun to Engineer Rifle
- Dragon Whisker, Ultimus Bow, and Magic Cannon moved to Steals in Ch 3 and 4

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