Kjata, on 01 December 2015 - 08:35 AM, said:
Second, I'd level Steiner to at LEAST 15. 17 is usually where I stop.
Third, good luck with the bird. I can't remember if I've ever killed it in Unleashed, so I don't have any advice.
As I've fought a few of the Mandragora's around Treno I've come to appreciate Marcus a little more. He's got speed in his favour and once I had access to some better equipment, he did a good job of chipping away at my early doubt. Steiner still beats him out in pretty much everything except speed though

Laith, on 01 December 2015 - 09:20 AM, said:
This is pretty much how it works with all of them. Or well, I still haven't beaten Behemoth 'cause it's... very strong for my level.
Tried the birdie at level 13 with Steiner. His equipment was the Blood Sword, Barbut, Mythril Gloves, Bronze Armour (wind resistance), and Gold Choker (wind resistance + auto-potion). His auto-abilities where Beast and Bird Killer, coupled with HP+10% and Auto-Potion, which took up 14/14 magic stones. I made sure it was only going to be Hi-Potions he was chugging. I managed to chip away 2/3 of its HP before the first White Wind destroyed my efforts. I died to a physical shortly after. I bit the bullet the second go and used the tent trick, with the above set-up, and won with absolutely no difficulty whatsoever. It never hit me once and poison killed it in under 30 seconds. It done the job but it wasn't as satisfying as it could have been. Oh, well. It's dead
I'll earmark Steiner for about level 17-19. With the Blood Sword, Insomniac and Counter to self-heal and guard against sleep, I think I'll be fit to handle the Mistodens -- even if they do hit a little harder. I'll have the Protect skill for Steiner anyway and if I feel I need an extra push I could always spend a little time on Hot & Cold and trade in points for a Protect Ring to teach him Long Reach. Though I'd prefer not to have to do that

I'll hopefully get Garnet's section squared away shortly and leave with a sufficiently levelled Steiner and a good start on Eiko's stats for later.