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In Topic: RotDS 1.7.3 update
2 weeks ago
Sora, on 08 April 2017 - 12:02 PM, said:
GI i dont mind play all over again becuse is fun well you breaked the game and now every thing is normal again well credits for fix the bugs is for you and your team nice work anyways im curious about this new thing in Jericho and this should be the last update before 1.8 at least that will give time to me finish the game thanks for this great work Gi well a idea for a future version is Gi Nattak is the ultimate boss that would be awsome
but that would skrew up both the plot and the name of the hack! (Return of the dark sorcerer, which is Zuriel)
besides i think Gi Nattak is one of the guys who fought Zuriel in the past or at least belongs to the old gen of heroes -
In Topic: RotDS 1.7.2 update
3 weeks ago
Gi Nattak, on 05 April 2017 - 07:21 PM, said:
- lowered hit% of Havoc skill a bit, again. Also raised the time it takes to innitiate by a tad.
since i started this run i thought: "heh, maybe this time i'll use Avalon, Havoc might become handy, you know..."
you nerfed him 2 or 3 times on the way... aww come on! -
In Topic: fixes to Return of the Dark sorcerer
3 weeks ago
Gi Nattak, on 05 April 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:
I'm not sure about the tiger boss issue, but probably. The issue with the battle events like merchant or officer (getting clothes with locke) would break though yes, its been a factor since the difficulty patch came into play. I managed to do the same thing I'm doing now to correct it. Those important event ones should be working in 1.7.0 and up I did make sure to test those.
Its a pretty bad issue to have to worry about constantly, and every AI change requires testing each monster pretty much on 4 different difficulties lol...
Now i know what i'll never do in my hack -
In Topic: fixes to Return of the Dark sorcerer
3 weeks ago
In Topic: Missable list?
3 weeks ago
Yuber, on 04 April 2017 - 10:59 AM, said:
Thief Knife is a substitute, but it only has 52 battle power. And it would severely limit attack strength in the battles you need it the most. I think it would just be more efficient to sacrifice a relic slot, while having access to a steal command which leave you with access to your best weapons.
Swap hand gears in battle is something worth to being ready to use, in case of need
31 Aug 2016 - 14:20Tenkarider
30 Aug 2016 - 18:50break
30 Aug 2016 - 15:52RinaTakeda
12 Dec 2014 - 01:11Tenkarider
03 Jun 2014 - 04:33