FF6 Tenkarider's contest (accessible even to casuals)
19 October 2014 - 07:32 PM
Task #4 : When an ambush fails...
Here's the link:
Place: South Figaro's scenario(Mog black screen)
Area of the task: South Figaro area + cave to South Figaro;
Enemies: KillerArmr? and/or ???;
Task goal: End the scenario.
Rom version: 1.0(headered)
What's hacked: you, the enemies, dialogues, a bit of changes on sub map, a little work on music too, customized colors of some sprite, event editing, battle event editing
The failed masterpiece of Cid, that was what it was supposed to be, at least... if the Guardian is the perfect defender, then the KillerArmr it should be the perfect killer:
- Digs tunnels in order to find Figaro's castle;
- After you assign him a target, then that machine will chase the target forever and kill/capture him;
- Really resistant and equipped with a neutralizer system that hinders the help from other living beings.
(Un)fortunately a bug made choose the wrong target to the KillerArmr and now the target is running away, chased from the machine.
You and the target are destined to meet each other inside the caves that connects Narshe and South Figaro... what will you do? will you help him, or make the things easier to the KillerArmr? In any case this mess doesn't concern you: you only have to end the scenario, but you must remember that only the target has some chance of destroy the KillerArmr.
PS. the worst thing of a bug is that it's possible to exploit that program with an hack...
Time start: beginning of October 20;
Time end: the end of November 20;
When you record the task, the task's timer starts as soon as you load the save.
Enjoy the task!!
21 October 2014 - 09:20 AM
Fixed it and changed the link with the corrected patch... sorry, if you already downloaded the task, then please download it again.
There's also a situation in which the story goes on even if defeated... as mentioned before, unless i'll specify that a situation like that it's still considered valid, it won't be so. It's hard to handle battle events with enemy characters...

23 November 2014 - 03:54 PM
So... Let's start from task #4 features and my run, i chose the route that no one used... actually i made an error in the design of the task, and so trying to farm some EsperPowder from the merchants takes forever, due to not have any elemental weakness.

Task #4 features:
My run(Esper route) :
Before the results... a note about the run of Dessyreqt... he broke the no Kutan bug rule(or at least, he did exactly what i didn't want players do... surpass the guard at the beginning of Locke's scenario).
So i added to the time of his run the extimated time he should had to spend for escape from Figaro through the house... + 01:23 to be precise.
Despite that flaw, his run is the one i liked most... very clean and risky at the same time... the only thing i never understood is why he left empty the shield slot of Locke... is there something that i don't know about evasion?
Here's the result:
First - Jackimus
Second - Lockirby2
Third - Dessyreqt
Fourth - Cecil188
And now here's the new task!
Task #5 : Don't Suplex the train!!!
Here's the link:
Place: First save point of Phantom train
Area of the task: Phantom train;
Enemies: Phantom train;
Task goal: Stop the train and reach the other station(task's timer ends as soon as the first character jumps out of the train and lands on the station platform).
Rom version: 1.0(headered)
What's hacked: Ghosts, the enemies, dialogues, a bit of changes on sub map, customized colors of most sprites, event editing, spell editing
Sabin, Cyan and maybe also Shadow? entered in the Phantom train and now they are trapped... they must stop the train.
But something is different this time: Do you remember all the enemies that you, or maybe other challenger have slain? Most of them are here(one enemy in particular is not dead for real, but he wanted to troll you), ready to say goodbye to this world, but the train made them a promise: he gave 'em the chance of get their revenge on you, if they'll manage to kill you they'll surely rest in peace, without any regret...
For aiding the undeads, he made impossible to escape from battles, so you're gonna use any possible help from the environment and neutrals/allies...
And finally, the train will be very strong: you cannot just go and beat him, there are many possible means to win, besides the situation is still to be defined: you can choose among 2 different srm files... How do you wanna start? with or without Shadow? The travel in the train will evolve in a complete different way, according to this first decision, anyway if you won't use Shadow, remember that you'll be able to recruit even the second ghost.
Always with or without Shadow there will be one thing in particular that you'll be or not be able to do... it's up to you the choice.
There's some extra warning to tell you: There's some rare or particular "Guest" here and there... some of them will be met no matter what, others are optional and few ones will be met in case of bad luck...
This task may result hard, and it's probably the longest to finish until now... enjoy yourself!
Time start: Beginning of November 24;
Time end: The end of December 24/5... Merry christmas!
When you record the task, the task's timer starts as soon as you load the save.
Enjoy the task!!
PS. Psycho Cyan bug is forbidden!
26 November 2014 - 11:16 PM
I thought what dess did was pretty clever actually, since celes did technically get recruited, but I aint the judge here I suppose.
Also, I don't like how the name for the latest one is exactly the opposite of what needs to be done to every train ever.
Keep 'em comin, these are fun.
27 November 2014 - 05:06 AM
Jackimus, on 26 November 2014 - 11:16 PM, said:
I thought what dess did was pretty clever actually, since celes did technically get recruited, but I aint the judge here I suppose.
Also, I don't like how the name for the latest one is exactly the opposite of what needs to be done to every train ever.
Keep 'em comin, these are fun.
Yeah, that's why i liked most the run of Dessyreqt, even if it was against my idea of valid run... but this time was my fault, since i thought that Kutan bug implied even skipping the guard, as part of it.
I should had to specify that i didn't wanted to let players skip the guard.
The name of the task? Due to the reputation of the suplex to the train, writing to do the opposite draws more attention
Besides, that train is far from being an usual Phantom train...
27 November 2014 - 07:04 AM
I had a feeling that you might have come up with the same strat actually, Jackimus. And I figured that if you did, you'd probably bother to optimize the luck whereas I didn't bother (I just accepted the first run with no major mistakes). So yeah, nice job!
27 November 2014 - 11:56 AM
Lockirby2, on 27 November 2014 - 07:04 AM, said:
I had a feeling that you might have come up with the same strat actually, Jackimus. And I figured that if you did, you'd probably bother to optimize the luck whereas I didn't bother (I just accepted the first run with no major mistakes). So yeah, nice job!
Unfortunately he was difficult to contact, i believe that he submitted in a flash and then disappeared for a month...
I cannot be sure at 100% that there wasn't the chance of doing better or score a very near result, anyway, doing some approssimate calculation, he could:
- Free Celes immediately from stone;
- Equip her with a Dirk, bought in the weapon shop and runic immediately;
- The first clone was inevitable, then he had to use the task manager(after a one-shot drill to Kefka) ;
- Steal to the clone a thunder rod;
- In less than 1:30, 3 death drills + 1 thunder rod(about 1300 damage) to the clone should be enough to kill it;
- Now the target is Kefka, assuming that a death drill killed the clone(it wasn't difficult use the rod before), then Celes should still be in runic stance;
- As soon as the third death drill is used, you prepare immediately Figaro Tea;
- You block his counter and he auto-attacks himself, if now the death drill attacks him, then he should die.
Now, i don't really know if that was enough to compete with a normal route, but it could still have been a good score.
PS. That wan't a penality: it was more or less the time he should have spent, in the case he did escape from Figaro through the house, pointless or not...
18 December 2014 - 10:42 PM
19 December 2014 - 02:18 PM
I take this chance to remind that task #5 will end within 10 days.
05 January 2015 - 10:33 AM
There's no need of task's features video, because the following next 3 videos shows basically all what the task has to offer.
On a side note looks like no one noticed/was interested at getting the hidden Exp. egg, which was near to the dummied Fairy Ring location, as mentioned from a hint of the task.
My run is based on shadow, i get the Task Manager and Moogle Charm... there was a lot of space for some improvement, especially because i didn't buy Sprint shoes and other errors...
Here's the result:
First - Lockirby2
Second - Cecil188
Unfortunately Jackimus was busy... hopefully he'll submit something later.
About Dessyreqt... well, he's a rare guest.
Here's the new task:
Task #6: Ghost army
Here's the link:
Place: Narshe's snow battlefield, before Kefka's assault
Area of the task: Narshe's snow battlefield;
Enemies: A bunch of Liars;
Task goal: Banish Dark Kefka, the task ends when Kefka disappear, after he starts to spin;
Rom version: 1.0(headered)
What's hacked: You, the enemies, battle dialogues, customized/added monster sprites, spells;
The 3 groups finally reach Narshe, But the enemy is already invading Narshe... Kefka? no...
An Imposter? Neither: An imposter of the imposter!
This task has a similar structure of the first task, but i won't do the same error of the last
time... actually the winner will be decided following different rules, but let's add some plot
to this task before, just to make things funnier...
Some month ago in ID a weird story happened: due to darkkefka being logged out for a while, an
imposter pretended to being him, when he has been unmasked, it started a discussion, meanwhile
he generated also Tenka Rider(my poser), Hart Hunt(Hart-Hunt's poser) and S'tann(Stann was the
original, but there was a weird symbol above the 'S' so i'll just call him "Stann?")...
At the end Archael appeared and made some justice: happy ending in ID... the end? maybe.
They have been kicked out from ID, but they moved out inside my hack, while i was planning it.
What you have to do is smash them here and now: if you defeat Dark Kefka, then even the others
will go away, but it would be better if they just die here, so that they will never bother
anyone else, so there will be a score to decide the winner, here are the rules:
1) You get the score ONLY if the kill is done and it's done from you(if you get GP);
2) You start with ~2300 GP: that's the starting score:
3) Only the 4 mentioned above imposters of the imposters will drop GP;
4) If you finish the task before 10 minutes, then you'll receive 1000 extra GP for any minute
that it still have to pass... - if your time is 6:25, you'll get 4000 extra GP;
- if your time is 7:00, you'll get 3000 extra GP;
- if your time is 7:59, you'll get 3000 extra GP;
- if your time is 10:00 you won't get extra GP.
5) On the other side, if it will take you more than 20:59, starting from 21:00, you'll start
to lose 500 GP from the final value each minute... until you finish the task;
6) Hart Hunt and Stann? are a rare spawn, there's some luck behind finding them, btw they
can be slain more than 1 time;
7) Tenka Rider is Dark Kefka's bodyguard: unless you really know what to do, you MUST avoid
him, on a side note don't steal him what he already stole to me: Without it, he couldn't
even exist... he would react really bad to that.
8) The Task Manager is quite difficult to figure out how to get it... around the battlefield
you'll find some hint about what to do... kinda like a password;
9) The rom is locked, that means that FF3usME won't be able to open it and you won't be able
to cheat with that password: now, this task is intended to not being seen from inside, so
even if you know how to unlock it, you should respect my will to not open it and figure
out the solution in the fair way, like a true player;
10) You must clear the task to being valued, among the players with a valid run, the winner is
the player which has the highest GP amount, in the improbable case of a draw, then the
tie-break is settled with time(the lowest), another draw is impossible, unless the run
are identical.
Time start: Beginning of January 5;
Time end: The end of February 5;
When you record the task, task's timer starts as soon as you load the save.
Enjoy the task!!
PS. It's not allowed to get some level, die and then load the save, because in that way you'll
bring with you the exp and probably even GP, so... absolutely no.
29 January 2015 - 08:57 AM
29 January 2015 - 12:07 PM
The only true impostor there was Dark Kefka. The rest were just trolls.
29 January 2015 - 02:21 PM
Ludovician, on 29 January 2015 - 12:07 PM, said:
The only true impostor there was Dark Kefka. The rest were just trolls.
Now that i remember it yes...
Well, it doesn't change really much for task's purposes: after all the only one you must kill for finish the task is Dark Kefka.
The others are just a good excuse to expand the plot of the task.