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In Topic: Brave New World 1.8.4 is now available!
An hour ago
The odds of an incorrect patch working correctly in every respect except balance are astronomical - if it happened to you, you should feel terrible for playing BNW instead of a lottery. Keep in mind that, up until the battle of Narshe, the game is mostly a tutorial, and the lessons haven't changed much since you did it the first time. The thing about a tutorial is that, once the player demonstrates understanding, it's good design to let the player proceed quickly. BNW honors that - it won't make you spend a dozen turns on a fight going through the motions after you've figured it out. Breezing through the early game is a good thing. It means you grok the system well enough that it doesn't have anything to teach you, and you have the knowledge you need to make informed choices to handle the actual challenges. -
In Topic: 1.4 update
2 weeks ago
It should get given to you in a dialogue box after the fight, not as a drop from the battle - check your inventory maybe? I had some bugs with drops from those quests, too, though. -
In Topic: 1.4 update
2 weeks ago
Dark Cave is in 1.4, at least the IRO version that you install with 7th Heaven. There are a few bugs, but they're pretty deterministic - usually interacting with some miscellaneous stuff that isn't required and doesn't even have a reward. If you save often once you're in there, you'll be fine, but do make sure it's not over your main save since you can't get out without finishing it, and you won't be able to grind easily. -
In Topic: 2.0 Idea? Maybe?
4 weeks ago
ronlyn, on 29 March 2017 - 02:12 PM, said:
Maybe the ring can be Relm only and let her summon the esper equipped as many times she wants at the cost of dealing half the damage/healing
how's that work with zoneseek
Also, an item that improves your stat bonuses from an Esper doesn't do anything that multiple items that offer the same stat bonuses couldn't do, except possibly force you to juggle it around in a multiparty situation. But it also comes with a lot more work, because it requires you to balance it for every possible Esper - you can't take a pass on the ones that don't lend themselves to adjustment this way, like the ones that offer status immunity. You'd still have to come up with a bonus for those ones. Finally, I don't really see how it helps the game do what it's trying to - Espers are already meant to be very important, so adding an optional way to make them moreso is going to create redundancy that could be better spent on addressing balance issues or adding something novel. -
In Topic: 2.0 Idea? Maybe?
4 weeks ago
Hm. The problem is, it doesn't add much. Summons are 1/battle, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to have a build centered on the actual casting of one - a relic like the one you're describing would need to add a weaker attack and then allow more frequent use, or something. I think there would be significant technical challenges, although perhaps not. Additionally, Raiden's sprite no longer exists. It got shitcanned to make room for Kaiser's sprite.
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