Solo Thief Challenge (Thief SSCC)
15 April 2012 - 04:26 PM
I can now say that I've read the current entirety of the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin since I started a long break from Velius, so now I really have no excuse and must return to the grind. I did an hour of commentary with Archael (two hours if we count the one where I accidentally forgot to record audio), so I need to do another hour with him. The funny thing is that the first hour we did was something like six weeks ago. So the conversation will go from "Congrats on beating Zombie Zalbag" to "Congrats on beating Solo Berserk Demon Archer GG Altima!"
15 April 2012 - 06:59 PM
#123 Guest_Cocomunga_*
17 April 2012 - 08:30 AM
At least you won't have to increase your brave. The end is really easy besides Hashmalum. Hashmalum is all luck. All you do is sit there and pray he has very bad luck. I would get the Rubber Costume. I never tried Balk 2 without it, but it probably is really bad. It's up to you. You can try to be badass and not even get it and win. However, I think beating the Super Monster Battle with one Thief and snagging the Costume is among the most crazy stunts ever in FFT. The only good strategy is run in the middle of the monsters, charm the Hydra, and hope you live. If you can survive that one round, you have a good chance.
03 May 2012 - 08:34 AM
Velius - Part 33j w/ Archael (pt 1 of 2)
NOTE: Video is processing. ETA is 2 hours, and I have to go to sleep. So just watch your sub-boxes instead.
03 May 2012 - 08:36 AM
That traffic accident--which really wasn't all that bad--caused a chain reaction of events that monopolized my attention for the next 6 hours. So Arch and I weren't able to finish our session; but we will regroup for a part 2 soon.
28 June 2012 - 10:30 PM
I should have some very decent spare time Friday evening / night. If you can make it, just let me know what hours work for you, and then just log onto your Skype and I'll call you.
08 August 2012 - 12:39 PM
just a heads up
for many people scene skips like that aren't excuse able especially when other vids don't have that problem
I believe you though, congratulations, although killing Velius in 9 minutes seems improbable.

08 August 2012 - 12:42 PM
You daft shit.

12 October 2012 - 02:33 PM
Forgot to update this thread with the Velius victory vid:
In this episode, Efrate helps me figure out which Wachowski sibling had the sex change. They still look the same to me.
16 October 2012 - 07:48 AM
Part 35a - Tipsy Plague Hunt w/ Melanchthon
Part 35b - Buzzed Plague Hunt w/ Melanchthon
And then, once the spin started rooming a little, we moved onto Round 4 of the Nostalgia Tournament.
-- [Drunk Lions Division] -- {Round IV} -- Battles 1 & 2
-- [Drunk Lions Division] -- {Round IV} -- Battles 3 & 4
-- [Drunk Lions Division] -- {Round IV} -- Battles 5 & 6
25 November 2012 - 01:26 AM
I left a huge wall of text on Youtube about the super monster battle. It wasn't well thought up. What I should have said is to just run into the middle of everything with the Feather Mantle on, Charm the Black Hydra, and keep on charming while keeping in mind of who is going to go next so that they will not attack the Black Hydra. The battle sometimes gives you an allie, who could also be a Black Hydra. One of my poaches was actually him. He tends to die to the Blue Dragon who is in range to Ice Bracelet him before he even gets to go, but sometimes he will survive just barely. That is when you kill him.
You will want on
Zorlin Shape (not Air Knife now that I remember my Rubber Costume poach)
Thief Hat
Black Costume (you need all the hp you can get sometimes I survived one hit of Triple Flame by a single digit of hp)
Feather Mantle
I say Zorlin Shape and not Air Knife because I now remember that there is a Red Dragon in that battle, and he can't be killed by Triple Flame. He has to be killed by you, or charmed monsters. I had the Black Hydra melee him to the point where I could kill the Dragon in two hits. I proc'd sleep, Charmed the Hydra again, and then finished the Dragon. The Dragon put the Hydra within two hit kill range also. I hit him, dodged a counter, dodged a melee attack, and poached him. My two other poaches were not as difficult. It's all about dodging everything, getting crystals, all your charms landing, and the Black Hydra not dying to another monster.
There is sometimes an enemy Red Chocobo. If he is there, you will almost certainly lose. I have Charmed him into helping me, but most of the time after he has done this he will end up killing you regardless.
Lastly, make sure you have at least of every single piece of buy-able gear before you go to Orbonne . I ended up beating Hashmalum due to an AI exploit I figured out which allowed me to do enough damage to hit him one less time to kill him. When the time comes I'll look way back when I posted about it. It involves the equipment piece "headgear" and having your hp at a certain number.
21 March 2013 - 12:10 AM
21 March 2013 - 06:46 AM
Lately, I've had a hard time even getting a few hours of Minecraft in with Stann once a week. I feel like all I do is work, eat, struggle to sleep, occasionally sleep, fail to get enough sleep, and work some more.
I intend to return to Solo Thief one of these days, and it'll be another burst, with tons of videos, before hitting another slump period that lasts for who-knows-how-long. That's typically how my gaming goes nowadays.
I will definitely hit you up when I reach Balk in 2120, though! We can swap stories about how we each found immortality, and make a blood pact to find some ways to kill each other once the horror of eternity kicks in.
05 April 2013 - 08:18 AM