here i will give tip and hints to Expert mode to fight and win all boss fights kn the games
ROTDS 1.7.1 boss walktrough for expert mode
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12 February 2017 - 10:59 AM
to begin Im xman Aka rafael and i will teach you to fight all boss fights in the game weknesses status all to you Beat the game ok? let get going im am going to post when im going trought my game let get going !
12 February 2017 - 11:08 AM
fire weaver a least get level 4 with everyone and begin the fight biggs and wedge will say to you not attack the bodyif you attack you will get a melt down in your face and you will get a game over the strategy is to use Magitek missle and frozen beam when his head is out he can use use fireball and inferno so cure and look out dont forget to use the magitek barrier in the first turn with everyone and when his head is not out cure yourself thats the strategy until he is down im sure this walktrough will help more next time

12 February 2017 - 03:15 PM
next up is Tritoch you gotta lv up to lv5 and take him on he has a interesting mecanic if you use poison on him it will say poison lv1 that mean he is will take gradual damage use again if he use ripler same strategy m.tek barrier on everyone on the frist turn and use poison once he has powerful magic spells lv 1,2 and 3 spells so look out do m.tek missle with aurora should be damage 500 and biggs and wedge heal andpoison his Hp down to 0 and its done next up is the marshali reccomend use cloud party and use his second limit break to counter his phisical attack and steal from him the assault helm and cure every turn with one of the moggles until he is dead the next boss the m.tek armor confuse him on the first turn with serin if you dont do that he will use sand storm and kill your party and aurora use shock one every turn until the 2 are dead next time more
12 February 2017 - 05:49 PM
Xman, on 12 February 2017 - 03:15 PM, said:
next up is the marshali reccomend use cloud party and use his second limit break to counter his phisical attack and steal from him the assault helm and cure every turn with one of the moggles until he is dead
i'm gonna assume that here Aurora is still at level 5, so cloud is at lv 7, right? i dunno if Gi Nattak nerfed the boss in 1.7.1 but are you sure that this is the 4th difficulty?(if you were talking about the 3rd difficulty, forget all what i said

05 March 2017 - 11:04 AM
well raditz is where things get harder before you will go to him buy every equipment in seaspe and equip the thief knife on aurora well before moving to him at least your party gets level 10 the before raditz you will fight the saibamen there are not hard serin just spam poison nova cloud climhazzard and aurora on the healing they can jump but the most of the time they will miss when their hp is low there is a chance that use self destruct to kill themselfs and raditz the guy is hard serin use pizza when necessary cloud on climrazzard limit and aurora on the healing his script is santly beam that can kill everyone air blast that can do 300 damage on one menber and reflect if aurora use virus well to beat him one tip if someone hp is low try to use the desesperaton atack that will do a lot of damage when you damage him at least 10.000 hp ronan will apear to end the fight use galick gun left left down right and the fight will end next time our octopus friend will show up
2 weeks ago
Ultros: he is hard if you are under level 10 with Astral in the group using miracle to cure his attacks are majority of water elemental like splash and flood and status magic like hex to turn you into a pig well good offence use fist of thunder with ronan will deal 700 damage and serin poison nova to deal 300, and Aurora using fireball to deal 300 damage do this and he will be dead. Itens to steal: soma drop weekness fire and thunder well he is not very hard if you are using the right strategy and well thats it next up is gilgamesh
A week ago
Well gilgamesh is back from the void and ready for more well he ambushes our group to a back attack he is not hard at this point he is the one of the first bosses that have 2 lives he is weak to poison aurora maybe on your playthough has virus and should do 500 and serin uses sonic shot to deal 300 and when he use a pizza he will use aquatic breath and maybe hex do this and his first phase is over and the second phase starts he will buff himself with shell,protect, and haste aurora should do dispel to remove that of him and he will throw a weapon to kill one of your caracters and the second part is identical to the first one attack that he uses on his second life is ominislash and to steal is laito a weapon to a caracter that dint enterded the group next up is calamity
A week ago
Calamity: he is very very hard you may be on lv 18 and tifa sumoned slyph on her random slot bar and cloud steal from him on The FIRST TURN the plate mail and This is basicly a tifa solo fight use her slot beat rush, random summon, water kick and surge cuter to deal at least 900 per round his attacks are cave in , shock wave second phase only, and magnetude 8 and magitek laser , this fight is where the dificulty choice on the start makes the diference that it and he and use magitek barrier to protect and shell well that it for today next up is s.knight maybe kefka and raider i forgot he can use last word to dispel your buffs
6 days ago
well we begin in ronan scenario with 4 bosses on the same area some are just minibosses or obrigatory battles but i will put here anyway S.Knight: he is just a tutorial battle for avalon he can cast some spells like regen,berserk,drain and rasp to put his hp to max this battle is not difficult at all the enemy is vulnarable to poison,confuse, and blind you should defeat him no problem via havoc Kefka 1: Well oboro steps in to the group the offence here is Shurikens and fist of thuder if you dont have meteostrike he can cure himself cast regen, cura, all level 1 spell and virus no problem at all Telstar: you have to steal him the t´hai chi cap and kill him fast to not summon other enemys with fist of thunder and shurikens .Raider he is hard he and cast air blast and drain air blast should deal 300 and call friends this battle is all luck bacuse avalon can attack or havoc to deal status to him overall not really hard next will be hard
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