Forum Rules
11 April 2012 - 09:44 PM
Insane Difficulty Forum Rules
These terms and rules will help you get the most out of your experience here. Following them makes our forum a better place for everyone. If you don't, you're going to have a bad time. If you continually break these rules, not only will you have a bad time, but you will force us to remove you from the forums. We don't want to do that, so please follow them.
Rule One — Be Respectful
This website does not belong to you. You are a guest here. This is a private site. We are not a "for profit" business and we are not funded by any governments. This means we run the site the way we see fit. We are not obligated to observe anyone's notions of "free speech" or even "fairness." We try of course, but we have our limits. Generic trolling will get you banned. If you must flame, be smart or creative about it, and make sure the flame was warranted to begin with. Generally, you'll never go wrong by being nice, polite and mature.
Think before you chime in with your opinion on a given post or series of posts. There will usually be some history behind a given exchange in our forums, so take the time to observe what might really be going on and put the conversation into context before you decide who's "right" and who's "wrong." Above all, take into account who is posting — context is everything. Joining a conversation with grossly uninformed opinions will only make you look dumb and irritate the heck out of the people who do know what's going on.
Rule Two — Contribute To The Community
Contribute to the site. Some people contribute by being helpful when someone posts a question. Some people contribute by writing interesting posts that stimulate discussion or by uploading relevant and useful facts and information. Some people contribute by posting news from the gaming world. Others contribute by providing resources allowing us all to enjoy games and mods. Still others contribute by simply making everyone laugh. Contribution can take many forms and there's no one way to go about it.
These terms and rules will help you get the most out of your experience here. Following them makes our forum a better place for everyone. If you don't, you're going to have a bad time. If you continually break these rules, not only will you have a bad time, but you will force us to remove you from the forums. We don't want to do that, so please follow them.
Rule One — Be Respectful
This website does not belong to you. You are a guest here. This is a private site. We are not a "for profit" business and we are not funded by any governments. This means we run the site the way we see fit. We are not obligated to observe anyone's notions of "free speech" or even "fairness." We try of course, but we have our limits. Generic trolling will get you banned. If you must flame, be smart or creative about it, and make sure the flame was warranted to begin with. Generally, you'll never go wrong by being nice, polite and mature.
Think before you chime in with your opinion on a given post or series of posts. There will usually be some history behind a given exchange in our forums, so take the time to observe what might really be going on and put the conversation into context before you decide who's "right" and who's "wrong." Above all, take into account who is posting — context is everything. Joining a conversation with grossly uninformed opinions will only make you look dumb and irritate the heck out of the people who do know what's going on.
Rule Two — Contribute To The Community
Contribute to the site. Some people contribute by being helpful when someone posts a question. Some people contribute by writing interesting posts that stimulate discussion or by uploading relevant and useful facts and information. Some people contribute by posting news from the gaming world. Others contribute by providing resources allowing us all to enjoy games and mods. Still others contribute by simply making everyone laugh. Contribution can take many forms and there's no one way to go about it.
12 April 2012 - 12:40 AM
Archael. First off. + Rep. I'm really glad you made this.
I'm not trying to be offensive, but this isn't normally the thing I seeing you doing. I'm glad you did it.
Site needed guide lines, and not only that, they're very mature and respectable.
I have a lot to say, but to be fair. None of it really matters apart from that people should really absolve/read these rules, they could learn a lot.
That said. I'm happy to be a member of this site.
I'm not trying to be offensive, but this isn't normally the thing I seeing you doing. I'm glad you did it.
Site needed guide lines, and not only that, they're very mature and respectable.
I have a lot to say, but to be fair. None of it really matters apart from that people should really absolve/read these rules, they could learn a lot.
That said. I'm happy to be a member of this site.
12 November 2012 - 07:47 PM
Moving this to General, since the site is growing faster we need more people to see it.
12 December 2013 - 04:20 PM
Hi, this is new member here, have read all rules described for this forum and am happy with you people to have such a professional style even at forums.
12 December 2013 - 04:29 PM
John Alfred, on 12 December 2013 - 04:20 PM, said:
Hi, this is new member here, have read all rules described for this forum and am happy with you people to have such a professional style even at forums.
Not to shoot you down or anything, but I'd actually contend that it's the opposite of "professional;" or in other words, most for-profit forums.
The rules themselves are only really necessary as a guideline for new users, because I've found that we're unique in that we're our own check and balance.
What I mean by that is if one person, regardless of who they are, steps out of line with a comment, or something like that, the other users don't hesitate to call them out on it and tell them why it's bad. We don't hesitate to let someone know when they're not wanted, but unless you come in here and just make an ass of yourself, we're gonna get along just fine.
I'm generally one of the first to call someone out, but by the same token, I'm not exempt from being called out myself, either. No one is.
If you're right, you're right, and if you're wrong, you're wrong. It really is that simple.
10 February 2014 - 01:13 AM
John Alfred, on 12 December 2013 - 04:20 PM, said:
Hi, this is new member here, have read all rules described for this forum and am happy with you people to have such a professional style even at forums.
Professional my ass. Familial is the word i'd use. If you come in and act like an asshole, we will let you know you aren't welcome.
If you are fun to talk to, we will let you know. If you are struggling with the mods here, we will kindly help you. If you are being a douche, we'll run you out.
22 May 2014 - 01:54 AM

I just linked it from a random Google image search. I'll change it just in case I guess.