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- Viewing Forum: Final Fantasy VI: Brave New World
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- Game Breaker
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Topics I've Started
Playtesting Ideas / Playthrough
14 August 2016 - 08:44 PM
Playtesting several ideas while playing through the game again. De-cluttering the Suggestions topic.
Currently: Floating Continent
Video Archive:
Magitek FactorySpoiler
Floating ContinentSpoiler
List of Ideas Being PlaytestedSpoiler -
Brainstormed a Chrono Trigger Hack
26 July 2016 - 10:44 AM
Brainstormed a Chrono Trigger hack idea somewhat thoroughly. Just showing if off, seeing if ya'll think its any good, and/or if ya'll see flaws / suggestions. (Stole some ideas from some KevinBaconAlpha on GameFAQs who never followed through with finishing his hack). Several ideas are probably unfeasible (ASM issues), but oh well. It was a fun brainstorm.
Despite my loquaciousness, it's not an excessively long document.
(Pastebin thought I was spamming when I tried to post, so its on megafileupload).
EDIT: Ninja'd a link change. x2 >_>
General concept is to make positioning important. So, stuff like trading out most "hit-all" techs for another one of the targetting type, eliminating the silliness of "I walk up, hit, then walk back" by keeping you next to your foe, maybe introduce stuff like concerns about your attack's range & not being able to just magically walk through enemies. Dunno how much, if any, is possible.
Also diversifies character techs away from "more big numbers attack," tries to spread out techs temporally, & presumes a higher difficulty (though not "hard"). Such things inspired by Brave New World, of course. >_> -
Builds Reference Text
25 June 2016 - 11:06 AM
A quick reference text for the various builds. Contains "all" builds for each character (sans Umaro & Gogo), including a name, "standard" ELs, and a quick paragraph explaining the build (including alternate ELs).
Has a few judgement calls on the optimization of some builds, but said judgements should reflect the general community consensus. Not that optimization is at all required to beat BNW, even without power levelling; enjoy your favorite build.
Gogo's builds are missing, as stated above. Perhaps a future text will have him & Umaro. (Not that Umaro has any builds.)
LAST UPDATE: 01/29/2017
29 Jul 2016 - 14:43Ecclesiastes
29 Jul 2016 - 13:34