Dawnbomb on Chat Moderation
05 March 2017 - 09:57 AM
I have been treated insanely unfairly, and its not funny. i have been repeatedly had my name changed to offensive and inappropriate names over and over again day after day after day. despite asking moderators / administrators over and over to stop, they refused. and when i tried to reach out, i was banned for speaking my mind, not rudely, not with a cynical or entitled tone, just trying to contact whoever i needed to to make it stop. i don't know who the owner of the insane difficulty server is, but this is completely unacceptable of your moderators, and if it was you yourself, you should feel an extreme shame towards your fan base for either doing, or allowing such conduct.
I didn't just love insane difficulty, i recommended it to my friends, and many times over got people to enjoy the mods/hacks that were available on the site. i don't know who banned me, or who repeatedly changed by name, but i hope that some people are removed permanently from the staff. this is completely unacceptable. it says right in the rules SFW, changing me to micro penis is clearly not only rule breaking, but complete and total 3 year old mentality, among the other slew of name changes. i understand communities make their own rules, but this is hardly how any community should operate.
i don't care that this message can be seen by every single random passer by to insane difficulty. this treatment is completely unacceptable. if it needs to be a warning to others to not speak out, or to just stop recommending the site, and leave the community, then so be it. i don't care any more then the seconds it took for whatever hell bent bully moderators to ban me for speaking out against this.
at this point i've been banned from the discord, and i'll shortly be banned from the forums as well to make sure this message can't spread, but i hope that at least this will prevent some further unfair treatment to other members of the community, even if im being banned / exiled / treated like a immature villan for speaking out against this. at the very least i will know full well, that without an absolute doubt, i did not deserve the treatment i received.
In making this post, i have complied fully with the forum rules.
i don't know why they felt so compelled to refuse me to simply be left alone and have my normal name, i don't know why they felt so compelled that rather then leaving me alone, they needed to ban me rather then let me have a normal name, but again, even tho this message will probably be up only minutes before i am banned from the forums despite completely complying with the rules, i hope this reaches the eyes or ears of someone who can do something about the staff.
if anyone wishes to contact me, make sure not to refresh this page (as i can't imagine this post not getting removed to prevent the spread of information), open a new tab to continue browsing as this will defiantly be taken down. my skype is dawn.bomb1 and my discord is dawnbomb#3408
05 March 2017 - 10:05 AM
More like you went ballistic on multiple occasions and demanded moderators to be removed. If you hadn't reacted this way there never would have been an issue. Spamming @everyone repeatedly (even though it's actually disabled to prevent this kind of abuse) was just icing on the cake. Then privately threatening other mod staff was the last straw honestly.
It doesn't matter what kind of member of the community you are, this behavior is intolerable.
I disagree
[10:52 AM] Dawnbomb: am i going to have to put in serious requests to remove the moderators
[10:52 AM] Dawnbomb: im tired of asking nicely
[10:52 AM] Dawnbomb: @everyone
[10:52 AM] Emmoji: "everyone" can't help you, but i notified the moderators for you :stuck_out_tongue:
[10:53 AM] Dawnbomb: no, im gonna start pointing it out to @everyone
[10:53 AM] Dawnbomb: because this isnt funny
[10:54 AM] Nowea: I get that it's not funny, but bugging the entire channel about it with pings isn't the solution.
[10:55 AM] Dawnbomb: insane difficulty is supposed to be something people admire, not literally a 3 year old mentality mods
[10:55 AM] Dawnbomb: well aint that to bad.
[10:56 AM] Dawnbomb: if using @everyone is what it takes to make it fucking stop, well im already dealing with someone who is basically a 3 year old. at this point its get banned for wanting to be normal, or cause some child fucking moderators to get removed.
05 March 2017 - 10:21 AM
No one really has anything against you. Also, since I don't really remember you from chat (and I'm a chat regular), I checked your rep in the forums. It's bad. So I'm guessing you have a problem, and it's not us.
So try to get along. I'm sure you can have a better time with us. The rest of the people hanging around here are proof of it.
And the next time, do not bleed a problem you're having to the forums. PM a mod. This is not the way to do things. I'm closing this thread.
05 March 2017 - 10:22 AM
i never threatened any moderator privately. i was however going to attempt to contact the owner, but before i could i was banned. i never approached anyone.
i did however reply to someone who PM'd me, but i did not threaten them. neither physically, internet bullying'ly, nor did i say i was going after them personally in any way. if whoever in question is spreading these lies, it is a very good chance they are involved in what was happening to me.
i don't think you understand, this wasn't a one day thing, or even a weekend thing. this has been going on for awhile, and tell me, are you honestly going to try and defend moderators breaking their own rules just to be internet bullies, and banning me for speaking against it?
if thats what you believe i suppose i can't change your mind, but you didn't know you were misinformed, and i hope i have opened your eyes. if you have any more questions ask away before im banned from the forums as well. but in zero communities i have ever been apart of, has this conduct been acceptable for staff.
05 March 2017 - 10:31 AM
i was told before the moderators would stop, people were asked and accused and all that happened was 'it wasn't me this time' 'no i didn't do it either' and yet here it doesn't fucking stop.
its currently escalated to straight up cyber bullying. it is on purpose and intentionally malicious / venomous. they wait untill im offline for the day and then change my name. and its a complete abuse of power. i understand blowing up isn't the answer, but when the unknown culprit is at such ends like this, clearly they would lie and paint me as something im not.
i have not acted out of tone untill today, but honestly it's VERY WELL DESERVED. just how long should i put up with this treatment?
i don't see changing me into a penis that different from posting porn in a forum and then being surprised when i get banned. when things are getting so out of hand i have to demand to have my fucking name in fear of being banned, only to be banned for wanting to NOT BE A PENIS, there is something fucking wrong.
05 March 2017 - 10:39 AM
You're not just overreacting, you're simply not listening to what the mods here are telling you.
[12:23 PM] Dawnbomb: no, this has gone to far at this point
[12:23 PM] Rynzer: Look, I just told you I'm doing something about it
[12:24 PM] Dawnbomb: and im going to do something a hell of a lot MORE about it
[12:24 PM] Rynzer: You've already been warned, cause problems and you will be removed
[12:24 PM] Dawnbomb: problems have already been caused. im not accepting this behavoir
And your course of action is bleeding this into the forums? There's mods here (the owner? wtf). PM one of them, and they'll listen. Which is what Rynzer has been doing.
I certainly don't understand what the "breaking their own rules" means (using your words), and I'm not here to play with it either. I'm active in both the forums and the chat, and I can speak for each of the mods and say that the thing that you're claiming, is not happening. You just happened to overreact over one thing, and then tried to escalate it. It's not working. That's the actual reason you're getting banned from chat, because you're just being toxic. Note that I'll take this not as a permaban. Contact me in a week and I'll gladfully lift it, assuming that you try to actually have a good time and not be trying to get offended at, well... I have no idea at what at this point:
dawnbomb, on 05 March 2017 - 10:31 AM, said:
Mods can't even change user's avatars, Discord itself doesn't have such option. Are we making things up now?
I'm closing this thread now, because this is getting cancerous. Try to get along next time, and contact a moderator instead of doing whatever the hell you're doing.
And one piece of advice: You also have a bad rep in the forums. Try to get along in general, because obviously you're doing something wrong around here.
05 March 2017 - 04:11 PM
While there is some measure of truth to what is being said here, it is being grossly exaggerated into something completely different.
We have fun in Discord. One of the ways we joke around is by changing people's names. So like, for example, when Hart made his 5000 ID Olympics threads in every subforum known to man, we changed his to Spammer. Dawnbomb, being part of the Discord, was of course subject to this. I am subject to this, and I own the server. My first knowledge of any of this is when he absolutely flew off the handle the other day when Mishrak changed his name to something completely benign, and demanded that we remove people on the moderation team because we're cyber bullying him (

Should I have changed his name? Well, you can argue maybe I shouldn't have, but regardless it's still not this incredibly widespread thing. I'm looking at over 70 people online in Discord right now, and you know what? Not a single one of them is being oppressed. Certainly if we were the mean, oppressive cyber-bullies he's trying to paint us as, we would no doubt be engaged in rampant oppression of the masses.
Moral of the story here folks, is "respect your superiors." If we do something that just doesn't jive well with you, then maybe toss someone a PM and let us know. We'll be more than happy to explain the reason for it, and if it's a big deal we may even stop. But when you start demanding we do things, especially removing people from the moderation team, chances are we're either going to tell you to piss off, or ridicule you, as we've done here. Because if you think demanding those higher than you to do something is productive, then that's just what you deserve: ridicule.
05 March 2017 - 04:13 PM
I'm reopening this thread.
05 March 2017 - 04:19 PM
Just know that the ice you stand on is extremely thin.
05 March 2017 - 10:49 PM
I, for one, am not particularly amused by the whole name change thing. This is largely known and - not coincidentally - my name never gets changed unless A) I'm being a right cunt about something, or B) Kjata is drunk. In the case of the latter, I wake up, see that my name is "Nourish" (fuck, I hate that word), a laugh is had by all and my name gets changed right back to what it was before. Is it something I really like? No, not really. Is it something that's worth bitching at my friends about? No, not really. Getting pissed off at someone makes them less inclined to correct their behavior than just politely asking them to knock it off.
tl;dr - a simple "dude, not cool" will get you a lot farther in this world than "fuck you" will.
06 March 2017 - 06:57 AM
BTB, on 05 March 2017 - 10:49 PM, said:
Exactly the point. Anyone who's been a regular for some time will know that the moderators have all been regular members. I for one am the most average guy you'll find, same as Advent, Kaffe, Stann, FFTA, Archael, and any other I'm missing. We've done Let's Plays, engaged countless times at any number of discussions regarding mod developing and gaming in general, and so on.
The only thing that made us become mods (except for Archael, of course) is that we also have been around long enough and have shown genuine and prudent care for the community. Point being, if you have a problem with someone here, you'll always be able to speak to a mod and they'll listen - because we're a community, before all the other things.
06 March 2017 - 08:49 AM
So the name got changed, but... what does that mean? It does affect only THIS VERY chat of ID, right? Is it permanent - if not manually undone? And can it cause problems in some way - like you cannot login anymore if you don't know/forget your name?
And was the request to remove the mods the very first response of you, dawnbomb?
06 March 2017 - 09:14 AM
b. Not permanent, manually undone in a short time (I wasn't present at that time, so I don't know exactly how much time this was even a thing (not that anyone really noticed it afaik either)
c. Nope. Registration works with your registered username. People can always click on your name / current nickname to see your original / registered name.
d. See the conversations quoted above, posted by me and Mishrak. That's afaik the only thing that happened prior to this thread.
I'll let you guys be the judge of that, based on these facts alone.
06 March 2017 - 09:14 AM
EDIT: Sniped by Hart.
06 March 2017 - 12:09 PM
06 March 2017 - 12:39 PM
Artemis, on 06 March 2017 - 12:09 PM, said:
You can't. But you can ask for any of the mods to change it, say via PM, and there always multiple active that read the PMs, at any hour.
06 March 2017 - 12:50 PM
06 March 2017 - 01:02 PM
For the most part, I agree with BTB. Nickname changes irritate me, because I like knowing who I'm talking to.
As far as Dawnbomb goes, the chat logs are damning. Don't act like a child and you won't get treated like one.
06 March 2017 - 01:58 PM
To make that shorter and more to the point, annoyed as I was and the person that changed it did get a bit of a "Hey what the fuck?" from me, I never choose to get irrationally pissy and call them a child or threaten them over it. He apologized and that was that.
We're (mostly) civil around here, but when we get someone stark raving mad about something and hasn't previously gone through the appropriate channels to deal with it privately, we aren't going to crumble and cater to your whims when you shout and cry foul. This was escalated way farther than it ever needed to be simply because you wanted the owner above all else, because that somehow changed anything when an Overlord (Admin) whose been entrusted with that position could have easily have helped.
We also don't often pull punches around here, and for good reason. It builds respect for one another and it helps us build familiarity with each other so we know when someone that is acting really stupid is likely just fucking around for shits and giggles.
If you have trouble trying to think of how we operate, think of us as a group back in the late 90s early 2000s. I often just think 4chan early 2000s to pin this down, if people are familiar with that. So use that when you come in and approach us. It's not that we can't be friendly, we just don't tolerate actions that have been shown to be done without much real thought behind them. And yes, because of that we will likely laugh. I think I was gonna go into a thing about humility here, but I seriously need to go back to work instead of focusing on silly name changing drama. Hopefully my point gets across.
06 March 2017 - 03:58 PM
I just felt this needed to be part of the conversation.