Hack Fan
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Strangest things seen playing FFT 1.3.08
27 February 2017 - 10:36 AM
Strangest thing I've ever seen is Zalera doing a physical attack. -
In Topic: Top 5 Most Useless Items/Arms/Armor in 1.3
25 November 2016 - 12:29 PM
I feel like a lot of items are useless in this game either because they get majorly outclassed by other items or have small niche uses. I think dagger in general are rather useless except for the +1 speed. Daggers are weak and you usually don't want to get close to enemies. Positioning is so important in this game and if you get in close, you better be tanky or be able to kill your target in one hit. Having a dagger usually means neither of these things. I think weapons that steal mp are pretty worthless as well. Why would I want to take your mp when I could just kill you. This idea really comes in the later parts of the game when power source exists. They can just instantly gain all of their mp back. One of my favorite items in the game is chameleon robe. Absorbing holy makes it good to use against counter magic. I wish there were more items like that.
To actually answer the original question, here is a list (in no order) of items I think are horrible.
1. Mage Masher
2. Ivory Rod
3. Ribbon
4. katanas (all of them)
5. rubber shoes -
In Topic: "Insane Difficulty" - Plus / Minus a Few Other Things
25 November 2016 - 11:35 AM
I joined around 2012 so I guess I seen the site change a bit lol. I first came here because I saw 1.3 hosted on another site (romhacking.net) and it linked to here and that's how I found the site. There was a lot going on back then. Archael was doing a solo archer challenge in FFT. That seemed to inspire a lot of people to do solo challenges as well. I did my own solo chemist challenge and I remember many others including a solo wizard, solo geomancer, and of course the legendary solo thief. Not only that but other people seemed to be doing other challenges in other games as well. I remember the megaman mantis style where the guy was going through megaman with out missing a shot and taking no damage. This is what defined insane difficutly for me. It was a place with people that were insane enough to try these difficult things.
I feel like around 2014 was when the site started to degrade. I was doing challenges in 1.3 content and was waiting for it to be updated from to It never got updated. This was when I could tell that Archale was starting to be less interested and active in the site in general. I started lurking more and eventually stopped coming all together until sometime in late 2015 when I started lurking again and just as I thought the site had gone down hill. A lot of the active members from when I was around were gone.
As for the heart of the site changing, I feel like that came from trends in gaming in general. When I was here, games like “I wanna be the guy” were popular. This form of difficulty can be fun but it gets old. Honestly I'm glad those kinds of games are gone because they lean more towards the “fake” difficulty that has been brought up to me. “Fake” difficulty is indeed difficulty but not so much fun and I think that is what a lot of modders are realizing. The thing I think that makes the most fun as far as difficulty is the need for knowledge of the game. That's why I like 1.3 so much. You need to know the mechanics of FFT very well, how to manipulate CT, how the AI acts and many other things. A lot of games have ways of cheesing through them, taking out all of the difficulty and I think these are what we want to see changed.
I feel like a lot of this is just rambling but I felt like I should say something lol. -
In Topic: FFT 1.3 "Content" Trifecta Challenge
24 October 2016 - 06:38 AM
Okay here is zalera. With this vid I will be taking a hiatus. Things are just getting super busy for me and I don't know when the next time I'll get to have times to grind out matches. Also adramelk has been kicking my ass so that doesn't help either lol. I haven't given up yet though so I'll be back to working at some point later this year.
Spoiler -
In Topic: FFT 1.3 "Content" Trifecta Challenge
17 October 2016 - 06:29 AM
It's finally time to take on elmdor.
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