Choose My Next Adventure!
30 May 2015 - 05:42 PM
Regarding the options, though..
I've been playing a heavily-modded Skyrim that makes things ultra-realistic and challenging. Managing thirst, hunger, exposure, etc. It's incredibly fun when all it takes is one stray arrow to end your non-Dovahkin punk-ass. My idea was to play as a tiny Kajiit named Fluffyki'ns, and I'd be roleplaying as a constant fugitive/thief/murderer with serious anger-management issues. WATCH OUT, BRAITH!
The idea behind Terraria - Defenders of Pudd is that my girlfriend, Snickets, who is a complete scrub, would be the titular wizard on Hardcore mode, and 2 or 3 of us have to keep Pudd alive at all costs. There's also so much new content in Terraria that I haven't sat down to experience yet, so it'd be a ton of fun; don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise!
Divinity, Transistor, and SR&R would be fairly normal LPs, just because I've been meaning to play them to completion soon anyway. I'd consider running a dual "Lone Wolf" game on Divinity, to make it more challenging. Snake Rattle & Roll doesn't need any challenge ideas applied to it; that game has been haunting me my entire life.. so it would be like that time Stann watched me dominate NES Batman. Fulfilling a childhood dream and such.
I'm just about to finish Silent Hill, which I've been playing for the first time over Skype w/ my cousin. We're definitely going to do SH2 after this; the question is whether I should record this time around.
Oh, and FFXII:IZJS would be spectacular, of course. Suggest challenge ideas!
30 May 2015 - 05:46 PM
30 May 2015 - 06:02 PM
I think the name of Pudd should live on forever.
Also my girlfriend suggested 'fatherhood'. I told her you have your hands full enough with me as it is.
She then suggested motherhood. I think this is maybe a viable choice for an option. You should edit the poll.
30 May 2015 - 06:16 PM
As for challenges, there is a hard mode that's not too easy. But the self imposed challenges I can think of would be:
1) You are never allowed to open your map.
2) You can only use melee weapons.
3) Limit what healing items you're allowed to use. For example, only health drinks or health drinks and ampules, but no health kits.
4) You can only heal at save points.
5) You must kill every monster you see.
6) You are only allowed to kill monsters which are necessary to progress, e.g. bosses etc.
30 May 2015 - 06:28 PM
Divinity: This can be a fun game, although fairly buggy at times. I don't recommend a lone wolf solo run until you've at least played enough of the game to win normally. My solo run ended at the final boss because I couldn't
One run I had a lot of fun with was the following: No magic, no overpowered bullshit traits. I had one character as a dedicated warrior, one as a dedicated archer, one as a dedicated rogue and one as a dedicated crafter/charisma/pack mule. She was hilariously worthless in combat until I got her some good gear, and I was pumping her stat points into Constitution so she ended up being a badass tank with like 3k health and 70% evasion.
Also, if you feel like doing a full co-op playthrough, hit me up. Those are fun.
Transistor: Fun game, very short. Not a lot of room for challenges outside the limit system. I did a no-Turn run once. The good thing is that that increases the difficulty in some parts of the game. The bad thing is that you eliminate a large portion of the game's combat system and a lot of the fights against basic enemies end up being you slowly stunlocking them to death.
30 May 2015 - 06:35 PM
Your experience will help me through the challenge!
Mitch, you know I'm totally down for melee weapons only! Could make for a frustratingly-hilarious LP.
Serdash, I can't add Motherhood to the poll, because this topic is about gaming, but I will consider a Kickstarter campaign..
30 May 2015 - 06:53 PM
30 May 2015 - 06:57 PM
Bastard Poetry, on 30 May 2015 - 06:35 PM, said:
Your experience will help me through the challenge!
Fair warning: The responsibility will fall on you to solve all the terribly designed "puzzles". I'll just sit back and watch, move where you tell me to, etc., until you give up and ask me to solve it for you. This is because they make no logical sense and you're not given adequate information a lot of the time.
And I want to watch you struggle.
30 May 2015 - 11:08 PM
If you can even make it that far.

31 May 2015 - 05:49 PM
31 May 2015 - 07:20 PM
01 June 2015 - 09:00 AM
02 June 2015 - 09:07 AM
02 June 2015 - 06:05 PM
Day 2: Revel in the camaraderie of it all
Day 3: Computer FUCKING BREAKS DOWN with a million problems; games won't run
Day 4: Fixing
Day 5: Fixing
Day 6: FIXED! However, most games run like shit now
The good news is that Terraria seems to be the only game on my Steam list that is running well!
I'll continue repairs to get Divinity up and running again soon, Ludo.