Blue Mage
04 July 2015 - 01:04 PM
Skills currently in Blue Mage's Enemy skill:
White Wind - Same effect as every other FF game, faith based accuracy. Learn from Hyudra.
Quake - Large AOE/Slow/Top tier Earth Elemental damage, learn from Trent
Ghostly Touch - Protect/Shell/Haste/Innocent, learn from Ghost group
Roulette - Completely random status effect, learn from Uribo/Rogue
Death Sentence - Inflicts Death sentence (duh), learn from Ghoul/Flotiball
Lich - Large AOE Fractional, learn from Baatezu/couple other enemies
*Requiem - Holy damage, random hits (similar to Reis's Holy Bracelet in vanilla), learn from Ghost of Fury
Odd Soundwave - AOE Dispel, learn from Gelatin/Squidlarkin/Trent
Aqua Rake - Mid tier Water damage, learn from Squid group
Triple Flame - Up to 3 hits Fire damage, learn from Minitaurus/several other enemies
* = rare/hard to obtain
04 July 2015 - 07:34 PM
-Square or Circle for stat drain
-Triple Flame for single target chance of high magic damage
-Trample from behemoths for melee damage. Not sure what kind of weapons they will get or how that would effect the damage.
-Life drain from succubus
-Some form of revival. Awaken from Apandas maybe? If they have to have an enemy use it on them to learn it might make it hard to learn.
-Personally I would never use Roulette. Would rather good and/or bad bracelet for status.
Not sure if giving them too diverse of a skill set might make them OP balance wise. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I've always liked the blue mages in FF games.
04 July 2015 - 07:56 PM
Triple Flame isn't a bad idea.
Trample would do whatever the weapon does, as modified by attack up/Martial Arts.
The reason Life Drain was removed from player access is because of the outright absurd damage it does to ??? units that has no relevance to their stats, and the inability to attach an element to it like all other fractional moves. It was originally in Oracle class (like in vanilla), until I tested it in a boss fight and figured out that it doesn't accept an element.
Roulette is very unreliable, yes. Thought of it because it's in line with moves that end up on the Enemy Skill list in every FF (Same with Aqua Rake and White Wind). Bad Bracelet works with the Enemy Skill feel, though.
10 December 2015 - 11:42 PM
My suggestions:
- Bad Bracelet
- Sorcery
- MBarrier
- Self-Destruct
- Loss (100% Confusion)
10 December 2015 - 11:49 PM
Bad Bracelet also seems like it would be OP with the movement and speed human units can have.
I'm not familiar enough with Emmy's mod to comment on the others.
11 December 2015 - 06:36 AM
Sorcery's probably not bad, but it's still one of those things I'd rather be a Chocobo/special unit thing for now.
Loss isn't 100% confusion in the mod, actually is just a special version of Confusion Song that a certain boss can use while silenced. It's actually lower accuracy than the regular Confusion.
I'll stick with the Blue Magic list I have for now.
08 February 2016 - 10:52 AM
Lets talk about skills, for me i think they need some rethink on certain things
White Wind
Yup, classical and great to have, not that i use too much,
I got and never used, because damage isnt that great, and too much to cast, algo soo many enimes don take / absorb earth
Ghostly Touch
BROKEN, i think Humans should not have this skill, because Bomb Shoes exist, and you can get those almost after you can have Ghostly touch, okay, it is Bomb Shoes fault that it cancels Innoocent, but still, is a really big buff, insta cast, it can help your Chemist being a super tank, and etc (BTW i only got this on chpt 3) + Plague is innocent imune
On enemie hand = 4 times DEAD in a row... on my hand = defending.... never use... also, cant self cast.
Death Sentence
This skill could be used for eassy strategy, abuseing program AI, bot asside from that, u need to have defenses for it or u get too, Muramasa é better.
It can be useful, but so many enemies imune to dark, that makes it lose it shine...
Really strong skill, i liked it, really, tehre are so many places where you can panel 2, or even one square !
Odd Soundwave
Really usefull, but i dont know if Im just unlucky, or if there are bosses that have protection against dispel...
Aqua Rake
God for finishing off some enemies, not that many enemies have Water cancel or absorb
Triple Flame
If fire wasnt an element so common on enemies defenses...., nah, kidding, this one is really good
If i was going to remove something, would be Quake and Roulette (and depending, Ghoustly Touch )
Lets see what we have right now with te set as it is
1 cure
1 Dispel
4 damage skills ( Fire, Water, Holy, Earth)
1 Debuff (DS)
1 BUFF Haste+Wall+Innocent
What is out these right now
Neutral MA Damage
Neutral PA Damage
Drain skills
Buff ( ReRaise)
My sugestions:
For Neutral damage:
- Lifebreak -> its one neutral damage that ignores defenses, and need you t have high MAX HP to make it does really high damage
- Diference -> another one that will realy help, but is one a ignore defense and it Dark (so it wont be broken... )
- Hyper Beam -> cuz that remember me of my dragonite on pokemon, also one magical non element damage with dont act, also, its not that strong, if im not wrogn, it has (PA+20)/2 *MA formula, so it would need really high PA + MA to it be great, but still the Dont act chance could be useful
- Magnet Bomb -> Neutral damage that is affect only by defenses, no reaction ( yup, need more of those ) aparently same formula as above
- Grudge -> Its kinda "lets try put some stats with reaaaly low chance", and maybe a chance for high damage
- Shake Off -> Physical + Drain + Dont Act
- Destroy -> Area Physical
- Dispose -> Longe range Physical that ignores Reaction (from what i remember huan dont have many skills that ignore reaction)
Elemental Damage
- Icicle Spear -> Another Multi chante to ilence, and need at least 3 hit for a really good damage
- Wave Cannon -> Fast Lighting damage with chance for confusion + hit itself
- Blaster -> really low damage with charm + Haste
- Spirit of Life -> Low cure with chance to remedy, right now Blue mage have a cure, but cant get rid off debuff, this is to give this class a chance
- Leaf Barrier -> Giving itself Reflect could be good against mage, as it would hurt some of your team magic buff, whenever youre planing to use this one you would need to think about your team composition.
- Wings -> Really, Ghostly Touch is really strong buff, this one is lil more balanced, Regen shall help tanks and dealing with weak counter, Float is one way to negate Earth and Haste is... Haste...
Also, there was one skill that i think you could put on your mod, CLEANSE, that would take off ALL buffs and Debuff from target, including DS, only hitting one person, i tought of it to give as a hidden skill for Priest, but could be on Blue mage to
What thing should not enter (IMHO):
M Barrier / Quiver Dance: those 2 buff are really strong, as noticed already, heavy buff and debuff on someone with high speed is really broken, BUT, i think that maybe Good Bracelet, or one skill like it could be some of use.
08 February 2016 - 11:15 AM
Short list of skills that'll never be in this class:
Lifebreak, self destruct, difference, or anything else that completely ignores defenses.
Magnet Bomb, Shake Off, or anything else that's instant and exclusive to a kinda slow monster, that would turn into a balance nightmare if given access to an 8-9 speed human.
Revival of any kind since you can't actually learn these blue mage style.
Things that ignore reactions - again, rare and exclusive to mostly slow monsters for a reason.
Mbarrier, Quiver Dance - Supposed to be exclusive to the stuff that has it, to give you a reason to use those characters.
Ghostly touch is kinda good, but requires characters that don't care about Innocent to use. It's borderline, but would rather keep this than give humans Wings, since it has a few drawbacks to use, whereas Wings does not.
Quake is meant to be slow but powerful, requiring party setup to properly use. Earth Clothes or Float to negate, plus Earth elemental/floating monsters. I can see it as being limited use though because of its drawbacks.
Cleanse - not a completely terrible idea, but it's something I'd rather make exclusive to a monster if I use it.
08 February 2016 - 11:28 AM
Emmy, on 08 February 2016 - 11:15 AM, said:
Ghostly touch is kinda good, but requires characters that don't care about Innocent to use. It's borderline, but would rather keep this than give humans Wings, since it has a few drawbacks to use, whereas Wings does not.
Quake is meant to be slow but powerful, requiring party setup to properly use. Earth Clothes or Float to negate, plus Earth elemental/floating monsters. I can see it as being limited use though because of its drawbacks.
Cleanse - not a completely terrible idea, but it's something I'd rather make exclusive to a monster if I use it.
Wait ? Self Destruct ignre defenses ???Why my bomb was doing less damage for phys resistance monsters???
And i see about Humans overshadowing monster.
02 September 2016 - 01:54 AM
02 September 2016 - 04:47 AM
I have no clue what you're talking about.

04 September 2016 - 10:15 AM
04 September 2016 - 02:18 PM
I'm guessing Blue Mage spells are intended to be learned on hit, rather than obtaining them from crystals, especially since it only goes for human crystals...
That being said, it sounds rather interesting to implement that (only Emmy could say if it's feasible or not), but I'm not sure, it sounds like it defeats the purpose of learning on hit. That's just my opinion, though.
I got curious: do any of the monsters with Requiem (I'm almost sure there weren't that many, besides THAT boss) actually drop a crystal, Emmy?
04 September 2016 - 03:02 PM
The main purpose for learning on hit is to gate abilities, creating a sense of advancement that wouldn't exist in a system where someone can be crazy enough to grind for Bard in ch 1 if they desire. The other purpose is to replace classes whose skillset is IMO too douchey to give to the AI/therefore has no place in player hands (Calculator), in favor of a skillset that serves a purpose but isn't absurd. Any ability I don't want people to use in ch 1, I don't make it possible to obtain there. Blue mage is mostly a flavor based replacement for Calculator. Just removing the class (which is what I did in early dev, before I learned how to replace a heavily hardcoded class's abilities) is a waste of space. 1.3's solution of Sage, which casts "boss magic," does not suit my mod flavor-wise, since there's no unifying skillset that any group of bosses learn; and ??? stats are relatively common in the mod and extremely varied in encounter type. Blue Mage makes sense flavor-wise, since in a game where Ramza/Agrias spend a lot of time around monsters, you'd think they could learn some skills from them; but not immediately (hence the unlock requirements).
And you're right, Requiem is a fairly low distribution skill. Crystalization of a monster with "monster" gender will produce a crystal that only restores HP/MP, so crystalizing one of THAT boss's avatars won't help you. Crystalizing something with Blue Mage unlocked does though. I wanted to have one skill that was fairly hard to learn, to give the player the desire to seek it out though; but not something so necessary as to feel like a requirement for the class to be useful.
04 September 2016 - 03:28 PM
04 September 2016 - 03:35 PM
04 September 2016 - 04:26 PM
Laith, on 04 September 2016 - 03:35 PM, said:
yea it sucks not having ramza not be able to get behind the gate, i missed out on some geomancer skills and who knows what else
also that love bird in there...... wasnt as annoying of a ??? monster as i thought it woulda been, in fact it seemed a bit easier to handle than the others ive seen so far