I decided recently to put my FF3us Monster Expansion Editor on hold in favor of working on a more complete version of FF6AE. I'm starting anew but not from scratch and I'm currently documenting the data and formats. The new version will primary be for the European version with possibly later support for the US and JAP version but not before I consider the editor complete for the European version.
I'd like to ask you what would you like to see first. I'll be releasing tested versions but still technically betas as I add features otherwise it will take too long if I release the whole thing only when it's completed at 100%. I'll divide stuff between what can be done quickly and that I'm sure of and what could take more time and/or that I have not documented.
So, all the easy stuff first or some medium length features pushed up in the priorities?
Easy Stuff
- Monster Formation / Packs
- Shop Data
- Esper Data
- Colosseum Battle Data
- Natural magic lists
- HP / MP Level Constants
- Blitz and SwdTech skills learned by level
- Starting Rages
- Character Initial Statistics
- Ragnarok Metamorphosis Packages
- Chest data
- Magic Data
- Spell Data
- Item, weapon, armors, relic.
- Monster item stolen / dropped
- Control / Sketch data
- Monster stats
- Animations data (spells yes, intro & casting not sure)
- Portraits
- Magic Points Earned per Monster Formation
I know what I'm doing but takes longer to code
- Events
- Monster AI
- Menu backgrounds *not documented
- Levels (FF6LE clone) *still needs some documentation
- Characters / NPCs Sprites
- Tilesets / Tiles Graphics
- Strings / Dialogues / Names (in 5 languages but English first)
Dunno how FF6A manages that
- Monster sprites
- Animation scripts
- World maps
- Music Data
- Everything involving ARM (out of scope anyway)
- Battle events (Found data but unknown even on SNES and out of scope)
Completely different on GBA and I know nothing of it
- Sound Samples
- Compressed Graphics
- Battle Backgrounds (Pipe dream)