Hello, I'm Electrical.
I've been a fan of this site for a while and was introduced to it by a friends recommendation of Golden Sun Fallen Star. I really like the like work you guys put into your difficulty hacks and I have to say they are very entertaining so far. While I've downloaded the GS and MMX Hard type difficulties, I've yet to finish them. I'm looking forward to playing more of them as well as learning how some of them are made.
Thank you.
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12 July 2014 - 06:01 PM
Heya Electrical, welcome!
Happy to see new members, and double happy to see someone playing Hard Type. Have fun with it!
Stick around and try any of the patches here really. 1.3 is a popular with good reason, if you're a lover of the strategy.
Happy to see new members, and double happy to see someone playing Hard Type. Have fun with it!
Stick around and try any of the patches here really. 1.3 is a popular with good reason, if you're a lover of the strategy.
25 July 2014 - 03:32 AM
Thank you for the welcome.
Unfortunately, I lost my save files recently due to a computer reset. Looking forward to replaying those games once I set this computer back to normal.
Unfortunately, I lost my save files recently due to a computer reset. Looking forward to replaying those games once I set this computer back to normal.
25 July 2014 - 07:45 AM
Welcome to the site! 
I'd recommend the Golden Sun mods (Fallen Star EX is supposed to come out by the end of the year), perhaps Chrono Trigger: Lavos' Awakening and of course Final Fantasy VI: Brave New World just for a change of pace.
Hope you enjoy your stay.

I'd recommend the Golden Sun mods (Fallen Star EX is supposed to come out by the end of the year), perhaps Chrono Trigger: Lavos' Awakening and of course Final Fantasy VI: Brave New World just for a change of pace.
Hope you enjoy your stay.

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