If you are wondering why you are not able to access Eve Online, Minecraft, or League of Legends, look no further than newly emerging hacking group LuLzSec (short for LULZ Security), who, well, LUL all over your security.
Lulz Sec Website

Hello, good day, and how are you? Splendid! We're LulzSec, a small team of lulzy individuals who feel the drabness of the cyber community is a burden on what matters: fun. Considering fun is now restricted to Friday, where we look forward to the weekend, weekend, we have now taken it upon ourselves to spread fun, fun, fun, throughout the entire calender year.
Today they add those companies to their long list of high profile hacked and defaced websites, servers, and online services. It seems no one can stop LULZSec, not even the FBI.
Lulzsec has previously antagonized 4chan and /b/tards, saying:

Like that Harry Potter movie quote says about Voldemort: "He did great things. Terrible, but great."
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