Final Fantasy IX PC
14 April 2016 - 02:32 AM
Take for instance New Threat Mod, do you think such a level of modding would be possible for FFIX? (Given that there was an interest to make it)
Just something I wondered when I saw it was out on Steam.
14 April 2016 - 01:08 PM
You'd be better asking in qhimm or another forum.
For your first question, the limitation for modding is the engine and the platform. But you need someone who will hack the game for you. That person is most of the time the same modder.
(And reminder, we don't take requests for mods)
15 April 2016 - 01:07 PM
Starmongoose, on 14 April 2016 - 02:32 AM, said:
Take for instance New Threat Mod, do you think such a level of modding would be possible for FFIX? (Given that there was an interest to make it)
Just something I wondered when I saw it was out on Steam.
I'm guessing it looks as good as for any other game. As mentioned, it has to start somewhere and usually that is with someone wanting to mod it in the first place. Once tools are in place, it opens up for less hack-savvy types to mod the game and there's a possibility that there will be a snowball effect of some sort following the first mod released (but not necessarily). Without trying to sound like a party pooper (meaning, I'm gonna sound like a party pooper, but that's not my goal), the chances that we'll find mods for the PC version of FFIX is more or less circumstantial. Nevertheless, on a slightly brighter note (if you are wanting a FFIX mod), the FF games are pretty popular for modding, so chances are slightly higher I would say than any generic counter part in getting mod tools (and ultimately, one or several mods).
From a technical perspective, it's as likely that FFIX gets mod tools as Hot Wheels.
15 April 2016 - 03:45 PM
Hart, my good man, you bite a little too hard sometimes

16 April 2016 - 09:04 AM
So the answer is YES, there will probably be mods for the PC version, plenty of fans and modders who love this title are talking about if all over the steam forum and reddit, as well as qhimm forum!
17 April 2016 - 07:41 AM
I was genuinely just curious, it wasn't a request I promise. I was literally just on Steam and though "Hm, I'm not a modder, I'll just ask their opinion on it." I just know in the past FFIX was tough to mod to any significant extent due to it not having come out on PC like FFVII and VIII did.
It was a question regarding whether or not this helped, or is it built the same way as the PSX version that makes it difficult.
Sorry again.
17 April 2016 - 07:43 AM
17 April 2016 - 09:25 AM
Starmongoose, on 17 April 2016 - 07:41 AM, said:
I was genuinely just curious, it wasn't a request I promise. I was literally just on Steam and though "Hm, I'm not a modder, I'll just ask their opinion on it." I just know in the past FFIX was tough to mod to any significant extent due to it not having come out on PC like FFVII and VIII did.
It was a question regarding whether or not this helped, or is it built the same way as the PSX version that makes it difficult.
Sorry again.
No, you don't need to apologize. It was my bad.
17 April 2016 - 10:28 AM
17 April 2016 - 11:13 AM
Sega Chief, on 17 April 2016 - 10:28 AM, said:
Yesss let's hope the people in qhimm do some crazy stuff with it. I'd be interested myself in having tools for FFIX.
29 August 2016 - 03:19 PM
also, for "beautifying" ff1, maybe have a look at grond's ff or final facelift by goongyaesomething and see what they did.
08 September 2016 - 04:34 AM