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In Topic: For those wondering when the next version (v9) will come out...
2 weeks ago
Doomsday, on 06 April 2017 - 09:22 AM, said:
Hey guys!
I've been working with DK lately to add a bunch of new features that were previously unobtainable. For example, the HP cap going all the way to 9999 was assembly changes that I provided. There are a lot of changes to various mechanics in store for this that I hope everyone will enjoy!
At the present time, there is very little, if anything, left for me to do before v9 can be released. DK is currently balancing and tweaking the game, and that requires quite a bit of time to do correctly. Furthermore, he has a youtube channel that he makes a living off of, so a lot of his time goes to that.
Long story short, it shouldn't be too long now, although it wouldn't hurt to support his youtube channel in the meantime...
i have been watching alot of his videos and liking alot of them as i truely do enjoy the games that DK displays <3
was honestly glad to see one of my favorite youtubers being the master of such an awesome game hack as well -
In Topic: Unwinnable Garr 1 v 1
23 February 2017 - 07:22 PM
i would say give the character some stat items to aquire or some other related nice reward if they manage to clear the fight
but cause a real game over if they don't reduce him to the hp needed to trigger his instant death powers
or give garr extra starting stats should the character trigger his op death shots
(those death attacks better deal an instant 9999 lol) -
In Topic: Alternatives to 5 digit damage display
03 February 2017 - 12:23 AM
Doomsday, on 31 January 2017 - 07:13 PM, said:
It's not an issue of location. We can't have more than 4 objects due to memory limitations.
dang that sucks
at first i thought it was location cause u couldn't fit all the numbers in there..but if its memory..
different story then
i thought u could use extra memory for it from doing it the way i suggested but i suppose that may not help as much
now that i think about it
something tells me we might need to break the memory limitations at some point somehow -
In Topic: Magus is broken
02 February 2017 - 03:53 PM
did peach take a turn first?
before any1 else could take action? -
In Topic: Alternatives to 5 digit damage display
31 January 2017 - 06:20 PM
i would say just pop up another display showing the missing digits
for example
mario inflicts 157908 damage to one enemy (i know thats impossible but just for example purposes of course)
the first damage pop up would show the 157
then the next would show the 908
could be done as follows
just my idea
for ten thousands..
or if u just wanna move each number over one at a time then it would look like this
whichever works better i suppse
im pretty sure that'll be hard to confuse
so long as u can read left to right top to bottom
this would allow us to get into the millions in damage if possible..given that will open up 8 digits four per row
this is presuming of course its possible to add another row of displays for damage
might possibly need to make the numbers for damage smaller when using the second display though
or just add a display right next to the already existant display that gets used if an enemy takes more then 9999 damage side by side instead of top to bottom
using spacebar didn't seperate the numbers well..
hense the dots
26 May 2016 - 15:40hardcore addicted gamer
play all day eat all day..level up..
and destroy drama/bs
yup thats me all in a days work
the so called "no life" gamer
who plays all day with no job and yet somehow gets paid and pays for his own home
yup..they all jealous of me..cause they know for a fact
1v2 id whoop their ass and crush their e...