Universal Changes: All of the game's top tier classes are current projected to receive a percentage bonus to their damage and healing unless otherwise stated. They will also, of course, have their own unique palette. Wherever possible, I would like to make more changes than just these 2, even if it's only an attack name change, an attack palette change, a timing change, or a change in how far forward a unit steps.
New Classes:

Front Row: 3x Smite (no change or evil-slayer attribute made more extreme)
Back Row: 3x "Paladin" Healing (up from 2x "Paladin" Healing in the Paladin class)
Notes: Paladin and Crusader will be getting their own version of Healing which will have its own name. This version of Healing will be based on strength instead of intelligence, and its power will increase with lower target HP%. Paladins will now be able to restore a higher amount of HP to severely wounded units than even Shamans.)

Front Row: 3x Chop (no change or holy-slayer attribute made more extreme)
Back Row: 1x Ruin (no change or increased to 2x Ruin)
Notes: Damage would be tweaked accordingly in the case of 2x Ruin.

Front Row: 3x Slice (no change)
Back Row: 1x Iainuki (no change or accuracy increased)
Notes: Iainuki might get an accuracy increase in general, undecided on this. Anywhere that it gets an accuracy increase, its power would be toned down slightly.

Front Row: 3x Shuriken (no change)
Back Row: 3x Ninjutsu (no change)

Front Row: 3x Whip (no change or beast-slayer attribute made more extreme)
Back Row: 3x Inspire/Whip (no change or beast-slayer attribute made more extreme)

Front Row: 2x Quench (no change or increase to 3x Quench)
Back Row: 1x Dissolve, 2x Quench (no change)
Notes: If 3x Quenches in the front row, then Quench may need to not receive a power buff in the front row, would have to think on it.

Front Row: 3x Life Suck (no change)
Back Row: 2x Charm, 1x Culling (no change)

Front Row: 4x Smash (no change)
Back Row: 4x Smash (no change)

Front Row: 3x Slice (no change)
Back Row: 3x Rot (up from 2x Rot as a Wraith)

Front Row: 2x Curse (up from 1x Curse as Phantom)
Back Row: 3x Curse (no change or chance to perform AoE Phantom)

Front Row: 2x Shoot (no change or up from Arrow which could not hit the back row and/or flier-slaying attribute made more extreme)
Back Row: 3x Shoot (no change or chance to be AoE and/or flier-slaying attribute made more extreme)

Front Row: 3x Cleave (no change or defense-penetrating factor made more extreme)
Back Row: 2x Thunder (no change)
Notes: A purely cosmetic change that re-colors Thunder's animation and renames it to Spire would be likely.

Front Row: 3x Stardust (up from 2x Stardust as a Princess)
Back Row: 3x Starlight (up from 2x Starlight as Princess)
Notes: Queen would not receive a damage boost, and Stardust and Starlight may even be tweaked down in addition.

Front Row: 3x Slice (no change)
Back Row: 3x Dragos (no change or possibly up from 2x Dragos in Dragon Master)

Front Row: 3x Club (up from 2x Club in Eagleman)
Back Row: 3x Mjolnir (up from 2x Mjolnir in Eagleman)
Notes: Vultan's damage bonus may be lowered or removed to compensate for the extra attacks.

Front Row: 3x Club (up from 2x Club in Ravenman)
Back Row: 3x Inferno (up from 2x Inferno in Ravenman)
Notes: Tengu's damage bonus may be lowered or removed to compensate for the extra attacks.

Front Row: 2x Pumpkin (no change)
Back Row: 3x Pumpkin (up from 2x Pumpkin in Halloween)

Front Row: 2x Blizzard (no change)
Back Row: 2x Deluge (no change)

Front Row: 4x Smash
Back Row: 4x Gaze (possibly up from 3x Gaze as Cerberus)

Front Row: 5x Tentacle (possibly up from 4x Tentacle as Kraken)
Back Row: 3x Maelstrom (possibly up from 2x Maelstrom as Kraken)
Notes: Maelstrom's damage would not increase if its hit count were increased.

Front Row: 3x Petrify (up from 2x Petrify in Cockatris)
Back Row: 2x Gale (no change)
Notes: Petrify's damage would not be increased.

Front Row: 3x Tail (no change)
Back Row: 3x Acid (up from 2x Acid or 2x Acid becomes 2x Blast)
As previously mentioned, all of this is very hypothetical, and feedback and other ideas are welcome!