
Hey, so, figured I'd make a new thread and transport my other posts from the Beta thread/discussion to here, so I'm not cluttering that and can just have my own topic for it, sort of like how Dr. Letha and some others have done.
Anyway, I'm gonna copy/paste my previous posts in this part, and spoiler them. Any new progress will be posted as new posts here out.
I don't have any posts up from the beginning till about heading to Zozo, but there wasn't much to report on, difficulty wise. A lot of it was Pummel for Sap, fight, use Slim Jims or Dried Meat, repeat. Most bosses and such up till Dadaluma were pretty basic, even in the mod.
Introduction, basic comments and up to Zozo
Hey all, new to the forums.
Awhile back I found the site via FFT 1.3 and fell in love with the challenge. Recently, I started to browse other games here and play them (Castlevania: SotN Hardtype) and fell on FF6 cause, to me, it's the best FF.
Well, lo and behold, who's one of the creators? BTB. Haven't talked to the guy in 12 years since way the hell back when we both did GameFAQs stuff and went to E3 twice together. What are the odds I just went "I wanna play some hack", it's FF6, and this guy is part of it?
So yeah, anyway, caught up with him and I'm playing through the beta of 1.7 and so far, I love it. Hands down, you guys could've released the game as a bug/glitch fix with the Esper Level/Level cap/etc change and it would've been the perfect fix to the game, but everything else is icing on the cake now.
I'm doing a no exp/LLG of it, because I love a challenge (it's not to brag or flaunt, I just enjoy Dark Soul-like stuff). I'm currently heading to Zozo, but focusing on getting some Gil and more Slim Jims for whatever the hell is in store for me. I have zero knowledge of anything, no sneak peaks at playthroughs or whatever, anything I see on the forums I skim past it immediately.
If I find any bugs or glitches, etc, I'll post about it.
Only things so far I can ask about are I noticed a graphical glitch for Hell Rider (I think is the new name? The Celes/Locke scenario boss) when he dies the initial flash was a bit graphical glitched with the background cave. Could be my emulator (Snesxtyl 0.4.2 PSP) but worth mentioning incase.
Also, noticed with Knight Cape, I had an occurrence where Sabin/Celes BOTH blocked Edgar, but Celes took the damage. Is this from vanilla, a glitch, or...? Just mentioning in case.
Thanks for the great hack so far, and keep it up. I'll report back periodically or discuss stuff.
Awhile back I found the site via FFT 1.3 and fell in love with the challenge. Recently, I started to browse other games here and play them (Castlevania: SotN Hardtype) and fell on FF6 cause, to me, it's the best FF.
Well, lo and behold, who's one of the creators? BTB. Haven't talked to the guy in 12 years since way the hell back when we both did GameFAQs stuff and went to E3 twice together. What are the odds I just went "I wanna play some hack", it's FF6, and this guy is part of it?
So yeah, anyway, caught up with him and I'm playing through the beta of 1.7 and so far, I love it. Hands down, you guys could've released the game as a bug/glitch fix with the Esper Level/Level cap/etc change and it would've been the perfect fix to the game, but everything else is icing on the cake now.
I'm doing a no exp/LLG of it, because I love a challenge (it's not to brag or flaunt, I just enjoy Dark Soul-like stuff). I'm currently heading to Zozo, but focusing on getting some Gil and more Slim Jims for whatever the hell is in store for me. I have zero knowledge of anything, no sneak peaks at playthroughs or whatever, anything I see on the forums I skim past it immediately.
If I find any bugs or glitches, etc, I'll post about it.
Only things so far I can ask about are I noticed a graphical glitch for Hell Rider (I think is the new name? The Celes/Locke scenario boss) when he dies the initial flash was a bit graphical glitched with the background cave. Could be my emulator (Snesxtyl 0.4.2 PSP) but worth mentioning incase.
Also, noticed with Knight Cape, I had an occurrence where Sabin/Celes BOTH blocked Edgar, but Celes took the damage. Is this from vanilla, a glitch, or...? Just mentioning in case.
Thanks for the great hack so far, and keep it up. I'll report back periodically or discuss stuff.
Doom Train and El Nino fish fun
Thanks, appreciate it. Usually from experience, everything has a gimmick or pattern to it, so if I just study the attacks and figure out the script repeat, should be ok. The first boss to basically make me go "lol ok" was the Veldt fish boss with El Nino.
Pic related, what I immediately thought of when I Game Over'd.

I saw I almost survived it, so reloading I threw on magic defense relics and managed to survive and heal up. Everything else so far hasn't been bad, and I only used 2 Slim Jim so far, having only 4 previously before seeing what they did and being like "this is the ambrosia of the gods and what will make this run". I used it to see what it did cause a Red Bull literally gave me float (derp) and figured maybe the other thing did something. Yup. 2nd one I threw on Banon thinking easy Ultros, nope. He can't be regen'd. I'm like shit. Still won with careful timing and healing/Pummel Sap goodness.
Prior to all this, Doom Train wasn't bad either despite berserk/blind/sleep but a quick prep fixed it and he wasn't bad. Would've been hilarious if you Suplexed him in this version it instant KO'd him with a message like "H-how...do you suplex a train?!" and then boss death. Sort of like a fix to instant Phoenix Down or a homage lol.

Pic related, what I immediately thought of when I Game Over'd.

I saw I almost survived it, so reloading I threw on magic defense relics and managed to survive and heal up. Everything else so far hasn't been bad, and I only used 2 Slim Jim so far, having only 4 previously before seeing what they did and being like "this is the ambrosia of the gods and what will make this run". I used it to see what it did cause a Red Bull literally gave me float (derp) and figured maybe the other thing did something. Yup. 2nd one I threw on Banon thinking easy Ultros, nope. He can't be regen'd. I'm like shit. Still won with careful timing and healing/Pummel Sap goodness.
Prior to all this, Doom Train wasn't bad either despite berserk/blind/sleep but a quick prep fixed it and he wasn't bad. Would've been hilarious if you Suplexed him in this version it instant KO'd him with a message like "H-how...do you suplex a train?!" and then boss death. Sort of like a fix to instant Phoenix Down or a homage lol.

Sorry if this question's in the Readme somewhere, or has been noted in this thread (didn't see it in the topic title), but was Spell Point accumulation not being gained intentional if you have no exp flag turned on? I did a test and got it without it, but everything I read said it just stops you from getting EL. Readme also said the no exp thing was made to help those that didn't want to spend hours on the Veldt for gil or spells, but yeah...not getting anything. If this is intentional, gonna be a fun ride with no spell gains.
Also fuck Dadaluma, that was pretty challenging with Celes, Locke, Sabin and Gau. Gau was originally helpful till I decided to keep 1 Fighter alive and just slowed, and deal with his rock throwing bullshit (avoided most of them thankfully), since Dadaluma would resummon 2 over and over near instantly. Originally, I had Gau doing Conjurer for Reraise buffing so others could focus on fighting since healing is worthless here, as are Slim Jims really. Once I got into a groove and realized 1 Fighter was better than constantly killing both and Dadaluma Slim Jimming it up, I had Gau swap to Vaporite, do SlowX, then I killed Gau, and 1 Fighter, and pretty much resorted to Sabin/Locke doing damage while Celes and Gau just threw out Phoenix Downs. I used Red Bulls on Sabin only, and had Celes with a Life Bell (she's my tank and can survive some things here but lack Elbow Drop and such would floor her). Sabin needed full HP at...181 I think? To survive a Shockwave if targeted, or "wasted turn" on Dadaluma's part. I feel like Edgar over Gau here would've helped some, but I was really banking on Vanish from Repo Man to help pre-battle, but it did nothing (I don't recall if Dadaluma had Shockwave originally, but if he didn't, pretty sure it was given for Vanish spam. The Junkie's cast it and anyone with Edgar can get it like with outside South Figaro. Gau also but yeah).
So yeah, the whole fight was basically a sack fest, managed to land a few Mirages with Locke (it gives Sap now I think? Pretty sure I saw it after he Slim Jim'd and I didn't Pummel) and have Sabin Pummel after Slim Jim/pray he didn't target the Fighter (he did once, no kill), otherwise, Sabin would double Poison Claw for godly damage. I barely fucking won with Celes/Sabin up and was having Celes raise someone when I had Sabin attack and get the kill. I'm sure there might be an easier way to deal with this fight low level, but thinking anything debuff wise with Gau, it'd be 1. temporary and 2. He'd just kill them probably. Again, you really, really don't want to deal with TWO Fighters here. Ugh. It took me 3 attempts by the way, same strategy, 3rd attempt realizing to stop killing the Fighters and think of a way to debuff them. (In hindsight, it might've been easier to confuse them, but again, it would just create constant problems/RNG fuckery and I'd rather deal with 1 slowed Fighter throwing rocks and mostly missing than two.
Also fuck Dadaluma, that was pretty challenging with Celes, Locke, Sabin and Gau. Gau was originally helpful till I decided to keep 1 Fighter alive and just slowed, and deal with his rock throwing bullshit (avoided most of them thankfully), since Dadaluma would resummon 2 over and over near instantly. Originally, I had Gau doing Conjurer for Reraise buffing so others could focus on fighting since healing is worthless here, as are Slim Jims really. Once I got into a groove and realized 1 Fighter was better than constantly killing both and Dadaluma Slim Jimming it up, I had Gau swap to Vaporite, do SlowX, then I killed Gau, and 1 Fighter, and pretty much resorted to Sabin/Locke doing damage while Celes and Gau just threw out Phoenix Downs. I used Red Bulls on Sabin only, and had Celes with a Life Bell (she's my tank and can survive some things here but lack Elbow Drop and such would floor her). Sabin needed full HP at...181 I think? To survive a Shockwave if targeted, or "wasted turn" on Dadaluma's part. I feel like Edgar over Gau here would've helped some, but I was really banking on Vanish from Repo Man to help pre-battle, but it did nothing (I don't recall if Dadaluma had Shockwave originally, but if he didn't, pretty sure it was given for Vanish spam. The Junkie's cast it and anyone with Edgar can get it like with outside South Figaro. Gau also but yeah).
So yeah, the whole fight was basically a sack fest, managed to land a few Mirages with Locke (it gives Sap now I think? Pretty sure I saw it after he Slim Jim'd and I didn't Pummel) and have Sabin Pummel after Slim Jim/pray he didn't target the Fighter (he did once, no kill), otherwise, Sabin would double Poison Claw for godly damage. I barely fucking won with Celes/Sabin up and was having Celes raise someone when I had Sabin attack and get the kill. I'm sure there might be an easier way to deal with this fight low level, but thinking anything debuff wise with Gau, it'd be 1. temporary and 2. He'd just kill them probably. Again, you really, really don't want to deal with TWO Fighters here. Ugh. It took me 3 attempts by the way, same strategy, 3rd attempt realizing to stop killing the Fighters and think of a way to debuff them. (In hindsight, it might've been easier to confuse them, but again, it would just create constant problems/RNG fuckery and I'd rather deal with 1 slowed Fighter throwing rocks and mostly missing than two.
Ultros at the Opera
Just reporting in that the Veldt does give spell points with exp turned on, so if anyone is doing an LLG and wants to learn magic, you have to do it there.
Past the Opera House now, farming Gil for armor and relics across the three towns.
Ultros wasn't really that hard... went in with a dry run to see what he'd do (random quotes from various movies/plays lol) and I won. Hell, I won with all my guys Imp'd (Locke/Sabin/Gau). Pummel, Defend, survive.
Also this is just nitpicking but since you guys are really trying for 100% accuracy in spelling and whatever, one of Ultros's quotes is Locke... I am your father!, that's actually one of the most misquoted lines from Star Wars. The real quote is "No, I am your father", not "Luke, I am your father". Honestly, it's cool as is but throwing out there incase you weren't aware.
Past the Opera House now, farming Gil for armor and relics across the three towns.
Ultros wasn't really that hard... went in with a dry run to see what he'd do (random quotes from various movies/plays lol) and I won. Hell, I won with all my guys Imp'd (Locke/Sabin/Gau). Pummel, Defend, survive.
Also this is just nitpicking but since you guys are really trying for 100% accuracy in spelling and whatever, one of Ultros's quotes is Locke... I am your father!, that's actually one of the most misquoted lines from Star Wars. The real quote is "No, I am your father", not "Luke, I am your father". Honestly, it's cool as is but throwing out there incase you weren't aware.
Number 024
Number 024 down.
Celes was decked with magic defense and basically Runic bitch the entire fight (immediately casted Slow then was Runic and nothing else, ever). Sabin did Pummel or Phoenix Downed/hit a confused character (not sure if Remedy cures Confuse...should test that...). Locke with 2 Butterflies, Power Glove and Thief Glove whenever he could. Only Slim Jimmed Celes and Sabin, was a waste on Locke/Gau (Gau had Sprint Shoes anyway and 36 HP he's dead regardless), and Gau did Repo Man. Vanish helped a LOT with avoiding his normal attacks/counters and Overflow which I'm not sure if it's Magic Block or Evasion, but all but Celes were dodging really damn well...so gonna say Evasion. Step Mine was the king here, 940 a shot, 304 Pummel and about 400 combined damage from Locke when he wasn't busy admiring the floor. I had Sabin enter the fight freshly revived with a Phoenix Down with Zephyr Cape on to get Safe/Shell, then Slim Jimmed him/Celes with whoever asap (Gau if necessary).
Overall, completely luck based fight. My dry run I got really far and thought BTB was fucking with me cause he wasn't doing much of anything, until he was doing Gale Cut, Acid Rain, Viriute? some poison. I changed some gear/row around, and it took 3 or 4 attempts, just trying to get lucky. Things like Air Blast or something right at the start of the battle after I Slim Jimmed and other dickery. I'd say Dadaluma is still the worst fight so far. If it wasn't for Gau, pretty sure Cyan doing Dispatch could keep up with damage decked out for attack. Figure 400 from Locke, 300 Sabin, like...I think 500ish Dispatch from memory when I had him during Sabin's scenario? Buffed up maybe 600-700 if I was lucky, that's 1300ish damage a wave, and he heals about 300, so yeah not bad.
If not for Step Mine, Brawler for Rock may've done well (it has shit accuracy but I'm coming up blankright now for a decent Rage that's physical for Gau at this point), but Vanish was doing a lot of work this fight since he couldn't remove it unless he did something Un-Runicable (Air Blast, Acid Rain, Virufite or whatever it's called).
Onto Donkey Kong Country Resident Evil 4 mine cart fun.
Celes was decked with magic defense and basically Runic bitch the entire fight (immediately casted Slow then was Runic and nothing else, ever). Sabin did Pummel or Phoenix Downed/hit a confused character (not sure if Remedy cures Confuse...should test that...). Locke with 2 Butterflies, Power Glove and Thief Glove whenever he could. Only Slim Jimmed Celes and Sabin, was a waste on Locke/Gau (Gau had Sprint Shoes anyway and 36 HP he's dead regardless), and Gau did Repo Man. Vanish helped a LOT with avoiding his normal attacks/counters and Overflow which I'm not sure if it's Magic Block or Evasion, but all but Celes were dodging really damn well...so gonna say Evasion. Step Mine was the king here, 940 a shot, 304 Pummel and about 400 combined damage from Locke when he wasn't busy admiring the floor. I had Sabin enter the fight freshly revived with a Phoenix Down with Zephyr Cape on to get Safe/Shell, then Slim Jimmed him/Celes with whoever asap (Gau if necessary).
Overall, completely luck based fight. My dry run I got really far and thought BTB was fucking with me cause he wasn't doing much of anything, until he was doing Gale Cut, Acid Rain, Viriute? some poison. I changed some gear/row around, and it took 3 or 4 attempts, just trying to get lucky. Things like Air Blast or something right at the start of the battle after I Slim Jimmed and other dickery. I'd say Dadaluma is still the worst fight so far. If it wasn't for Gau, pretty sure Cyan doing Dispatch could keep up with damage decked out for attack. Figure 400 from Locke, 300 Sabin, like...I think 500ish Dispatch from memory when I had him during Sabin's scenario? Buffed up maybe 600-700 if I was lucky, that's 1300ish damage a wave, and he heals about 300, so yeah not bad.
If not for Step Mine, Brawler for Rock may've done well (it has shit accuracy but I'm coming up blankright now for a decent Rage that's physical for Gau at this point), but Vanish was doing a lot of work this fight since he couldn't remove it unless he did something Un-Runicable (Air Blast, Acid Rain, Virufite or whatever it's called).
Onto Donkey Kong Country Resident Evil 4 mine cart fun.
Number 128 and Mine Cart Madness
Number 128 done.
The 6 random battles were way more annoying. I mean lots of resets over and over. Locke and Gau were constantly floored, and thank god for Reflect Ring here or I really don't know how you'd LLG this without really looking at some stuff. Was a constant Slim Jim @ Sabin, and PRAY he lived to solo 3 of 4 Mag Roaders, then revive Locke/Gau for a chance they did something next fight, repeat.
Number 128 himself, got lucky with the Reflect Ring on Sabin so any Net's were rebounded and froze his arms, so I had Gau try and Antlion to help but he quickly went down, and then Locke. (My original strategy upon seeing Net reflected was Gau was on Stop duty, Locke would damage, and Sabin would heal after landing Pummel/Sap. Didn't happen.) My other relic here was Zephyr Mantle on Sabin for the pre fights because Crash or Crush whatever was devastating. With Safe, he was able to take a hit, but evasion also was key. To win, I landed Pummel and decided to turtle the fuck up in the back row and Defend with Sabin and just fucking sit there. It worked. I got low enough at one point to get Safe/Shell to proc, drank a Red Bull, defended and he could do NOTHING to kill me with Regen. Literally sat there till he died, fucking lol.
Taking a break before I take on the Cranes. These were hell in vanilla, I'm sure they'll El Nino or something now though and 1 hit KO me.
Number 128 done.
The 6 random battles were way more annoying. I mean lots of resets over and over. Locke and Gau were constantly floored, and thank god for Reflect Ring here or I really don't know how you'd LLG this without really looking at some stuff. Was a constant Slim Jim @ Sabin, and PRAY he lived to solo 3 of 4 Mag Roaders, then revive Locke/Gau for a chance they did something next fight, repeat.
Number 128 himself, got lucky with the Reflect Ring on Sabin so any Net's were rebounded and froze his arms, so I had Gau try and Antlion to help but he quickly went down, and then Locke. (My original strategy upon seeing Net reflected was Gau was on Stop duty, Locke would damage, and Sabin would heal after landing Pummel/Sap. Didn't happen.) My other relic here was Zephyr Mantle on Sabin for the pre fights because Crash or Crush whatever was devastating. With Safe, he was able to take a hit, but evasion also was key. To win, I landed Pummel and decided to turtle the fuck up in the back row and Defend with Sabin and just fucking sit there. It worked. I got low enough at one point to get Safe/Shell to proc, drank a Red Bull, defended and he could do NOTHING to kill me with Regen. Literally sat there till he died, fucking lol.
Taking a break before I take on the Cranes. These were hell in vanilla, I'm sure they'll El Nino or something now though and 1 hit KO me.
Crane Nightmare
The cranes are driving me nuts. There seems to be no "legit" method to beat them, UNLESS 1. Sabin or Edgar turtling up full Defense/Reflect Ring/Safe/Defend/Slim Jim and doing Pummel for Sap (then using Red Bull to avoid Magnitude and doing what I did for Number 128) or Jumping. I can't even test it because so far, I can't get Safe off without dying and surviving till their energy attack to see the numbers it'll do, if this method will even work.
The only other ideas are Step Mine cheesing, like pray they have >9999 HP and are 1 shot (I just need ONE dead) but someone said Step Mine now has a cap, so I'd figure >5000 or even less. If it comes to this, so be it. BTB hinted at Slot abuse but haven't seen an Esper that did anything yet. (Odin or something maybe but I doubt it). So, currently abusing Slots to see what happens. Doesn't help Setzer can't survive anything except Fire when aoe'd.
I don't see any other viable options. Gau has no absorb/null Fire/Bolt Rages, nothing. Like Setzer, Fire aoe'd is all he can survive. Barring all of this, a cheese of Setzer/Locke/Sabin all getting Desperations off at the same time, on the same Crane? Yeah...
Edit: Odin twice now, Atom Edge and whatever "Okie Dokie" is, both just 380ish damage. I got excited thinking he'd instant kill.
The only other ideas are Step Mine cheesing, like pray they have >9999 HP and are 1 shot (I just need ONE dead) but someone said Step Mine now has a cap, so I'd figure >5000 or even less. If it comes to this, so be it. BTB hinted at Slot abuse but haven't seen an Esper that did anything yet. (Odin or something maybe but I doubt it). So, currently abusing Slots to see what happens. Doesn't help Setzer can't survive anything except Fire when aoe'd.
I don't see any other viable options. Gau has no absorb/null Fire/Bolt Rages, nothing. Like Setzer, Fire aoe'd is all he can survive. Barring all of this, a cheese of Setzer/Locke/Sabin all getting Desperations off at the same time, on the same Crane? Yeah...
Edit: Odin twice now, Atom Edge and whatever "Okie Dokie" is, both just 380ish damage. I got excited thinking he'd instant kill.
Nightmares end, though

Ok, still fucking annoying and RNG like crazy but here's how.
No one but Sabin matters in this fight. Zephyr Mantle/Reflect Ring are a must. (Edit: Safety Glove over Zepyhr but -7 speed if so. Alternative: Mythril Vest over Ninja Gear for 10 defense. I suggest Mythril Vest.) Get Sabin into Safe as soon as able, (kill him and Phoenix Down revive will trigger it, or low HP) then Red Bull and Slim Jim him (Float for Magnitude). Once this is set, he can't be killed by anything except a back physical swing (244 damage) or a Cannonball (167). I'm curious if I can eek out a bit more HP somewhere, like armor, cause 8 more he'd survive Cannonball at least. (Edit: Mythril Vest should fix this, if not, Safety Glove or both.) Anyway, Pummel spam is necessary because the Cranes get Regen anytime they're healed by magic, but it's overwritten by Sap, thank fucking god. Here out, you have to pray they spam magic/Magnitude and no back attacks. If so, reload. If you can get one of them to die, you're basically in the home stretch. Do not bother raising anyone, waste of time. Apply Pummel and turtle, let Sap do work and just survive the physical.
Funny note...Crane A did Fire 2, reflected and hurt itself, countered ME with Cannonball... fun stuff.
They also countered with Cannonball on the other if magic was reflected onto them...lol
Anyway this method is leagues easier than Slotting for Crusader, it's not super luck, just more do not get caught in a back physical (Defend does NOT protect from it, you are literally fucked). Save stating, but yeah.
Fuck this fight, fuck pincer attacks, fuck no guard from behind, fuck countering itself and hurting me, I won, I don't care. Didn't have to resort to Step Mine abuse.
Note: I can see Edgar doing this but I think it'd be even rougher than Sabin. Their Regen is just too much. Also I managed a SlowX on Crane A at the start with Gau. Do NOT use Step Mine after 1 Crane remains also; Barrier=Reflect. You're gonna have a bad time.
Edit: Loaded a save and equipped Safety Glove and Mythril Vest. Back physical did 134/142, frontal did 94/95. Cannonball 138, Defended physical=69. Using 2 Ocean Claws and hoping for Drain proc can help if you get daring. If you take a back attack, don't be afraid to heal. Using this method you should have no resets if you play safe. The hardest part is setting up.
Posting screen shots in a minute to prove it. I have like 5 save states for the fight (1 is playing with RNG manipulation with Slots). Give me a minute.
Also nitpicking for grammar, Madonna dialogue "You the one who saved me?" couldn't it be "Are you the one who saved me?" The former sounds off to me.
Edit: Good point on Safety Glove. I had Zephyr Cape on for both buffs and the stats, didn't think of it. Go with that over Zephyr since magic isn't an issue here with Reflect Ring. You'd be able to survive Cannonball then, probably, but not a back swing unless 20 Defense and maybe some more HP somewhere (head/body) helped. So Rage Belt blocked Thunder, huh? Not sure what else it does, but that'd help with Cranes, except sadly once one died it IMMEDIATELY puts Barrier up and will use it again randomly, so Step Mine WILL reflect. Gau would suffer Cannonball/back attack issues too, but for the other fights, like Number 024 Repo Man helps a LOT. I don't see it for Number 128 though but I could be wrong.
Thanks. I only went for the Sabin thing after while abusing Slots Sabin got murdered, Gau/Locke had a turn, Cranes just went. Phoenix Downed, Red Bull then asap Slim Jimmed and I went for it.
Ok, pics now:

Safety Glove or Zephyr Cape proc when he hits critical HP. Either let Cranes kill him or have someone hurt him to low health. That or let him die, and Phoenix Down revival will proc it. If he dies again, reset, it will NOT proc again.
You could cart fight this battle, the only run ender is a back physical. If you keep Pummel on the Crane you're focused on and Fight when able (2 Ocean Claws) you'll do about 400 damage. Cranes had 4000-5000? HP or so I think. Figure 650 a round, once you get ONE dead you have ZERO chance of dying, even if Cannonball hits (you can avoid it).
Edit: Checking Safety Glove/Zephyr Mantle after the cutscene and I have control again, I lose 7 speed and 10 evade...it's crucial here. 20 defense helps but man...I really feel like Zephyr would win because it's a huge chance to just dodge, but evasion matters little. I'd rather take the hit and live, chances of 2 Cannonballs seems low, vs chance to evade or I die if I don't. Boils down to 7 speed then, so...Safety Glove for "safety". Checking my armor...the only option is Ninja Gear to Mythril Vest. Lose 2 speed but 10 defense for 10 evasion. This might be the best choice. Nothing beats Tiger Mask.
Edit 2: Using Ocean Claw x2 (Drain proc and damage if you get daring and want to speed up damage), Tiger Mask, Mythril Vest, Safety Glove, Reflect Ring, you will take at most 142 or so damage FROM A BACK ATTACK. Defending a physical=69 or so damage, otherwise 95ish. If you take a back, heal. Chances of another are low. Hardest part is the set up at the start.

Ok, still fucking annoying and RNG like crazy but here's how.
No one but Sabin matters in this fight. Zephyr Mantle/Reflect Ring are a must. (Edit: Safety Glove over Zepyhr but -7 speed if so. Alternative: Mythril Vest over Ninja Gear for 10 defense. I suggest Mythril Vest.) Get Sabin into Safe as soon as able, (kill him and Phoenix Down revive will trigger it, or low HP) then Red Bull and Slim Jim him (Float for Magnitude). Once this is set, he can't be killed by anything except a back physical swing (244 damage) or a Cannonball (167). I'm curious if I can eek out a bit more HP somewhere, like armor, cause 8 more he'd survive Cannonball at least. (Edit: Mythril Vest should fix this, if not, Safety Glove or both.) Anyway, Pummel spam is necessary because the Cranes get Regen anytime they're healed by magic, but it's overwritten by Sap, thank fucking god. Here out, you have to pray they spam magic/Magnitude and no back attacks. If so, reload. If you can get one of them to die, you're basically in the home stretch. Do not bother raising anyone, waste of time. Apply Pummel and turtle, let Sap do work and just survive the physical.
Funny note...Crane A did Fire 2, reflected and hurt itself, countered ME with Cannonball... fun stuff.
They also countered with Cannonball on the other if magic was reflected onto them...lol
Anyway this method is leagues easier than Slotting for Crusader, it's not super luck, just more do not get caught in a back physical (Defend does NOT protect from it, you are literally fucked). Save stating, but yeah.
Fuck this fight, fuck pincer attacks, fuck no guard from behind, fuck countering itself and hurting me, I won, I don't care. Didn't have to resort to Step Mine abuse.
Note: I can see Edgar doing this but I think it'd be even rougher than Sabin. Their Regen is just too much. Also I managed a SlowX on Crane A at the start with Gau. Do NOT use Step Mine after 1 Crane remains also; Barrier=Reflect. You're gonna have a bad time.
Edit: Loaded a save and equipped Safety Glove and Mythril Vest. Back physical did 134/142, frontal did 94/95. Cannonball 138, Defended physical=69. Using 2 Ocean Claws and hoping for Drain proc can help if you get daring. If you take a back attack, don't be afraid to heal. Using this method you should have no resets if you play safe. The hardest part is setting up.
Posting screen shots in a minute to prove it. I have like 5 save states for the fight (1 is playing with RNG manipulation with Slots). Give me a minute.
Also nitpicking for grammar, Madonna dialogue "You the one who saved me?" couldn't it be "Are you the one who saved me?" The former sounds off to me.
Edit: Good point on Safety Glove. I had Zephyr Cape on for both buffs and the stats, didn't think of it. Go with that over Zephyr since magic isn't an issue here with Reflect Ring. You'd be able to survive Cannonball then, probably, but not a back swing unless 20 Defense and maybe some more HP somewhere (head/body) helped. So Rage Belt blocked Thunder, huh? Not sure what else it does, but that'd help with Cranes, except sadly once one died it IMMEDIATELY puts Barrier up and will use it again randomly, so Step Mine WILL reflect. Gau would suffer Cannonball/back attack issues too, but for the other fights, like Number 024 Repo Man helps a LOT. I don't see it for Number 128 though but I could be wrong.
Thanks. I only went for the Sabin thing after while abusing Slots Sabin got murdered, Gau/Locke had a turn, Cranes just went. Phoenix Downed, Red Bull then asap Slim Jimmed and I went for it.
Ok, pics now:

Safety Glove or Zephyr Cape proc when he hits critical HP. Either let Cranes kill him or have someone hurt him to low health. That or let him die, and Phoenix Down revival will proc it. If he dies again, reset, it will NOT proc again.
You could cart fight this battle, the only run ender is a back physical. If you keep Pummel on the Crane you're focused on and Fight when able (2 Ocean Claws) you'll do about 400 damage. Cranes had 4000-5000? HP or so I think. Figure 650 a round, once you get ONE dead you have ZERO chance of dying, even if Cannonball hits (you can avoid it).
Edit: Checking Safety Glove/Zephyr Mantle after the cutscene and I have control again, I lose 7 speed and 10 evade...it's crucial here. 20 defense helps but man...I really feel like Zephyr would win because it's a huge chance to just dodge, but evasion matters little. I'd rather take the hit and live, chances of 2 Cannonballs seems low, vs chance to evade or I die if I don't. Boils down to 7 speed then, so...Safety Glove for "safety". Checking my armor...the only option is Ninja Gear to Mythril Vest. Lose 2 speed but 10 defense for 10 evasion. This might be the best choice. Nothing beats Tiger Mask.
Edit 2: Using Ocean Claw x2 (Drain proc and damage if you get daring and want to speed up damage), Tiger Mask, Mythril Vest, Safety Glove, Reflect Ring, you will take at most 142 or so damage FROM A BACK ATTACK. Defending a physical=69 or so damage, otherwise 95ish. If you take a back, heal. Chances of another are low. Hardest part is the set up at the start.
Sealed Cave, Battle on the Bridge, Imperial Banquet
Finally finished farming Gil for the moment, until I did a test run to Thamasa after Sealed Cave etc events to check prices.
2000G for rods. Each. Also nice relic shop stuff and weapons, and armor.
So, reloaded and I'm in the Sealed Cave farming for a bit, since good luck getting Gil on Crescent Island. Ugh. (I understand I could probably use cheat codes for gil, but I'm against doing that. I just watch movies or something once I find an easy grove/area to pay little attention to. I was using South Figaro area for easy fights with x4 Vanish and just holding attack and running in circles. Also fast forward/speed up works horribly on PSP, it's not like ZSNES. The Sealed Cave is very nice for money and with how I have Sabin/Locke set up, and Gau, (Terra's worthless right now) I'm doing very nicely.)
Edit: Gave Terra a Flametongue+Full Moon, she's on par with Locke.
Anyway, awesome touch with:
The Imperial dinner wasn't too bad. I swapped Terra for Edgar because of the dinner fight and after 1 fuck up/time out I just bumped his magic up and literally only did Bio Blaster since everything else was not happening on these guys; their defense is way too good. Got a perfect score on the 24 soldiers with 10 seconds remaining, but took 2 attempts cause it's been a while and I got floored on the Magitek soldier/timed out. With that said, I believe the next boss is the fire core in the burning house. Gonna be a fun ride, foreseeing turtle mode+Ice Rods. Please let Strago not be "I'm old" status and have survivability, ugh lol.
Also, question for the script. I felt like when Leo is introduced, everyone calling him General Leo each time felt odd, cause it's not General Celes over and over for her. Like at the dinner he goes "I'm General Leo". I feel like it'd be better if he said his full name instead, maybe? I understand it's a title/respect thing but for himself, yeah. Also, Edgar saying "Y'all take care" as you leave Vector, I don't really see a King speaking southernly. Maybe make it "take care of yourselves out there" or something. I always pictured Edgar as the cool, suave talker, and then Sabin being more common talk despite his background.
2000G for rods. Each. Also nice relic shop stuff and weapons, and armor.
So, reloaded and I'm in the Sealed Cave farming for a bit, since good luck getting Gil on Crescent Island. Ugh. (I understand I could probably use cheat codes for gil, but I'm against doing that. I just watch movies or something once I find an easy grove/area to pay little attention to. I was using South Figaro area for easy fights with x4 Vanish and just holding attack and running in circles. Also fast forward/speed up works horribly on PSP, it's not like ZSNES. The Sealed Cave is very nice for money and with how I have Sabin/Locke set up, and Gau, (Terra's worthless right now) I'm doing very nicely.)
Edit: Gave Terra a Flametongue+Full Moon, she's on par with Locke.
Anyway, awesome touch with:
The new Kefka battle, wasn't expecting that and had to reload and properly gear after Halberd floored me so fast. Had Sabin, Locke (brought him for dual wield damage, I figured he'd be better than Edgar/Cyan/Setzer for the dungeon, with Flametongue and something, later finding Demonsbane and doing that+Flametongue for nice damage), and Gau. Pretty much used same strategy as the Cranes fight, except this time it was Pummel then Defend forever, till 1 Phalanx died. Was a cute touch for Kefka to bounce spells off the Phalanx guys sometimes, but he ONLY did it with say, Fire or Bolt, thank god. Also lol at him casting Imp to have it reflect and Imp a Phalanx. THAT helped a LOT. Once one died, it was smooth sailing till he was re-Imped and recovered, then back to Defend. Luckily the fight ends when they die, so overall not a bad fight. I tried having Gau do Reraise spam, but Sabin+Reflect... oh good, it misses on Phalanx. Whew. Anyway, nice touch again. Also noticed Kefka had nothing to be stolen, as I got it off before he managed to call the Phalanx boys. I'm aware BTB did the Steal changes, but just incase he had a nice relic or something.
The Imperial dinner wasn't too bad. I swapped Terra for Edgar because of the dinner fight and after 1 fuck up/time out I just bumped his magic up and literally only did Bio Blaster since everything else was not happening on these guys; their defense is way too good. Got a perfect score on the 24 soldiers with 10 seconds remaining, but took 2 attempts cause it's been a while and I got floored on the Magitek soldier/timed out. With that said, I believe the next boss is the fire core in the burning house. Gonna be a fun ride, foreseeing turtle mode+Ice Rods. Please let Strago not be "I'm old" status and have survivability, ugh lol.
Also, question for the script. I felt like when Leo is introduced, everyone calling him General Leo each time felt odd, cause it's not General Celes over and over for her. Like at the dinner he goes "I'm General Leo". I feel like it'd be better if he said his full name instead, maybe? I understand it's a title/respect thing but for himself, yeah. Also, Edgar saying "Y'all take care" as you leave Vector, I don't really see a King speaking southernly. Maybe make it "take care of yourselves out there" or something. I always pictured Edgar as the cool, suave talker, and then Sabin being more common talk despite his background.
Heartfire and kids playing with fire
Ok, so, 250,000 Gil richer and fully satisfied with items and other stuff, I rebeat Kefka, the dinner party, explored the Imperial Observatory (Reflect Ring #2 and 40,000 Gil, other stuff was bleh) and I'm in Thamasa. After buying the new relics and armor, and 30 Ice Rods, I went to tackle Heartfire.
What an ass this fight was. Tons of resets due to figuring the perfect set/balance between Magic Defense, HP and Defense, not to mention the proper Relics. Strago is worthless, he can't survive anything, ever, and I tried. Best Relics and defense, he was taking 53 damage with 47 HP. With only Aqua Rake, best he can or could do was Ice Rods till death, then he was KO'd forever. Terra couldn't take more than 2 hits here from physicals, and her evasion was 16% I think. Locke had 65% or so maybe, and both were filled with Magic Defense after I saw Fireball end them. Grenades were not fun to deal with and the only option I saw, despite they'd just respawn almost immediately, was Terra using Muddle to Confuse them. This helped due to one would Explode, kill the others and deal a nice 600 to Heartfire.
Noticed Heartfire had Sap due to a reflected Blaze, so my strategy went from Ice Rod spam to Defend and recast Muddle asap, and pray for no Fireball. It took a bunch of resets due to RNG and other bullshit, but the strategy worked. So I spent like 60,000 Gil on 30 Ice Rods for nothing. Well, I have them for later at least. My follow up strategy was if Fireball happened, Terra was dead without Defend, BUT, she seemed to dodge it in previous attempts quite often, and the run I won it never even did it. Hell, one run it did it back to back. Luckily I only used 2 Slim Jims (I need to farm more, way more maybe, before the WoR) and overall, not a bad fight, just extremely RNG dependant and Fireball wiill end it. If it wasn't for Fireball, Exploder would get you. You HAVE to Muddle the Grenades or again, RNG pray they don't use, which good luck.
My strategy I was trying before Muddle was Locke Defending while Sap did work. He was surviving no problems with 5 enemies wailing on him, but Exploder ended that. So yeah, compared to the Cranes and Kefka, the last 3 fights, as best as I've been able to figure, are just Defend/survive and let Sap do work. Granted I've been at a disadvantage on those fights, either being down 1 character or Setzer "what's going on gu-*dead*" and no time to prep, but yeah. We'll see how Ultros works, and I don't even want to know how bad the Floating Continent is going to be.
What an ass this fight was. Tons of resets due to figuring the perfect set/balance between Magic Defense, HP and Defense, not to mention the proper Relics. Strago is worthless, he can't survive anything, ever, and I tried. Best Relics and defense, he was taking 53 damage with 47 HP. With only Aqua Rake, best he can or could do was Ice Rods till death, then he was KO'd forever. Terra couldn't take more than 2 hits here from physicals, and her evasion was 16% I think. Locke had 65% or so maybe, and both were filled with Magic Defense after I saw Fireball end them. Grenades were not fun to deal with and the only option I saw, despite they'd just respawn almost immediately, was Terra using Muddle to Confuse them. This helped due to one would Explode, kill the others and deal a nice 600 to Heartfire.
Noticed Heartfire had Sap due to a reflected Blaze, so my strategy went from Ice Rod spam to Defend and recast Muddle asap, and pray for no Fireball. It took a bunch of resets due to RNG and other bullshit, but the strategy worked. So I spent like 60,000 Gil on 30 Ice Rods for nothing. Well, I have them for later at least. My follow up strategy was if Fireball happened, Terra was dead without Defend, BUT, she seemed to dodge it in previous attempts quite often, and the run I won it never even did it. Hell, one run it did it back to back. Luckily I only used 2 Slim Jims (I need to farm more, way more maybe, before the WoR) and overall, not a bad fight, just extremely RNG dependant and Fireball wiill end it. If it wasn't for Fireball, Exploder would get you. You HAVE to Muddle the Grenades or again, RNG pray they don't use, which good luck.
My strategy I was trying before Muddle was Locke Defending while Sap did work. He was surviving no problems with 5 enemies wailing on him, but Exploder ended that. So yeah, compared to the Cranes and Kefka, the last 3 fights, as best as I've been able to figure, are just Defend/survive and let Sap do work. Granted I've been at a disadvantage on those fights, either being down 1 character or Setzer "what's going on gu-*dead*" and no time to prep, but yeah. We'll see how Ultros works, and I don't even want to know how bad the Floating Continent is going to be.
Draw me like one of your French girls
Well, Ultros was easier than expected.
Locke and Terra managed to survive with zero problems. The only way he could kill me was with Fireball, due to Sap if it proc'd. Luckily Slim Jims fix that (or Regen spell from Terra). Strago is worthless again except for Blaze and Sap, then it was Defend mode again. If you don't get Blaze from the burning house, your only options as far as I can see are land a Desperation Move for Sap, or slowly widdle him down, which would suck. Oh and if Relm fails Sketch twice, you're done. No recovery as far as I can tell. Locke will live I think, from the brief moments I played around, but Relm won't except sheer grace of God dodging 1-2 attacks. Terra will eat 2 single Tentacle attacks, then when she's dead, he aoe's it. 274ish damage to Relm.
Now time to stock up, learn things, do the IAF, and Floating Continent, then leave and double check supplies etc before the WoR.
Also I found the Refract Backdoor. Mainly because I got very lucky due to talking with BTB about the mod and him asking my progress at the time, and him hinting at something based on where I was and my questions on something+stuff he had changed, but pretty certain he unconsciously did it. Later I read up on the mod and saw discussion about said backdoor and how it breaks Strago/makes him godly. Got to thinking and did some research, and threw my guess at BTB. He didn't deny/confirm, just said I was warm. By sheer accident from not paying attention/pausing the game/talking to him I found it much to his "disappoint", wishing I had figured it out normally, since I was on the right track so to speak.
So yeah, unlocked that. I'm gonna try strategies without it since Lockirby beat the WoB without it, or rather glitched, but 1.2 isn't the same as 1.7 so we'll see.
Back to grinding more and I think I need Thunder Rods now for the IAF since Thunder God Gau with x2 Earrings don't exist anymore.
Locke and Terra managed to survive with zero problems. The only way he could kill me was with Fireball, due to Sap if it proc'd. Luckily Slim Jims fix that (or Regen spell from Terra). Strago is worthless again except for Blaze and Sap, then it was Defend mode again. If you don't get Blaze from the burning house, your only options as far as I can see are land a Desperation Move for Sap, or slowly widdle him down, which would suck. Oh and if Relm fails Sketch twice, you're done. No recovery as far as I can tell. Locke will live I think, from the brief moments I played around, but Relm won't except sheer grace of God dodging 1-2 attacks. Terra will eat 2 single Tentacle attacks, then when she's dead, he aoe's it. 274ish damage to Relm.
Now time to stock up, learn things, do the IAF, and Floating Continent, then leave and double check supplies etc before the WoR.
Also I found the Refract Backdoor. Mainly because I got very lucky due to talking with BTB about the mod and him asking my progress at the time, and him hinting at something based on where I was and my questions on something+stuff he had changed, but pretty certain he unconsciously did it. Later I read up on the mod and saw discussion about said backdoor and how it breaks Strago/makes him godly. Got to thinking and did some research, and threw my guess at BTB. He didn't deny/confirm, just said I was warm. By sheer accident from not paying attention/pausing the game/talking to him I found it much to his "disappoint", wishing I had figured it out normally, since I was on the right track so to speak.
So yeah, unlocked that. I'm gonna try strategies without it since Lockirby beat the WoB without it, or rather glitched, but 1.2 isn't the same as 1.7 so we'll see.
Back to grinding more and I think I need Thunder Rods now for the IAF since Thunder God Gau with x2 Earrings don't exist anymore.
Imperial Air Fuck You with Ultros and Friend
I could do the Sketch thing since I'm in the WoB still and at the end of the Floating Continent.
Anyway, so yeah, massive farming, hours of Slim Jim harvesting, Rage/Lore hunting, stocking up on items, weapons, armor, and relics before WoR, ugh. Kill me.
Went and tried the IAF, and yeah, fuck them hard. I think out of 5 or was it 6 fights? I got one battle with just 2, the rest were 3 of them. My original team I figured on was Celes, Sabin and Strago. Celes and Sabin for survival (possibly Runic, wasn't sure what to expect or what horrors BTB wrote into the battle scripts), Sabin for HP survival/Sap if needed and Strago for area Sap, and Refract. I played with Refract and honestly, not impressed. I see people swearing by it and Smoke Bomb, but it really, REALLY feels like Utsusemi from FF11 and wears off WAY too fast. I'm guessing you need to get lucky with it, but everything I used it for, it was a waste of time. We'll see though.
Originally, I wanted to do Sabin/Gau/Strago but with 2 people rocking 36-47 HP, I was really against this. Gau for this, unlike Vanilla, I felt was a glass cannon, although after doing this and winning with Sabin/Celes/Strago, I REALLY feel Gau would be better over Strago, hands down. One, Adamantite Rage for Cyclonic/Mega Volt Sap would make short work of the Spitfires etc if he surivives. Those fuckers are WAY WAY too fast even with my guys rocking Slim Jims. I barely get a turn in before they destroy me. Also, was noticing I was able to shield guard from a back attack...is that normal or a glitch? Did it twice.
My strategy for the lesser fights was get Sabin/Celes Slim Jimmed, and if Strago lived, do Blaze on 2 of them. Next, Thunder Rods on 1 Spitfire, then work from there. All RNG, all luck, all fucking pincer attacks, argh. Lots of resets. Strago could survive nothing but did shield block/dodge Fireball nicely. I did Guard/Wall Rings for full time Safe/Shell, and Defense/Magic Defense set up. Defense was really worthless for IAF but little I can do since him and Ultros are back to back. Ultros is all physical, IAF magical/% damage, so it's sadly the best set up.
For Ultros, again Strago=useless. Sabin did Pummel, then him and Celes Slim Jimmed and turtled. I noticed this time, Ultros did NOT die to Sap; I had to hit him to get Chupon to appear. Chupon, however did "die" to Sap. Not an easy fight, as I didn't dodge much and had to heal a few times. I threw Reraise on Celes/Sabin when able and Tinctured Celes when I got the chance, but being out of Defend was always dangerous. Ultros though, nothing he could do could kill Celes or Sabin, but holy hell once Chupon showed up, it was constantly close. Reraise helped me at parts and a quick Slim Jim, then a race to Defend again.
Thankfully, full restore for IAF, but did little cause he ALWAYS kept targeting Strago with Tek Laser over and over and over, making him useless. I managed to get him up and do area Blaze BARELY with a Slim Jim right after, then Diffusion ended him for good. Slim Jimmed as fast as I could, then started casting Slow on the two arms. I noticed Slow did nothing to IAF himself, because from what I gathered, Diffusion is on a 30-40 second count timer, it's not random or back to back. It seemed it was Missle->Tek Laser->Missile->Tek Laser-Diffusion repeat, and my turns inbetween this.
I restarted this fight a lot thinking of the best way to handle him with only two characters, and how to maybe take care of one or both arms. Killing the left arm made the right one start doing Launcher? I think was the name, Missile area attack, not fun. The right dying, made the left gain Atomic Ray, fire+sap damage, but I preferred this due to single target and I'd survive if Defending. Had to use Slim Jims but whatever. If both died, IAF would do Mega or Giga Volt which was basically 1 hit KO or pain+Sap, ON TOP OF DIFFUSION.
So, killed right arm and turtled, and waited. IAF wasn't dying, so started testing hits after a while. 1 hit killed him, so for some reason (unless you guys fixed it) Sap either sometimes kills bosses by itself, or it just follows your rule of "can't die to Sap, must use Fight, etc". I remember BTB cursing Squaresoft's programming.
Overall, fuck this fight, probably worse than the Cranes simply because everything is so fast, I can't area hit Slow, stuff is just so damaging, I can barely recover...honestly, without Slim Jims here, I'd be worried. Gau would've helped but it would've been Step Mine spamming truthfully and that's not much of a challenge. Otherwise, Vaporite easily for SlowX, Blaze, Regen and absorb or null Thunder, can't remember which.
Problem is, it'd help on Giga/Mega Volt, but Diffusion (don't know the element. If Thunder, then hmm...that makes Gau fucking Godly here and he just has to somehow survive Tek Laser which I don't think he can without Defending unless Laser is also Thunder based) may end him. He'd maybe get one off and be floored. If I had to pick someone else for this, possibly Edgar and have him Jump or spam Thunder Rods (Poison Rods didn't work for Poison, sadly, but did they ruin Gigantos horrifically
So yeah, Edgar or even Cyan due to their HP. I honestly feel like 3 sturdy tanks rocking Slim Jims and Thunder Rods is the best bet here. Strago even with Refract, was really worthless save for Blaze.
I ended up using 30-something Slim Jims here ALONE. 30. Slim Jims. I weep.
Floating Continent so far, pretty simple. Trying to learn Blow Fish before Atma Weapon so Strago has a nice 1000 damage guaranteed attack, and test the waters to see if I need to change my party out (I feel like Sabin needs to go, but I really want a second tank, because Shadow's HP is so fucking bad), but we'll see.
Can't wait to farm more Slim Jims after Atma Weapon before I enter WoR
Anyway, so yeah, massive farming, hours of Slim Jim harvesting, Rage/Lore hunting, stocking up on items, weapons, armor, and relics before WoR, ugh. Kill me.
Went and tried the IAF, and yeah, fuck them hard. I think out of 5 or was it 6 fights? I got one battle with just 2, the rest were 3 of them. My original team I figured on was Celes, Sabin and Strago. Celes and Sabin for survival (possibly Runic, wasn't sure what to expect or what horrors BTB wrote into the battle scripts), Sabin for HP survival/Sap if needed and Strago for area Sap, and Refract. I played with Refract and honestly, not impressed. I see people swearing by it and Smoke Bomb, but it really, REALLY feels like Utsusemi from FF11 and wears off WAY too fast. I'm guessing you need to get lucky with it, but everything I used it for, it was a waste of time. We'll see though.
Originally, I wanted to do Sabin/Gau/Strago but with 2 people rocking 36-47 HP, I was really against this. Gau for this, unlike Vanilla, I felt was a glass cannon, although after doing this and winning with Sabin/Celes/Strago, I REALLY feel Gau would be better over Strago, hands down. One, Adamantite Rage for Cyclonic/Mega Volt Sap would make short work of the Spitfires etc if he surivives. Those fuckers are WAY WAY too fast even with my guys rocking Slim Jims. I barely get a turn in before they destroy me. Also, was noticing I was able to shield guard from a back attack...is that normal or a glitch? Did it twice.
My strategy for the lesser fights was get Sabin/Celes Slim Jimmed, and if Strago lived, do Blaze on 2 of them. Next, Thunder Rods on 1 Spitfire, then work from there. All RNG, all luck, all fucking pincer attacks, argh. Lots of resets. Strago could survive nothing but did shield block/dodge Fireball nicely. I did Guard/Wall Rings for full time Safe/Shell, and Defense/Magic Defense set up. Defense was really worthless for IAF but little I can do since him and Ultros are back to back. Ultros is all physical, IAF magical/% damage, so it's sadly the best set up.
For Ultros, again Strago=useless. Sabin did Pummel, then him and Celes Slim Jimmed and turtled. I noticed this time, Ultros did NOT die to Sap; I had to hit him to get Chupon to appear. Chupon, however did "die" to Sap. Not an easy fight, as I didn't dodge much and had to heal a few times. I threw Reraise on Celes/Sabin when able and Tinctured Celes when I got the chance, but being out of Defend was always dangerous. Ultros though, nothing he could do could kill Celes or Sabin, but holy hell once Chupon showed up, it was constantly close. Reraise helped me at parts and a quick Slim Jim, then a race to Defend again.
Thankfully, full restore for IAF, but did little cause he ALWAYS kept targeting Strago with Tek Laser over and over and over, making him useless. I managed to get him up and do area Blaze BARELY with a Slim Jim right after, then Diffusion ended him for good. Slim Jimmed as fast as I could, then started casting Slow on the two arms. I noticed Slow did nothing to IAF himself, because from what I gathered, Diffusion is on a 30-40 second count timer, it's not random or back to back. It seemed it was Missle->Tek Laser->Missile->Tek Laser-Diffusion repeat, and my turns inbetween this.
I restarted this fight a lot thinking of the best way to handle him with only two characters, and how to maybe take care of one or both arms. Killing the left arm made the right one start doing Launcher? I think was the name, Missile area attack, not fun. The right dying, made the left gain Atomic Ray, fire+sap damage, but I preferred this due to single target and I'd survive if Defending. Had to use Slim Jims but whatever. If both died, IAF would do Mega or Giga Volt which was basically 1 hit KO or pain+Sap, ON TOP OF DIFFUSION.
So, killed right arm and turtled, and waited. IAF wasn't dying, so started testing hits after a while. 1 hit killed him, so for some reason (unless you guys fixed it) Sap either sometimes kills bosses by itself, or it just follows your rule of "can't die to Sap, must use Fight, etc". I remember BTB cursing Squaresoft's programming.
Overall, fuck this fight, probably worse than the Cranes simply because everything is so fast, I can't area hit Slow, stuff is just so damaging, I can barely recover...honestly, without Slim Jims here, I'd be worried. Gau would've helped but it would've been Step Mine spamming truthfully and that's not much of a challenge. Otherwise, Vaporite easily for SlowX, Blaze, Regen and absorb or null Thunder, can't remember which.
Problem is, it'd help on Giga/Mega Volt, but Diffusion (don't know the element. If Thunder, then hmm...that makes Gau fucking Godly here and he just has to somehow survive Tek Laser which I don't think he can without Defending unless Laser is also Thunder based) may end him. He'd maybe get one off and be floored. If I had to pick someone else for this, possibly Edgar and have him Jump or spam Thunder Rods (Poison Rods didn't work for Poison, sadly, but did they ruin Gigantos horrifically

So yeah, Edgar or even Cyan due to their HP. I honestly feel like 3 sturdy tanks rocking Slim Jims and Thunder Rods is the best bet here. Strago even with Refract, was really worthless save for Blaze.
I ended up using 30-something Slim Jims here ALONE. 30. Slim Jims. I weep.
Floating Continent so far, pretty simple. Trying to learn Blow Fish before Atma Weapon so Strago has a nice 1000 damage guaranteed attack, and test the waters to see if I need to change my party out (I feel like Sabin needs to go, but I really want a second tank, because Shadow's HP is so fucking bad), but we'll see.
Can't wait to farm more Slim Jims after Atma Weapon before I enter WoR

Yo dog, we heard you like Atma Weapon, so we put one in Atma Weapon so you can get Atma Weapon while you fight Atma Weapon
Fighting Atma with my first strategy attempt. Shadow/Celes/Strago/Gau.
He just did a glow, powered up and started raping everyone and everything.
This isn't gonna be a fun ride
Edit: Noticing a small glitch during Atma Weapon. Sometimes when the text box appears for an attack (Smirk for example with Brainpan Rage, or Atma doing Glare) the text will shift from the box to the left a bit, outside of the box. Seems graphical, nothing else, BUT I swear my game sped up for a second when it did it and then resumed.

I don't even know where to begin on this fuck. His HP has to be 65,535 and 240 or so Regen wasn't helping, especially with me sack raising Strago/Gau constantly or Gau doing Smirk for nothing. Was very tempted to use Step Mine (2200 or so damage now due to so much gil and Slim Jim farming...which...99 Slim Jims, from the entire IAF fight to the end of Atma Weapon, I have 13 left...13...) but wanted to really not rely on it and Brainpan absorbing Quake/Magnitude/Grav Bomb/Raze was infinitely more useful, not to mention Vanish helps and also sucks here (100% magic procs).
So, Shadow/Celes/Strago/Gau. Did full evasion/magic evasion, everything else is worthless/you die no matter what unless you're Celes. Relic wise, I went in hurt for Zephyr Mantle and quickly noticed Purged removes the buffs, so in hindsight, Guard or Wall Rings would be better. I think I used Back Guards mostly, and Amulets to stop Petrify. Mind Blast was horrifying but most the time it just did easily Remedy'd away things or as pic shows, Imp Gau for the end. The worst was Confusion/Stop/Sleep.
Strategy was Slim Jim everyone, Slow Atma. There was a trick I used but I'll refrain from saying since it's a tip in game at an NPC. I'm not sure exactly WHAT it does to Atma, as I saw no change, but yeah. Afterwards, I did Slow which he seemed to remove it later cause he got faster again. Redid it and sure enough it landed again. Basically, Slow him or else.
Besides this, I had Shadow doing Smoke Bomb on Strago/Gau first, then himself/Celes if able (I take back what I said about Image, it was godly here, but only after the power up phase. Not so much Refract cause Strago needed to do Blow Fish) and Celes would do Reraise...which...apparently Purge removes. Otherwise, Phoenix Down/Float/Runic for her.
I noticed his "2nd phase" was when he powered up, because his entire move set changed. No more Purge, so I started throwing Reraises when I could afford it, but he becomes so. fucking. fast. and. damaging. It's insane. So. many. resets. When I could afford to, I'd Throw with Shadow to counter 2 tics of his Regen, but most of the time it was Phoenix Down->Slim Jim, or Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Tincture, over and over. I had Gau always Raging to try and keep damage up, just most of the fight was spent sack raising and trying my best to recover. (For some reason, he REALLY ignored attacking Gau here. Wonder if his script purposely ignores him?) I'd sometimes go 2 attack rounds and be somewhat buffed before a Mind Blast or Full Power attack x2 went off and then I'd restart recovering again.
All in all, epic fight. Really, really, really difficult and really made me try and edge out a strategy for him. Really wish I had swapped Celes with a Guard or Wall Ring over Zephyr Cape but I won, so doesn't matter. I wouldn't change anything else here. The problem is surviving, as you have to keep dealing enough damage, or he Regens it all back. So while recovering you have to also attack, which is why anytime Strago's turn was up, if he wasn't crucial to recovery, I'd Blow Fish. Same with Throwing with Shadow.
I also learned Grav Bomb and Raze off Atma Weapon for Strago. Was pretty nice, and Raze seems GODLIKE HOLY SHIT. I love Blue Mage, I really do. My favorite job in FF11 also. So glad Strago was buffed/fixed/balanced.
Now, back to Mount Koltz for 5 hours of Slim Jims, some gil farming for medicines and then Kefka/WoR time.
He just did a glow, powered up and started raping everyone and everything.
This isn't gonna be a fun ride

Edit: Noticing a small glitch during Atma Weapon. Sometimes when the text box appears for an attack (Smirk for example with Brainpan Rage, or Atma doing Glare) the text will shift from the box to the left a bit, outside of the box. Seems graphical, nothing else, BUT I swear my game sped up for a second when it did it and then resumed.

I don't even know where to begin on this fuck. His HP has to be 65,535 and 240 or so Regen wasn't helping, especially with me sack raising Strago/Gau constantly or Gau doing Smirk for nothing. Was very tempted to use Step Mine (2200 or so damage now due to so much gil and Slim Jim farming...which...99 Slim Jims, from the entire IAF fight to the end of Atma Weapon, I have 13 left...13...) but wanted to really not rely on it and Brainpan absorbing Quake/Magnitude/Grav Bomb/Raze was infinitely more useful, not to mention Vanish helps and also sucks here (100% magic procs).
So, Shadow/Celes/Strago/Gau. Did full evasion/magic evasion, everything else is worthless/you die no matter what unless you're Celes. Relic wise, I went in hurt for Zephyr Mantle and quickly noticed Purged removes the buffs, so in hindsight, Guard or Wall Rings would be better. I think I used Back Guards mostly, and Amulets to stop Petrify. Mind Blast was horrifying but most the time it just did easily Remedy'd away things or as pic shows, Imp Gau for the end. The worst was Confusion/Stop/Sleep.
Strategy was Slim Jim everyone, Slow Atma. There was a trick I used but I'll refrain from saying since it's a tip in game at an NPC. I'm not sure exactly WHAT it does to Atma, as I saw no change, but yeah. Afterwards, I did Slow which he seemed to remove it later cause he got faster again. Redid it and sure enough it landed again. Basically, Slow him or else.
Besides this, I had Shadow doing Smoke Bomb on Strago/Gau first, then himself/Celes if able (I take back what I said about Image, it was godly here, but only after the power up phase. Not so much Refract cause Strago needed to do Blow Fish) and Celes would do Reraise...which...apparently Purge removes. Otherwise, Phoenix Down/Float/Runic for her.
I noticed his "2nd phase" was when he powered up, because his entire move set changed. No more Purge, so I started throwing Reraises when I could afford it, but he becomes so. fucking. fast. and. damaging. It's insane. So. many. resets. When I could afford to, I'd Throw with Shadow to counter 2 tics of his Regen, but most of the time it was Phoenix Down->Slim Jim, or Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Tincture, over and over. I had Gau always Raging to try and keep damage up, just most of the fight was spent sack raising and trying my best to recover. (For some reason, he REALLY ignored attacking Gau here. Wonder if his script purposely ignores him?) I'd sometimes go 2 attack rounds and be somewhat buffed before a Mind Blast or Full Power attack x2 went off and then I'd restart recovering again.
All in all, epic fight. Really, really, really difficult and really made me try and edge out a strategy for him. Really wish I had swapped Celes with a Guard or Wall Ring over Zephyr Cape but I won, so doesn't matter. I wouldn't change anything else here. The problem is surviving, as you have to keep dealing enough damage, or he Regens it all back. So while recovering you have to also attack, which is why anytime Strago's turn was up, if he wasn't crucial to recovery, I'd Blow Fish. Same with Throwing with Shadow.
I also learned Grav Bomb and Raze off Atma Weapon for Strago. Was pretty nice, and Raze seems GODLIKE HOLY SHIT. I love Blue Mage, I really do. My favorite job in FF11 also. So glad Strago was buffed/fixed/balanced.
Now, back to Mount Koltz for 5 hours of Slim Jims, some gil farming for medicines and then Kefka/WoR time.

Celes is in a coma for a year, her hygiene...ugh. Collapsing House+Phunbaba+Tentacles fun.
In an LLG, I used the Cube for Magic Defense, then one time to give Sabin 3 MP to Warp me out of the Sealed Cave.
So after hours of prepping and getting a decent amount of gil, because fuck knows how bad farming will be in the WoR, onto just that; the WoR.
So, the rest of the Floating Continent. I loved what you guys did with the Kefka scene and Celes; it really was well done. Was a cool touch with Shock and it 1 hit KOing the Bat Ladies.
WoR began, killed Cid because it's canon and wanted to see if anything was changed. Glad you guys kept it intact but added a few lines to it (Japanese version or your own, either or, MUCH better). Albrook exploring, found nothing except some NPC dialogue and refilled supplies. Tzen, same deal. Collapsing house was easy, but had one restart due to 3 scorpions killing me. Thank god for Warp Whistles. Easy stuff, and Sabin is back, so less chance of being horrifically murdered while trying to escape battles.
Went and visited Terra, watched her face plant then I took over on Phumbaba. Easy fight, but wasn't expecting Magnitude, so restarted, popped Red Bulls, Slim Jims, Pummel and a Poison Rod (oh, you made him immune after that was his weakness
). Then Defend and wait till he escaped. Pretty easy. I tried fighting but he'd counter with Bolt 2, so it just turned into a turtle fight. I had Celes riding Runic incase of anything, but it wasn't needed.
Next stop, Edgar "Gerad" (would be funny to rename Edgar Gerad, then "Gerad! It's me, Celes!" "Don't know you, I've been Gerad my whole life" just for laughs). Managed to find the Cider NPC who gave me Leo's Spirits...my immediate guess to this is pour it on Leo's Grave just like Chrono Trigger with Toma, so we'll see. Curious what'll happen, but can't do anything till the Falcon is mine.
Stocked up on some new weapons/armor, then South Figaro Cave and the Figaro Castle Dungeon was simple enough. Then came the Tentacles...
Thank god you guys geared Edgar here and weren't like with Setzer
so he could sort of survive in a LLG. My strategy after a few retries was Guard Ring/Back Guard on Celes and Sabin, Slim Jims for all, Celes perma Runic, Edgar Bio Blaster, and Sabin Pummel. Once 3/4 were sapped, have Sabin defend to survive Tentacle while Edgar did work. If Edgar died, Sabin would raise and Slim Jim him, repeat. Grab was fucking annoying here, having to reapply Slim Jims and stop Sap damage. Once (I assume C and D died, cause A and B were left) it got easier. I left A for last because of it's bullshit Regen/magic spam/counters.
This was utter hell because Pummel from the back was doing 150ish, Edgar was doing 200ish with Drill. Could not use Rods here cause of Runic, and A would recover 189ish a turn. Slow did not seem to help or do much. I moved Sabin to the front because if he couldn't evade Tentacle, he was dead anyway. Pummel went to 300ish and it was just slow. If someone died, I lost ground and it became painfully slow. Then I had the idea to Berserk Sabin (2 Hell Claws) and have Edgar Drill. If someone died, Celes would wait for a spell to go off, Phoenix Down, then Runic asap again. This worked nicely; 150ish a hit from the front with Sabin, about 220 if A was facing Edgar. Stack with 110ish Fire procs and Sabin was doing really well.
I eventually won, but in hind sight, I'd give Sabin the Power Glove here over Back Guard, and probably give Celes a Guard Ring over Zephyr Cape. Also give Celes Phantom and once A remains, Summon him for Vanish after Berserking Sabin, then hit Runic and wait. As long as Runic is up, Sabin and such can't be killed, period. Oh well. Rough battle but yeah. At the rate my Slim Jims are going, I need to hit up Zozo with Setzer since no Locke yet. Gonna be an even funner time Stealing with him...
I'm so tapped for gil again though. Found Bouncy Balls (aka Happy Fun Ball, lol SNL yesssssss) and HOLY SHIT WHY ARE THESE SO GOOD (Warning: Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball). I can't afford Edgar's new tools, but I got the Crossbow upgrade after exploring/talking to NPCs.
Got Setzer back, visited the Colosseum (cool changes, by the way, really badass stuff but NO fucking idea how I'll even win here in an LLG. We'll see later) and onto Daryl's Tomb. Hopefully I can farm gil with Happy Fun Balls here.
So after hours of prepping and getting a decent amount of gil, because fuck knows how bad farming will be in the WoR, onto just that; the WoR.
So, the rest of the Floating Continent. I loved what you guys did with the Kefka scene and Celes; it really was well done. Was a cool touch with Shock and it 1 hit KOing the Bat Ladies.
WoR began, killed Cid because it's canon and wanted to see if anything was changed. Glad you guys kept it intact but added a few lines to it (Japanese version or your own, either or, MUCH better). Albrook exploring, found nothing except some NPC dialogue and refilled supplies. Tzen, same deal. Collapsing house was easy, but had one restart due to 3 scorpions killing me. Thank god for Warp Whistles. Easy stuff, and Sabin is back, so less chance of being horrifically murdered while trying to escape battles.
Went and visited Terra, watched her face plant then I took over on Phumbaba. Easy fight, but wasn't expecting Magnitude, so restarted, popped Red Bulls, Slim Jims, Pummel and a Poison Rod (oh, you made him immune after that was his weakness

Next stop, Edgar "Gerad" (would be funny to rename Edgar Gerad, then "Gerad! It's me, Celes!" "Don't know you, I've been Gerad my whole life" just for laughs). Managed to find the Cider NPC who gave me Leo's Spirits...my immediate guess to this is pour it on Leo's Grave just like Chrono Trigger with Toma, so we'll see. Curious what'll happen, but can't do anything till the Falcon is mine.
Stocked up on some new weapons/armor, then South Figaro Cave and the Figaro Castle Dungeon was simple enough. Then came the Tentacles...
Thank god you guys geared Edgar here and weren't like with Setzer

This was utter hell because Pummel from the back was doing 150ish, Edgar was doing 200ish with Drill. Could not use Rods here cause of Runic, and A would recover 189ish a turn. Slow did not seem to help or do much. I moved Sabin to the front because if he couldn't evade Tentacle, he was dead anyway. Pummel went to 300ish and it was just slow. If someone died, I lost ground and it became painfully slow. Then I had the idea to Berserk Sabin (2 Hell Claws) and have Edgar Drill. If someone died, Celes would wait for a spell to go off, Phoenix Down, then Runic asap again. This worked nicely; 150ish a hit from the front with Sabin, about 220 if A was facing Edgar. Stack with 110ish Fire procs and Sabin was doing really well.
I eventually won, but in hind sight, I'd give Sabin the Power Glove here over Back Guard, and probably give Celes a Guard Ring over Zephyr Cape. Also give Celes Phantom and once A remains, Summon him for Vanish after Berserking Sabin, then hit Runic and wait. As long as Runic is up, Sabin and such can't be killed, period. Oh well. Rough battle but yeah. At the rate my Slim Jims are going, I need to hit up Zozo with Setzer since no Locke yet. Gonna be an even funner time Stealing with him...

I'm so tapped for gil again though. Found Bouncy Balls (aka Happy Fun Ball, lol SNL yesssssss) and HOLY SHIT WHY ARE THESE SO GOOD (Warning: Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball). I can't afford Edgar's new tools, but I got the Crossbow upgrade after exploring/talking to NPCs.
Got Setzer back, visited the Colosseum (cool changes, by the way, really badass stuff but NO fucking idea how I'll even win here in an LLG. We'll see later) and onto Daryl's Tomb. Hopefully I can farm gil with Happy Fun Balls here.
Daryl's Tomb and a nice easter egg
Daryl's Tomb, forgot how short this place is. Also as a note, I won't be using Happy Fun Balls on bosses unless I have literally zero choice. I feel it's like Step Mine x5 for everyone and kills the challenge.
So, Chesticle (>_>) was probably the easiest fight in my opinion in the mod. Noticed his shell would only cast Regen if I put Sap on the head, so I dispelled him and didn't bother with Drill after (I figured this out cause I derped and forgot what Drill does, and didn't bother with Pummel for fear of what pain the shell (WAVE CANNON MMM MMM) would do. The shell was doing nothing till I did Drill, so 2+2=don't Sap it). Besides this, Float all to avoid Magnitutde, Gold Shields or so for 50% water damage for Aqua Rake, and Diamond something for 50% off Bolt damage, turns him into a joke. Wall Rings on all and full attack gear. Celes with Atma Weapon, Setzer with Tarot/Maneater I think, Sabin 2 Hell Claws and Edgar with I think a sword. I hate his options,sadly. Anyway, it was just attack, heal, repeat. Really easy and relaxing.
Then Dullahan...sweet lord. Lots of HP, constant Zombie cause of Overcast, and then the run ender: Absolute Zero. Originally this was doing 300-400 to everyone and I struggled to figure how to survive it. My first idea was Celes needed to Reraise/wear Ribbon to avoid Zombie, but 3 other zombies possibly attacking her as she tries to Holy Water, it's not viable. Tincture->Reraise, not to mention Dispel->Slow (I couldn't get Slow to land, so I said fuck it and just did Dispel) it's again not viable. So, after studying the fight, I tried loading Celes up on full Magic Defense+Wall Ring+Ribbon and once she did Dispel, I had her perma Defend. She survived with 12 HP. Also to help avoid Ice 3 and Giga Volt, I gave Setzer/Sabin Reflect Rings (they were my 2 damage dealers, Edgar basically thumbed it or helped Holy Water or something. If Celes ate a Giga Volt, I'd re-Slim Jim her or Dried Meat if she took damage; I needed her full HP at all times.
Other than that, straight forward fight. Sabin with 2 Hell Fire Claws was doing about 600+200 if proc a turn, and Setzer was doing about 800ish. Felt like Atma Weapon without 50 things happening and much easier to handle. Very close at times but again, was pretty easy to control once Absolute Zero was survivable. The Falcon is mine, and now to figure who to get and where to go next...
So, Chesticle (>_>) was probably the easiest fight in my opinion in the mod. Noticed his shell would only cast Regen if I put Sap on the head, so I dispelled him and didn't bother with Drill after (I figured this out cause I derped and forgot what Drill does, and didn't bother with Pummel for fear of what pain the shell (WAVE CANNON MMM MMM) would do. The shell was doing nothing till I did Drill, so 2+2=don't Sap it). Besides this, Float all to avoid Magnitutde, Gold Shields or so for 50% water damage for Aqua Rake, and Diamond something for 50% off Bolt damage, turns him into a joke. Wall Rings on all and full attack gear. Celes with Atma Weapon, Setzer with Tarot/Maneater I think, Sabin 2 Hell Claws and Edgar with I think a sword. I hate his options,sadly. Anyway, it was just attack, heal, repeat. Really easy and relaxing.
Then Dullahan...sweet lord. Lots of HP, constant Zombie cause of Overcast, and then the run ender: Absolute Zero. Originally this was doing 300-400 to everyone and I struggled to figure how to survive it. My first idea was Celes needed to Reraise/wear Ribbon to avoid Zombie, but 3 other zombies possibly attacking her as she tries to Holy Water, it's not viable. Tincture->Reraise, not to mention Dispel->Slow (I couldn't get Slow to land, so I said fuck it and just did Dispel) it's again not viable. So, after studying the fight, I tried loading Celes up on full Magic Defense+Wall Ring+Ribbon and once she did Dispel, I had her perma Defend. She survived with 12 HP. Also to help avoid Ice 3 and Giga Volt, I gave Setzer/Sabin Reflect Rings (they were my 2 damage dealers, Edgar basically thumbed it or helped Holy Water or something. If Celes ate a Giga Volt, I'd re-Slim Jim her or Dried Meat if she took damage; I needed her full HP at all times.
Other than that, straight forward fight. Sabin with 2 Hell Fire Claws was doing about 600+200 if proc a turn, and Setzer was doing about 800ish. Felt like Atma Weapon without 50 things happening and much easier to handle. Very close at times but again, was pretty easy to control once Absolute Zero was survivable. The Falcon is mine, and now to figure who to get and where to go next...
I accidentally the whole Zone Eater
So, started gil farming/got some Black Hearts after fun times with Dante (Setzer 4x attack/steal, Warp Whistle after) and bought some stuff/restocked up. Decided to get Gogo first for utility. I think I jumped the gun when I said Chesticle was the easiest boss; Zone Eater is, heh. My strategy was, Guard/Wall Ring Celes, full defense/magic defense, and Float. Sabin or Edgar set Sap, someone Slim Jimmed Celes, Celes Defended and I went and took a shower after noticing all he was doing was Magnitude/Quake, Cyclonic and a physical attack. He couldn't kill me. So, Sap did work. Came back and I was in Gogo's Cave.
Also, uh...Level 1 Gogo HP 0, MP 0? Is this a glitch?
Also, uh...Level 1 Gogo HP 0, MP 0? Is this a glitch?
Gau, farming, equipment, misc
I haven't read Dr. Letha's thread past where I am, no. Trying to not spoil fights so I can figure things out myself. Ok, so, I assume Gogo just technically has 1 HP. So...defense etc matters not, full evasion/magic evasion with him. Right now I gave him Throw, Rage and Tools, with 114% evasion. Went and got Gau, and gonna get some more Rages now, then probably go unlock Cyan for Slim Jims at Mount Zozo when I need them.
Prepared as in making sure I have, say, 4-8 of each armor, weapon, relic, and a healthy stock of items. Gil grinding isn't bad, but BNW's shop prices and such are pretty steep so it takes longer. I watch movies while fighting, so it's not boring. If I didn't have exp turned off as an option, the Veldt would be where you'd grind. It's where you did it in vanilla.
Prepared as in making sure I have, say, 4-8 of each armor, weapon, relic, and a healthy stock of items. Gil grinding isn't bad, but BNW's shop prices and such are pretty steep so it takes longer. I watch movies while fighting, so it's not boring. If I didn't have exp turned off as an option, the Veldt would be where you'd grind. It's where you did it in vanilla.
Fanatic's Tower (no Magi Master) and White Dragon
On the topic of the Fanatic's Tower, I went here before I'm off to Mount Zozo (Rage farming, and stocking up on gil) so I could get Edgar what I assumed was the Chainsaw, where the Air Anchor would be. Either it's not there or I'm missing the switch to open the door to get it. Was this removed? Decided to explore the tower for treasure. I'm liking how Fight and such is enabled, still this tower is hell for LLG. Saw the White Dragon and decided to see how bad it was.
Yeah. I think I ran into the first impossible boss fight in the mod for LLG. If you don't use Happy Fun Balls, as far as I can tell, you aren't winning. Why? Holy Wind. I'll start at the beginning.
So, White Dragon opens with either Quasar, Quartr or (I can never spell this. Poison Cloud stuff) Virlite. You're dead from any of it unless you can magic evade (Gogo is immune to Quartr). Quasar was murdering me no matter what, so I looked at my options. Since White Dragon is Holy based, and Virlite is I assume Poison due to the add effect, I tried out Black Hearts (Thank GOD I didn't need these in the WoB and I went and farmed them asap, since it was the ONE thing I missed). They work amazingly, making Virlite hit for 0, Holy hits for 0, but Quartr will kill me now (Gogo is still immune).
So with 1, maybe 2 of the 3 attacks blocked, I can at least setup. I can't survive Quasar, so I figured this would be another Sap and survive battle. I had Gogo and Gau spamming Conjurer, while Celes did Dispel->Slow (no idea if he starts with buffs, but fuck it, better safe than sorry) and Sabin does Pummel. Besides Black Hearts, I gave everyone Sprint Shoes and geared for max magic evasion. Runic doesn't block anything besides Quartr/Holy and with Reraise spam, it's worthless. 2 people spamming Reraise, I'll live. Speed is the key in this fight.
So everything was going fine till Holy Wind for 9999. I originally thought it was a counter or a 33% chance, something, but with 250 damage saps and god knows how much HP (probably 60,000+) I decided to wait and see. Well, because I was talking to BTB while Rage farming on the Veldt, I tested if I could make shift Merit Award Gogo and sure enough, you can. 2 weapons on him when he does a physical Rage, will act like he's attacking (even proc his Desperation Technique, very rarely). I had a Poison Rod on him with a Switchblade and apparently White Dragon can be Poisoned...except, it does nothing because apparently Holy Wind also is a Remedy effect on him.
Despite Gogo ONCE in my fights did X-Meteo for 9999....what the fuck..., I couldn't keep damage up from Sap/Poison. Poison would get to about 1100ish and EVERYTIME he'd do White Wind. This apparently is a timed attack because he'd do it over, and over, and over. So since 2 of my guys were forced into Reraise spamming, Celes and Sabin had little else they could do. Thinking maybe I needed another person in my team, I ran through like this:
I need to deal at least, say 11,000-12000 damage each Holy Wind or he will never die.
So, let's see. Locke is useless for that. Edgar also. Shadow too. Relm...maybe with Sketch, but that's a big maybe and in LLG I don't know if Sketch damage is based off her stats or the enemy's or what. Also depends what attacks with Sketch will do and unless it's 4000+ each, it won't work. Strago, I doubt it. His Lores, nothing really works. Setzer, no. Gau, same deal, I can't lose from Reraise spam and short of 9999 Step Mines with Gogo, who again, Reraise spam, it's not viable and it's cheap. It wouldn't work anyway unless all Reraised, Celes/Sabin focus on Phoenix Down/Tincture and she throws out manual Reraises, while hope for Step Mine, but also Vanish 100% magic procing my guys. Ugh. Cyan, no. Mog, no. Umaro, unless he attacks by dropping a submarine on people now, I doubt will do 4000+ each turn.
So sadly, I had to resort to Happy Fun Balls with Celes/Sabin, and even then, it was rough. Random damage, pray for no deaths, try to deal 12,000-15,000 or so before Holy Wind, etc. It took a bit, but I won. I'm not happy about it, but I feel like I'll let this one slide since it's 1. A survival fight and 2. He 100% will keep healing himself, so even with random damage, it's not like I entered the fight, threw 4 balls and won. I had to severely prep and I exhausted every option for damage here.
I am surprised though he's not immune to Poison like most bosses, but I feel it's like a dick move he just removes it anyway everytime he does Holy Wind. Granted, if it didn't, Poison would ultimately end him like a joke, just find it weird is all. Oh and I stole a Phoenix Tear cause Zap was having Gogo do Poison Rod/Steal with Switchblade >_> I kinda never changed his gear (he had a Diva Brush before and I was confused to fuck WHY Cerberus Rage was HEALING AND CASTING SAFE ON ENMIES till I realized...and started gearing him Merit Award style
) cause Quartr wasn't going to kill him and he wasn't surviving Quasar, so what else was I gonna do? lol
I went and tried Magi Master...anything physical makes him spam Elixir, he can't be Sapped, or Poisoned (I got hopeful since White Dragon could...) and he just cleans house. I geared Celes with 94% magic evade and Force Armor etc, nothing short of Overkill could, funny enough, kill her, but 240ish Regen, and he's immune to magic damage except the weakness of the type he casts, and he SPAMS Wallchange (He did it 2-3? times in a row back to back), shit, I don't even know how to handle this for LLG. I only have Celes, Gogo, Sabin, Gau, Edgar and Setzer. I'll come back for him later.
My goal now is Mount Zozo for Slim Jims, may as well get Cyan, I'll check Storm Dragon I think is up there, then I'm gonna get Relm, so I can get Blue Mage God Strago back. Go from there I suppose.
I'm gonna experiment with Magi Master a bit more before leaving since I stopped there for the moment. We'll see how it goes.
Thanks for the Chainsaw info. I don't have Multiguards and no store has them, so I'm assuming they're stolen from something. There's like...3-4 humanoids in the tower but I have not gotten ANY rare steals, so I'm starting to think they don't have any or I'm getting REALLY unlucky.
Yeah, White Dragon isn't possible without Happy Fun Balls; I tried, I really did, but survival is so important here, you're locked into 2 characters who can fight, the others are Reraising. Also awesome boss music edit for the Dragons, Battle with the Four Fiends
Yeah. I think I ran into the first impossible boss fight in the mod for LLG. If you don't use Happy Fun Balls, as far as I can tell, you aren't winning. Why? Holy Wind. I'll start at the beginning.
So, White Dragon opens with either Quasar, Quartr or (I can never spell this. Poison Cloud stuff) Virlite. You're dead from any of it unless you can magic evade (Gogo is immune to Quartr). Quasar was murdering me no matter what, so I looked at my options. Since White Dragon is Holy based, and Virlite is I assume Poison due to the add effect, I tried out Black Hearts (Thank GOD I didn't need these in the WoB and I went and farmed them asap, since it was the ONE thing I missed). They work amazingly, making Virlite hit for 0, Holy hits for 0, but Quartr will kill me now (Gogo is still immune).
So with 1, maybe 2 of the 3 attacks blocked, I can at least setup. I can't survive Quasar, so I figured this would be another Sap and survive battle. I had Gogo and Gau spamming Conjurer, while Celes did Dispel->Slow (no idea if he starts with buffs, but fuck it, better safe than sorry) and Sabin does Pummel. Besides Black Hearts, I gave everyone Sprint Shoes and geared for max magic evasion. Runic doesn't block anything besides Quartr/Holy and with Reraise spam, it's worthless. 2 people spamming Reraise, I'll live. Speed is the key in this fight.
So everything was going fine till Holy Wind for 9999. I originally thought it was a counter or a 33% chance, something, but with 250 damage saps and god knows how much HP (probably 60,000+) I decided to wait and see. Well, because I was talking to BTB while Rage farming on the Veldt, I tested if I could make shift Merit Award Gogo and sure enough, you can. 2 weapons on him when he does a physical Rage, will act like he's attacking (even proc his Desperation Technique, very rarely). I had a Poison Rod on him with a Switchblade and apparently White Dragon can be Poisoned...except, it does nothing because apparently Holy Wind also is a Remedy effect on him.
Despite Gogo ONCE in my fights did X-Meteo for 9999....what the fuck..., I couldn't keep damage up from Sap/Poison. Poison would get to about 1100ish and EVERYTIME he'd do White Wind. This apparently is a timed attack because he'd do it over, and over, and over. So since 2 of my guys were forced into Reraise spamming, Celes and Sabin had little else they could do. Thinking maybe I needed another person in my team, I ran through like this:
I need to deal at least, say 11,000-12000 damage each Holy Wind or he will never die.
So, let's see. Locke is useless for that. Edgar also. Shadow too. Relm...maybe with Sketch, but that's a big maybe and in LLG I don't know if Sketch damage is based off her stats or the enemy's or what. Also depends what attacks with Sketch will do and unless it's 4000+ each, it won't work. Strago, I doubt it. His Lores, nothing really works. Setzer, no. Gau, same deal, I can't lose from Reraise spam and short of 9999 Step Mines with Gogo, who again, Reraise spam, it's not viable and it's cheap. It wouldn't work anyway unless all Reraised, Celes/Sabin focus on Phoenix Down/Tincture and she throws out manual Reraises, while hope for Step Mine, but also Vanish 100% magic procing my guys. Ugh. Cyan, no. Mog, no. Umaro, unless he attacks by dropping a submarine on people now, I doubt will do 4000+ each turn.
So sadly, I had to resort to Happy Fun Balls with Celes/Sabin, and even then, it was rough. Random damage, pray for no deaths, try to deal 12,000-15,000 or so before Holy Wind, etc. It took a bit, but I won. I'm not happy about it, but I feel like I'll let this one slide since it's 1. A survival fight and 2. He 100% will keep healing himself, so even with random damage, it's not like I entered the fight, threw 4 balls and won. I had to severely prep and I exhausted every option for damage here.
I am surprised though he's not immune to Poison like most bosses, but I feel it's like a dick move he just removes it anyway everytime he does Holy Wind. Granted, if it didn't, Poison would ultimately end him like a joke, just find it weird is all. Oh and I stole a Phoenix Tear cause Zap was having Gogo do Poison Rod/Steal with Switchblade >_> I kinda never changed his gear (he had a Diva Brush before and I was confused to fuck WHY Cerberus Rage was HEALING AND CASTING SAFE ON ENMIES till I realized...and started gearing him Merit Award style

I went and tried Magi Master...anything physical makes him spam Elixir, he can't be Sapped, or Poisoned (I got hopeful since White Dragon could...) and he just cleans house. I geared Celes with 94% magic evade and Force Armor etc, nothing short of Overkill could, funny enough, kill her, but 240ish Regen, and he's immune to magic damage except the weakness of the type he casts, and he SPAMS Wallchange (He did it 2-3? times in a row back to back), shit, I don't even know how to handle this for LLG. I only have Celes, Gogo, Sabin, Gau, Edgar and Setzer. I'll come back for him later.
My goal now is Mount Zozo for Slim Jims, may as well get Cyan, I'll check Storm Dragon I think is up there, then I'm gonna get Relm, so I can get Blue Mage God Strago back. Go from there I suppose.
I'm gonna experiment with Magi Master a bit more before leaving since I stopped there for the moment. We'll see how it goes.
Thanks for the Chainsaw info. I don't have Multiguards and no store has them, so I'm assuming they're stolen from something. There's like...3-4 humanoids in the tower but I have not gotten ANY rare steals, so I'm starting to think they don't have any or I'm getting REALLY unlucky.
Yeah, White Dragon isn't possible without Happy Fun Balls; I tried, I really did, but survival is so important here, you're locked into 2 characters who can fight, the others are Reraising. Also awesome boss music edit for the Dragons, Battle with the Four Fiends
Poisons your family and king, hide in a mountain city of thieves while reading dirty mags and writing to strange women (Cyan get, and attempt at Storm Dragon)
Got Cyan/unlocked Mount Zozo for Slim Jim farming. Left the Storm Dragon for later; I checked him out and played with him, noticing he too can be Poisoned. However, like the Holy Dragon, he'll cast Break on himself twice for 800ish a pop and this also removes Poison (did NOT remove Sap...). My idea was Terra for this, to try and Reflect him so he can't cure himself, but I'm curious now and pretty certain Break does not come with En-Remedy, so he's probably just removing it whenever he casts it on himself...but I'm wondering if it ONLY removes it if he's hit with Break. So...may go get Terra and play around with that. Sap from Pummel wasn't removed till SlowX it seems, so I feel like it's just a script command, and Reflect now may not stop it; just if he uses it on self, remove. Sigh.
Still, 1600 damage is way more doable than 9999 in waves, and I'm gonna be suicidal here and try hasting him with Celes, Poisoning him and seeing what that does. HOWEVER, it seems he will NOT do the Break thing if he's not Poisoned...interesting. Anyway, that's my strategy for now, since if if Break on himself like with White Wind is timed, Haste/Slow won't affect it, and this seems like the fastest way to deal with him. If this for some reason doesn't work, I'm gonna have to resort to sheer damage and surviving. Problem is, nulling or even absorbing wind and who can live to do so (at least he can't heal...). I can half wind from Crystal equipment, so Celes and Edgar would work, maybe. Celes was taking a beating at points and if I don't have her Defending, it could get bad. I doubt Edgar can tank as well as she can, but...Jump may be a thing here. First time I'd consider it. Keep Reraise on him, and Haste, it could work.
Cyan could be a good damage deal with Dispatch, but I feel he'd be leagues more useful if I did his Doma quest first...maybe I'll do that. Sabin I feel is just more and more useless now, even with Bum Rush, it's fucking shit tier damage...ugh. I'd contemplate a Berserked Sabin here with Hyper Wrist, but Hyper Wrist is nulled if he dies, so Celes would have to reapply it. Think it'd be easier if Edgar...wait...ugh nevermind. Berserk does not work with Jump, just tested it. Anyway, Edgar would be better for Jumping, especially with Dragon Helm. So that's an option. Sezter is useless. Gau and Gogo could Rage something that resists Wind, but they'd be open to physical attacks. If I geared them both for full evasion...hmm. Let's see what my choices are:
Allosaur (Doma dream, don't have), Behemoth, Cicada (Yeah, no), Defender, Flan (again, no), Leafter (ugh), Magic Pot, Mantodea, Nastidon, Ninja, Raven (no), Spike (nope), Ursa Major (no).
So, Allosaur, Behemoth, Defender, Magic Pot, Mantodea, Nastidon, and Ninja are my choices. It seems like any of these will work, and short of a physical hit, Gau or Gogo can't be killed. Smoke Bombs would work, but Gogo would be open and he'd need constant Raising. If I have Gau and Gogo both doing any of these, Storm Dragon can't do fuck and all to them. Celes Defends and raises when necessary, with Edgar Jumping. As long as I can keep Celes with Reraise, and barring no bad RNG if she dies/gets up, before her next turn, I can probably do this.
First though, I'll try my crazy Haste/Poison strategy, then I'll try each of the above Rages and see which gives me the best damage out put. This is doable, and luckily doesn't require Happy Fun Balls.
Also, I tried playing with the Magi Master again. I need Strago (I think he knows Scan...or was it Terra? Relm? Ugh) or whoever to Scan him for weakness. He seems pathetically easily if I can find his weakness then throw Rods at him indefinitely while keeping Reraise up or something. That or just evade his magic. I kept guessing his weakness and when I found it, I was dealing damage, just with deaths and guessing it'd take forever and I'm not in a hurry for the Gem Box or whatever he has now. I'll come back after Owzer's, and I'll check Strago. If not, I gotta get Terra. Alternatively, 2 more Reflect Rings would help, hopefully there's more somewhere >_>
Edit: Haste/Poison doesn't work, and had to Reflect Ring and bounce Haste off Edgar to Haste Storm Dragon. Fuck. Poison ticks were doing 1600ish and then he heals for almost 2000 total. So...I gotta gear for Edgar Jumping and Gogo/Gau channeling some Wind Rage. Tried Nastidon so far; both Ice attacks, so no bullshit. Ninja worries me with Vanish, but they get perma Haste...eh...Vanish would help Gau/Gogo literally break (ha) Storm Dragon, but again if Celes or Edgar dies, it becomes an auto-battle and can Storm Dragon hit Gogo/Gau without Vanish on? Gonna play with the other Rages for damage but my choices are slim here.
Still, 1600 damage is way more doable than 9999 in waves, and I'm gonna be suicidal here and try hasting him with Celes, Poisoning him and seeing what that does. HOWEVER, it seems he will NOT do the Break thing if he's not Poisoned...interesting. Anyway, that's my strategy for now, since if if Break on himself like with White Wind is timed, Haste/Slow won't affect it, and this seems like the fastest way to deal with him. If this for some reason doesn't work, I'm gonna have to resort to sheer damage and surviving. Problem is, nulling or even absorbing wind and who can live to do so (at least he can't heal...). I can half wind from Crystal equipment, so Celes and Edgar would work, maybe. Celes was taking a beating at points and if I don't have her Defending, it could get bad. I doubt Edgar can tank as well as she can, but...Jump may be a thing here. First time I'd consider it. Keep Reraise on him, and Haste, it could work.
Cyan could be a good damage deal with Dispatch, but I feel he'd be leagues more useful if I did his Doma quest first...maybe I'll do that. Sabin I feel is just more and more useless now, even with Bum Rush, it's fucking shit tier damage...ugh. I'd contemplate a Berserked Sabin here with Hyper Wrist, but Hyper Wrist is nulled if he dies, so Celes would have to reapply it. Think it'd be easier if Edgar...wait...ugh nevermind. Berserk does not work with Jump, just tested it. Anyway, Edgar would be better for Jumping, especially with Dragon Helm. So that's an option. Sezter is useless. Gau and Gogo could Rage something that resists Wind, but they'd be open to physical attacks. If I geared them both for full evasion...hmm. Let's see what my choices are:
Allosaur (Doma dream, don't have), Behemoth, Cicada (Yeah, no), Defender, Flan (again, no), Leafter (ugh), Magic Pot, Mantodea, Nastidon, Ninja, Raven (no), Spike (nope), Ursa Major (no).
So, Allosaur, Behemoth, Defender, Magic Pot, Mantodea, Nastidon, and Ninja are my choices. It seems like any of these will work, and short of a physical hit, Gau or Gogo can't be killed. Smoke Bombs would work, but Gogo would be open and he'd need constant Raising. If I have Gau and Gogo both doing any of these, Storm Dragon can't do fuck and all to them. Celes Defends and raises when necessary, with Edgar Jumping. As long as I can keep Celes with Reraise, and barring no bad RNG if she dies/gets up, before her next turn, I can probably do this.
First though, I'll try my crazy Haste/Poison strategy, then I'll try each of the above Rages and see which gives me the best damage out put. This is doable, and luckily doesn't require Happy Fun Balls.
Also, I tried playing with the Magi Master again. I need Strago (I think he knows Scan...or was it Terra? Relm? Ugh) or whoever to Scan him for weakness. He seems pathetically easily if I can find his weakness then throw Rods at him indefinitely while keeping Reraise up or something. That or just evade his magic. I kept guessing his weakness and when I found it, I was dealing damage, just with deaths and guessing it'd take forever and I'm not in a hurry for the Gem Box or whatever he has now. I'll come back after Owzer's, and I'll check Strago. If not, I gotta get Terra. Alternatively, 2 more Reflect Rings would help, hopefully there's more somewhere >_>
Edit: Haste/Poison doesn't work, and had to Reflect Ring and bounce Haste off Edgar to Haste Storm Dragon. Fuck. Poison ticks were doing 1600ish and then he heals for almost 2000 total. So...I gotta gear for Edgar Jumping and Gogo/Gau channeling some Wind Rage. Tried Nastidon so far; both Ice attacks, so no bullshit. Ninja worries me with Vanish, but they get perma Haste...eh...Vanish would help Gau/Gogo literally break (ha) Storm Dragon, but again if Celes or Edgar dies, it becomes an auto-battle and can Storm Dragon hit Gogo/Gau without Vanish on? Gonna play with the other Rages for damage but my choices are slim here.
Storm Dragon defeated
Found a dialogue fuck up? that I forgot to mention. Using the WD-40 on the rusted door for Mount Zozo, the text box says "Door it open!" Is this a joke or...?
Anyway, so Storm Dragon aka Purple-Dick. This thing took forever legit. Like, 2 hours, easily.
Since Haste/Poison failed, I geared up for Celes in full defense (doesn't help, she still dies) and magic evasion/defense with Shell. I think I had 74% evasion and all, which allowed her to dodge/survive pretty much everything BARELY. Physical hits would kill her, even Defending, for 204 or so. Edgar I did the same, but if he didn't Defend, he was dead. In hindsight, I'd go full evasion for him, but he was dodging magic decently. Sadly, I figured Jump would work well here, but it really doesn't. The counter attack most of the time will kill Edgar, so unless I do full evasion, he's just a liability. Sabin honestly might be better just to tank/evade hits and help support. Near the end I was trying Thunder Rods for damage, which he seemed to counter with Polarity (fine by me) and sometimes Dispel, which again, fine.
Gogo and Gau I had rocking Behemoth or Mantodea Rages, with full evasion gear. Both will do an attack and not waste their turns, dealing a combined total of 800ish damage. If Edgar was Jumping (I stopped near the end) he'd do 300-600 if a double attack proc'd. Celes never fought; she was constantly casting Reraise, Phoenix Down, Slim Jim, all. the. time. She never had a break. Once in a while I would defend, but it was pointless. I was down to 8 Phoenix Downs and scared, because this thing was not dying, and I'm assuming again, 60,000 HP for these, or 65,535, whatever. Edgar would Defibrillator or Celes would Life someone, so constant Tinctures on her, also to try and Reraise others. Sap was sometimes a problem here, and I really wish I used Life Bells, so I had to stick with Slim Jims. Most the time I evaded, so wasn't a big deal, or I said fuck it, let them die to it eventually. Occassionally, I'd have Celes just Regen herself if she got hit, the rest could die or they'd die from something anyway.
I had Gogo proc X-Meteo ONCE in the 2 hours of the fight, so I'm gonna assume his chances are literally 1/64 or something god awful, cause it just never happened after. Granted, 10,000 damage was helpful but ugh, this fight. I can see why people Happy Fun Ball it, but I wanted a challenge and boy I got it. So yeah I won, and now to go get Relm and then Strago, then see about Magi Master again (unless I need Terra).
Sitting here farming Multiguards. Please kill me.
Anyway, so Storm Dragon aka Purple-Dick. This thing took forever legit. Like, 2 hours, easily.
Since Haste/Poison failed, I geared up for Celes in full defense (doesn't help, she still dies) and magic evasion/defense with Shell. I think I had 74% evasion and all, which allowed her to dodge/survive pretty much everything BARELY. Physical hits would kill her, even Defending, for 204 or so. Edgar I did the same, but if he didn't Defend, he was dead. In hindsight, I'd go full evasion for him, but he was dodging magic decently. Sadly, I figured Jump would work well here, but it really doesn't. The counter attack most of the time will kill Edgar, so unless I do full evasion, he's just a liability. Sabin honestly might be better just to tank/evade hits and help support. Near the end I was trying Thunder Rods for damage, which he seemed to counter with Polarity (fine by me) and sometimes Dispel, which again, fine.
Gogo and Gau I had rocking Behemoth or Mantodea Rages, with full evasion gear. Both will do an attack and not waste their turns, dealing a combined total of 800ish damage. If Edgar was Jumping (I stopped near the end) he'd do 300-600 if a double attack proc'd. Celes never fought; she was constantly casting Reraise, Phoenix Down, Slim Jim, all. the. time. She never had a break. Once in a while I would defend, but it was pointless. I was down to 8 Phoenix Downs and scared, because this thing was not dying, and I'm assuming again, 60,000 HP for these, or 65,535, whatever. Edgar would Defibrillator or Celes would Life someone, so constant Tinctures on her, also to try and Reraise others. Sap was sometimes a problem here, and I really wish I used Life Bells, so I had to stick with Slim Jims. Most the time I evaded, so wasn't a big deal, or I said fuck it, let them die to it eventually. Occassionally, I'd have Celes just Regen herself if she got hit, the rest could die or they'd die from something anyway.
I had Gogo proc X-Meteo ONCE in the 2 hours of the fight, so I'm gonna assume his chances are literally 1/64 or something god awful, cause it just never happened after. Granted, 10,000 damage was helpful but ugh, this fight. I can see why people Happy Fun Ball it, but I wanted a challenge and boy I got it. So yeah I won, and now to go get Relm and then Strago, then see about Magi Master again (unless I need Terra).
Sitting here farming Multiguards. Please kill me.
Relm's Sketches end the world, or summon/draw demons, Setzer can summon Espers that deal 9999 via a slot machine, Kefka is the villain, right? (Owzer's Mansion, Magi Master experimenting, and Phunbaba)
So after many hours last night and some movies to help not force me to rage quit stealing, I managed to pick up 10 or so Multiguards from the various bullshit Dahling battles, incase I needed 8 or so people with them. I actually had to reload a hard save outside Jidoor cause I wasn't aware Dahling fights were in short/forced supply, and I'm not sure/recall where the other palette swaps of her in the game are. I know one is in Fanatic's Tower, but I didn't get ANY rare steals up there, so either they have none or I'm super unlucky. Either case, I got them here, so fuck it.
Let me just say, holy shit, it was worth the effort for what these things do. Owzer's Mansion sucked balls, especially the Still Life; however, Chardarnook himself was a joke.
I went in with my new shields equipped for a test run on him to see what he'd do. Celes/Edgar/Gogo/Gau.
Short of Phantasm, which apparently is some kind of hard coded Sap that can't be removed (as far as I tried; Slim Jim, Remedy failed, even Life Bell), he can't kill me unless it's Demon Kiss or whatever. Everything else he does would heal me, hilariously. What's nice is, Sap stayed on him whenever Lakshmi would switch out, but since I was Raging, Gau or Gogo would occassionally die. Not a problem, that's what Celes/Edgar are here for; to raise.
So, figuring I could just sit there forever and let Sap murder him while Reraising/Defibrillator/Phoenix Down/Life for the next 3 hours this would take since literally, he could not kill me, I resorted to Repo Man with Gogo and Gau. 2700 or so damage, AND Vanish would block Demon Kiss, for even more hilarity. I think this is one of the few battles, coupled with Multiguard that Repo Man does work and isn't a hinderence, really.
It's still "cheap", but after running the battle for so long, there was no challenge in surviving this, so I opted to save myself time here, and Repo Man actually worked, so why not. Blow Fish I guess for a lesser "cheap" attack with Brainpan, but again, see above. Waste of time, this boss is a cakewalk if you have Multiguards.
So, got Relm and Strago back (Noticed Relm had 47 MP, I thought she had 48? BTB mentioned to me she had enough for 2 Reraises, was this changed?), Strago knows Scan, so I geared up Celes/Gogo/Relm/Strago for Magi Master. Yeah, this fight still isn't happening. Multiguards help, as do Black Hearts for Poison/Holy, but Wind/Water are a problem. Can aim for full magic evasion, but I also noticed he went fucking crazy with a script change if I had Shell on...lovely. Relm doing Sketch got me Meteor (by the way, Meteo/Meteor, Meteo is japanese for Meteor, while Meteor is actually Comet. #themoreyouknow) which counted as a physical attack, got her Overkilled, and he pops an Elixir. So, fuck Sketch.
Damage is rough, especially since I have to Scan with Strago or wait for Magi Master to cast, which may be a better option, so I don't waste a turn. This just seems like a massive endurance fight, and I need a way to block Wind/Water, so I feel like I need Gogo/Gau here doing that constantly, so let's see:
Behemoth: Won't work, he has a Slam attack, will trigger Elixir. Meteo, not sure if that'll do it either, but anyway, no.
Belladonna: Water only, but 2 magical. Could work, but they'd be open to Wind.
Cephalid: Has Tentacle, so no.
Chimera: No wind resist, but Fireball and Aquarake...would have 2 elements going. Might be my first choice.
Cicada: Wind resist, SleepX, Gale Cut. Would be half useless, so...eh...no.
Defender: No.
Flan: Could work, it resists all except Holy (Black Heart would block), but Regen/Storm...so it's useless 50%.
Leafer: Wind, and I doubt Air Blast will work here, so no.
Kudzu: Water, and Raid, but special attack, so no.
Magic Pot: All but Holy, but no.
Mantodea: Used for Purple D, but here, no.
Marlboro: Water, uses 2 Poison attacks...maybe.
Nastidon: Wind, uses 2 Ice attacks. Another maybe.
Ninja: Wind, Haste, Vanish (eh...) Water attack. Not sure...
Rain Man: Water, and 2 Thunder attacks. Maybe.
Raven: Wind, normal attacks. No.
The rest are the same as Raven.
Anyway, from the looks of it, Belladonna, Chimera, Marlboro, Nastidon, Rain Man. Chimera may be the best choice. Still...ugh. I feel like he needs to be tackled before the end of the game when I have all armor/weapon/relic choices. I'm gonna leave him for now. Also, I think Terra here would help in her Morphed state for more magic spam.
So, went and got Terra. Phunbaba was pretty easy. Did a dry run and noticed he was doing nothing but physicals and Avalanche here and there. Restarted in full evasion with Celes/Gogo/Strago/Relm. Had Strago doing Raid, then Blow Fish, Gogo doing Repo Man again (Vanish worked and I wasn't evading Avalanche, so didn't matter. That and Bolt 3 was absorbed), because once I learned his script, he couldn't kill me. Gave Celes Knight Cape (not Leo's Crest; I didn't want a counter off a counter >_>) to guard Gogo and anyone else, as well as Sprint Shoes for all. I can't tank his hits, so defense doesn't matter here. Relm and Celes were on Reraise duty/Tinctures.
One thing I realized; Blow Fish is reflectable. So, 2 Reflect Rings here would be nice, or more, or have Strago keep Refract up on the other 2, while Gogo does work with Step Mine (or Blow Fish himself, either or). He had little HP I noticed, but when he "died", he blew away Gogo and Relm, and I gained Terra, or aka Setzer/Edgar 3.0. She was pretty useless except for Tincture spam (noticed Morph increases item potency by 50% also; she was doing 75 MP to Strago/Celes) and testing Rods/her Magic out, which seems Fire was the best attack, so Fire Rods whenever I could.
Strago did Raid for Sap, then Refracted Celes, who would Image cover tank Terra/Strago. I had Strago Blow Fish whenever he could. Phoenix Down anyone dead, rinse repeat. He was the same fight as before, just minus 1 person, well 2 since Terra is meh here and just my item bitch. Not sure what I would've done if I had just Celes and Relm, but I guess Fire Rod spam and survive. Again he didn't have much HP, so thank god for that. Same attacks also, evasion tanked and reflected Blow Fish when possible.
I'm thinking next I'll get Mog and Umaro, see how bad Ice Dragon/Tritoch is, then aim for Shadow. Locke's gonna be last, as I really don't need him with Gogo now.
Edit: Forgot to mention, nice job putting in the japanese version sprites over the bullshit Nintendo censorship (Dahling, Lakshmi, etc).
Let me just say, holy shit, it was worth the effort for what these things do. Owzer's Mansion sucked balls, especially the Still Life; however, Chardarnook himself was a joke.
I went in with my new shields equipped for a test run on him to see what he'd do. Celes/Edgar/Gogo/Gau.
Short of Phantasm, which apparently is some kind of hard coded Sap that can't be removed (as far as I tried; Slim Jim, Remedy failed, even Life Bell), he can't kill me unless it's Demon Kiss or whatever. Everything else he does would heal me, hilariously. What's nice is, Sap stayed on him whenever Lakshmi would switch out, but since I was Raging, Gau or Gogo would occassionally die. Not a problem, that's what Celes/Edgar are here for; to raise.
So, figuring I could just sit there forever and let Sap murder him while Reraising/Defibrillator/Phoenix Down/Life for the next 3 hours this would take since literally, he could not kill me, I resorted to Repo Man with Gogo and Gau. 2700 or so damage, AND Vanish would block Demon Kiss, for even more hilarity. I think this is one of the few battles, coupled with Multiguard that Repo Man does work and isn't a hinderence, really.
It's still "cheap", but after running the battle for so long, there was no challenge in surviving this, so I opted to save myself time here, and Repo Man actually worked, so why not. Blow Fish I guess for a lesser "cheap" attack with Brainpan, but again, see above. Waste of time, this boss is a cakewalk if you have Multiguards.
So, got Relm and Strago back (Noticed Relm had 47 MP, I thought she had 48? BTB mentioned to me she had enough for 2 Reraises, was this changed?), Strago knows Scan, so I geared up Celes/Gogo/Relm/Strago for Magi Master. Yeah, this fight still isn't happening. Multiguards help, as do Black Hearts for Poison/Holy, but Wind/Water are a problem. Can aim for full magic evasion, but I also noticed he went fucking crazy with a script change if I had Shell on...lovely. Relm doing Sketch got me Meteor (by the way, Meteo/Meteor, Meteo is japanese for Meteor, while Meteor is actually Comet. #themoreyouknow) which counted as a physical attack, got her Overkilled, and he pops an Elixir. So, fuck Sketch.
Damage is rough, especially since I have to Scan with Strago or wait for Magi Master to cast, which may be a better option, so I don't waste a turn. This just seems like a massive endurance fight, and I need a way to block Wind/Water, so I feel like I need Gogo/Gau here doing that constantly, so let's see:
Behemoth: Won't work, he has a Slam attack, will trigger Elixir. Meteo, not sure if that'll do it either, but anyway, no.
Belladonna: Water only, but 2 magical. Could work, but they'd be open to Wind.
Cephalid: Has Tentacle, so no.
Chimera: No wind resist, but Fireball and Aquarake...would have 2 elements going. Might be my first choice.
Cicada: Wind resist, SleepX, Gale Cut. Would be half useless, so...eh...no.
Defender: No.
Flan: Could work, it resists all except Holy (Black Heart would block), but Regen/Storm...so it's useless 50%.
Leafer: Wind, and I doubt Air Blast will work here, so no.
Kudzu: Water, and Raid, but special attack, so no.
Magic Pot: All but Holy, but no.
Mantodea: Used for Purple D, but here, no.
Marlboro: Water, uses 2 Poison attacks...maybe.
Nastidon: Wind, uses 2 Ice attacks. Another maybe.
Ninja: Wind, Haste, Vanish (eh...) Water attack. Not sure...
Rain Man: Water, and 2 Thunder attacks. Maybe.
Raven: Wind, normal attacks. No.
The rest are the same as Raven.
Anyway, from the looks of it, Belladonna, Chimera, Marlboro, Nastidon, Rain Man. Chimera may be the best choice. Still...ugh. I feel like he needs to be tackled before the end of the game when I have all armor/weapon/relic choices. I'm gonna leave him for now. Also, I think Terra here would help in her Morphed state for more magic spam.
So, went and got Terra. Phunbaba was pretty easy. Did a dry run and noticed he was doing nothing but physicals and Avalanche here and there. Restarted in full evasion with Celes/Gogo/Strago/Relm. Had Strago doing Raid, then Blow Fish, Gogo doing Repo Man again (Vanish worked and I wasn't evading Avalanche, so didn't matter. That and Bolt 3 was absorbed), because once I learned his script, he couldn't kill me. Gave Celes Knight Cape (not Leo's Crest; I didn't want a counter off a counter >_>) to guard Gogo and anyone else, as well as Sprint Shoes for all. I can't tank his hits, so defense doesn't matter here. Relm and Celes were on Reraise duty/Tinctures.
One thing I realized; Blow Fish is reflectable. So, 2 Reflect Rings here would be nice, or more, or have Strago keep Refract up on the other 2, while Gogo does work with Step Mine (or Blow Fish himself, either or). He had little HP I noticed, but when he "died", he blew away Gogo and Relm, and I gained Terra, or aka Setzer/Edgar 3.0. She was pretty useless except for Tincture spam (noticed Morph increases item potency by 50% also; she was doing 75 MP to Strago/Celes) and testing Rods/her Magic out, which seems Fire was the best attack, so Fire Rods whenever I could.
Strago did Raid for Sap, then Refracted Celes, who would Image cover tank Terra/Strago. I had Strago Blow Fish whenever he could. Phoenix Down anyone dead, rinse repeat. He was the same fight as before, just minus 1 person, well 2 since Terra is meh here and just my item bitch. Not sure what I would've done if I had just Celes and Relm, but I guess Fire Rod spam and survive. Again he didn't have much HP, so thank god for that. Same attacks also, evasion tanked and reflected Blow Fish when possible.
I'm thinking next I'll get Mog and Umaro, see how bad Ice Dragon/Tritoch is, then aim for Shadow. Locke's gonna be last, as I really don't need him with Gogo now.
Edit: Forgot to mention, nice job putting in the japanese version sprites over the bullshit Nintendo censorship (Dahling, Lakshmi, etc).
Mog, Umaro, Ice Dragon and Tritoch
I haven't applied the sketch fix, no. I assumed it was included in the latest release. I'm on AD though.
So, after getting Terra back, and finding out about Kefka's/Fanatic's Tower changes >_>, I decided to go get Mog/Umaro, and see how bad Ice Dragon and Tritoch were.
To put it simply, not much of a challenge due to Multiguards. Really nothing to say about either of them. Did full evasion for both, and neither could kill me short of landing a physical hit. The freeze stuff sucked but I'd either wait it out or had Relm cast Fire on the party. Ice Dragon did what the other two did; if Poisoned or Sapped, it'd cast Ice 3 x2 on itself and removed Sap whenever it did Step Mine I'm assuming (I only did Sap once). Tritoch from what I saw had 2 or 3 types of attacks, all which could do nothing to me. My party set up was Celes/Gogo/Strago/Relm.
Umaro's Cave was also pretty easy. The Tonberry chest was a bit of a bitch, thinking I'd have to use Happy Fun Balls or he'd just continually Shank me, but wasn't the case. He'd warp/reset after a few. So it was mostly an endurance fight, coupled with Reflect Rings to bounce Step Mine (which is reflectable now, since Defenders and such at the IMTRF taught me the hard way. Oh and Phalanx at the Kefka fight). Took a bit with just sack raising, but he died, all for a Bone Club. Nice.
Umaro himself was also a joke. Full evasion again and just slowly widdled him down, up till he flashed red and went angry pissy boss. Threw a Dispel (cause what has flashing taught us
) and then Slow, while Strago focused on Refract with Gogo spamming Repo Man yet again, cause Vanish was doing work, whenever Blizzard wasn't removing it/healing me. He did get harder due to attacking 2-3 times with 1 hit KO's, but Refract and evasion helped tremendously. Celes and Mog (replaced with Relm for obvious reasons here) threw out Fire Rods whenever able, but most the time they were raising or Tincturing Strago whenever necessary.
Level 7 Umaro though and 423 HP, god damn. Might be good for something.
Anyway, next stop, the Veldt and Daryl's Tomb to learn Bad Breath/get some new Rages I didn't immediately pick up from Mount Zozo and then Io from the Narshe Snowfields. Then onto Shadow, then maybe get Cyan the rest of his Bushido, then tackle Phoenix Cave for Locke.
So, after getting Terra back, and finding out about Kefka's/Fanatic's Tower changes >_>, I decided to go get Mog/Umaro, and see how bad Ice Dragon and Tritoch were.
To put it simply, not much of a challenge due to Multiguards. Really nothing to say about either of them. Did full evasion for both, and neither could kill me short of landing a physical hit. The freeze stuff sucked but I'd either wait it out or had Relm cast Fire on the party. Ice Dragon did what the other two did; if Poisoned or Sapped, it'd cast Ice 3 x2 on itself and removed Sap whenever it did Step Mine I'm assuming (I only did Sap once). Tritoch from what I saw had 2 or 3 types of attacks, all which could do nothing to me. My party set up was Celes/Gogo/Strago/Relm.
Umaro's Cave was also pretty easy. The Tonberry chest was a bit of a bitch, thinking I'd have to use Happy Fun Balls or he'd just continually Shank me, but wasn't the case. He'd warp/reset after a few. So it was mostly an endurance fight, coupled with Reflect Rings to bounce Step Mine (which is reflectable now, since Defenders and such at the IMTRF taught me the hard way. Oh and Phalanx at the Kefka fight). Took a bit with just sack raising, but he died, all for a Bone Club. Nice.
Umaro himself was also a joke. Full evasion again and just slowly widdled him down, up till he flashed red and went angry pissy boss. Threw a Dispel (cause what has flashing taught us

Level 7 Umaro though and 423 HP, god damn. Might be good for something.
Anyway, next stop, the Veldt and Daryl's Tomb to learn Bad Breath/get some new Rages I didn't immediately pick up from Mount Zozo and then Io from the Narshe Snowfields. Then onto Shadow, then maybe get Cyan the rest of his Bushido, then tackle Phoenix Cave for Locke.
That's where I'm at right now. New posts will list my progress. Remaining to do:
-5 dragons (Holy, Storm, Ice dead)
-Cyan's Nightmare
-Cave on the Veldt
-Phoenix Cave
-Magi Master
-Hidon's Rock
-Ancient Castle
-Doom Gaze
And anything else they added into the mod I'm not aware of yet.