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Topics I've Started
1.8.0 with CTB Patch = infinite Sap/Regen?
12 January 2017 - 08:42 AM
Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.
CTB is the scourge of the Earth, etc, etc, etc.
With that being said, is it normal to have sap/regen tick over and over while you sit there and put your turn on standby in 1.8.0? Can anyone else test this? -
Grab your alcohol of choice and prepare yourselves.
10 December 2016 - 08:10 PM
Hi. I'm MagiTeKira. I've been a lurker for several months now, and have finally made an account.
I've been looking forward so much to posting my thoughts and opinions on this site, unable to do so until now.
Anyhow, I'll try and keep this brief (That's a lie). FFVI is my favorite game, and I'm mostly here for Brave New World, but I enjoy a few other mods here like New Threat, Zombrero's Dragon Warrior 3 Hardtype, and soon, Darkness Within.
I talk alot, I'm bold about most of my opinions, I'm emotional, and I'm an FFVI fanboy. I also talk alot.
My special skills are localization for in game dialogue (debateable) and being able to write a wall of text in no time flat about pointless shit like how Relm is the best character in Brave New World, or how SetzerxTerra should be canon.... and talking alot.
With that being said, I'm cool with trying to mitigate those things by hanging with some cool cats, so I hope to have some good times with you folks.
Glad to be with you all.
Oh, and the joke is that the title implies you need a few shots if you want to be able to talk with me without wanting to commit sepukku.
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