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- Thanks to Kyou for testing
- Thanks to KaelAlttreul for his amazing and elegant ideas
- Thanks Jon for Marche's new job name
- Fixed MoonBlade's mystery second attack that always missed
- Last Dance and Last Song can no longer be Mimicked
- Dragon Rod's text description fixed
- Squire's "Dash" has been removed
- Squire's "Bull's Eye" has been removed
- Mediator's "Negotiate" has been removed
- Both forms of Altima gained a spell called LVL? Angelic
- Counter Tackle replaced by Counter Throw. Counters melee and ranged PA based attacks, 100% KB
- Marche's Gran Grimoire replaced by LVL? Flare
- Marche's Omega MP cost down from 30 to 26
- Marche's job renamed from Wanderer to Rift Traveler
- Plagues will no longer spam Counterspell (-5 MA)

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