Gi Nattak
Reputation: 124
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My Information
- Member Title:
- Village Drunk
- Age:
- 31 years old
- Birthday:
- September 3, 1985
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- Location:
- Santa Rosa, Cali
- Interests:
- Modding FF6. drinking beer, etc.
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gi nattak
Topics I've Started
RotDS 1.7.3 update
2 weeks ago
Emergency 1.7.3 update today:
- fixed a horrible bug with Cloud and Ronan freezing the game when learning a new ability, caused by attempting to fix the bug with Astral/Banon's gear teaching other characters magic.
- fixes/swaps an NPC in WoB Fraust/Narsh that's graphics mess up when it does a pose.
- corrected a Spirit/Rage description for Ember monster.
http://www.insanedif...-dark-sorcerer/ -
RotDS 1.7.2 update
3 weeks ago
Hack updated to v1.7.2
- fixed an issue of the difficulty selection not working correctly for New Game +. The difficulty choice will now pop up at the start of the Narsh raid sequence instead of before, for NG+. (thanks to Madsiur for the help)
- fixed an issue with the dialog text with character names having strange spacing and line breaks.
- fixed an issue of characters learning magic from guest characters equiped items that teach spells.
- fixed the 'esper restrict' patch that's included with the hack package back to working, it was conflicting.
- fixed a mistake with the 'original item names' patch, to include the new item icons, I forgot to update that.
- fixed some song issues for Aerith's event and in the Chemist's house in Stardust Village.
- fixed yet another of the included patches, the 'return level averaging' patch, where it would freeze at the WoR Eiko event.
- fixes a broken counter and death routine of Blue Tiger Boss AI...hopefully not breaking anything else, but probably.
- updated a couple of LeetSketcher's patches.
- applied Blitz Screen patch of LeetSketcher - the blitz names now show up in the Blitz menu along with the combination input.
- fixed some music player issues. (thanks to Madsiur for getting them fixed, for his music player patch)
- fixed the tile bugs with certain event-related doors from the vanilla game. (thanks to LeetSketcher)
- corrected a not-so-good looking tile in Mount Koltz.
- fixed some tile issues with fences and flowers in Jericho.
- fixed two issues with the Skull Train/Mr. Grimm battle, with Mr. Grimm looking the other way after being confused, and also his name vanishing for the remainder of the battle if the train was killed first. He now does not float anymore on the train as a result of needing to swap relics for him.
- fixed an issue with Leviathan event where Tifa would not be shown after the battle, and also her arms being in a weird pose possibly before the battle.
- corrected a wrong text box message that pops up after beating Alpha Omega.
- fixed an issue of the overworld music not starting over on a couple WoR town exits.
- disabled access to the menu directly after the train battle, to prevent a music player issue.
- corrected a wrong map message name when you enter it.
- fixed a bug of the player being able to move during a dialog box after JCE3000GT battle.
- re-worked the whole wind sound hint from the rich man's house during Cloud's scenario, and put a guard dog to guard the basement entrace before you should be able to go there.
- lowered hit% of Havoc skill a bit, again. Also raised the time it takes to innitiate by a tad.
- touched up WoB Airship song (first one).
- touched up Sinistral Battle song, again.
- fixed a bug with character stats not refreshing right away with the de-equipping NPC. (thanks to LeetSketcher patch)
- edited some dialog.
- added a new little something in Jericho, just a little extra thing to do.
- swapped the Imperial Castle song for another.
- turned down the volume of the wind tracks in WoR overworld song.
- put back battle theme for monsters in Kefka's Tower, since it's the final dungeon and all.
- removed the weird effect in the Spiral Mountain save point cave.
- nerfed Soul Eater's mag power a bit.
- few dialog edits.
I'm definitely still worried about AI scripts not functioning 100% correctly, but I did test the major event-related ones and they all seem okay for all difficulties. I didn't want to stall this update any longer for something I'm not sure how to fix 100% atm. So please be on the lookout for broken AI stuff players, such as battle events not triggering and bosses not dying or counter-attacking. Thank you. -
1.7.1 update is out
02 February 2017 - 10:17 AM
DL: http://www.insanedif...-dark-sorcerer/
- fixed a nasty bug where there could be 3 aurora objects to start the game if there was srm data present.
- fixed a horrible mistake of the game black screening if Oak dies.
- fixed an issue of wrong formation of monsters used on the WoB triangle island.
- fixed Oboro not merging correctly into the party in Rampart pub if hired.
- fixed a bug with Mithril Pike and Handcannon not optimizing correctly. (thanks Madsiur for help)
- fixed an vanilla issue of Aurora & Cloud not showing up for a second in Returner's Hideout, after speaking with Astral event. (thanks to tenkarider for noticing this)
- fixed a bug with Leo repeating some text and taking a step backward on the ship after Levy if talked to again.
- fixed a wrong NPC in Jericho when Kefka attacks.
- fixed a song/music player entrance event issue in Jericho.
- fixed a game freezing bug and other weirdness at the end game scenes if certain people were not recruited.
- fixed a nibble issue with the Stone Queen being released.
- fixed an instance of Intercepter being on the Airship deck before going in the Phoenix Cave.
- corrected a positioning error of the airship and character on the overworld after the Phoenix Cave.
- corrected a small blunder in Kefka's Tower with an event trigger I moved for testing...
- applied Muddle Cancel patch. (credit to Seibaby)
- applied Independent Stop patch. (credit to Seibaby)
- bettered the ugly reflect graphic byproduct of color coded digits.
- moved the WoB Durandal castle up just a bit on the overworld for a smoother, more accurate underground movement path.
- touched up the Skull Train outside tiles.
- touched up the WoB Minimap graphic.
- lowered overall monster encounter rates.
- changed Volcano (Fire 3) spell graphic/animation back to original because it had some issues and went on too long.
- made it so no exp. is gained for the Aerith flashback battles.
- made the T'ai Chi Cap and Bard's Hat equipable by some, not everyone.
- edited various regular monster AI & stats for the different difficulties.
- added a few new NPCs.
- some small event edits.
- the usual dialog and song touch ups. -
RotDS Version 1.7 is out
03 January 2017 - 01:16 PM
Fashionably late for the new year... Version 1.7 is out!
DL: http://www.insanedif...-dark-sorcerer/
Notable changes include:
- implemented a music player in the menu. (thanks & credit to Madsiur)
- implemented a 4th difficulty setting. (thanks & credit to Madsiur)
- implemented an alternate font selection in config menu. (thanks & credit to Madsiur) (credit to Dragonsbrethren for the alternate large menu font)
- all new and improved portraits. (thanks & credit to James White) The 'old' portraits are now available with a patch included in the extras folder.
- new/improved Kefka monster sprite, as well as many other improvements in the monster sprite dept. and a new sprite replacing the Gigas/Colossus. And a cool new Skeleton. (thanks & credit to James White)
- fixed an issue with the HP & MP curves not working correctly. (thanks & credit to Madsiur)
- fixed an issue of some newly recruited characters experience needed being absurdly high. (thanks & credit to Madsiur)
- fixed a possible event freeze from the original game in the Returner's Hideout. (thanks & credit to Madsiur)
- added a bunch of new item icons. (credit to the Pandora's Box team for the icons)
- added seibaby's 'Smart Cover' patch that makes True Knight users a little smarter. (thanks & credit to seibaby)
- fixed an issue with Runic where it would not bypass Reflect status for Arc, like it should, and re-worked the formula a bit - now it heals Arc for exactly what the spell would have damaged him for. Non-damaging spells like Death will heal him for nothing.
- fixed a certain NPC being called the wrong name.
- fixed a possible issue with the splash screen messing up graphically.
- fixed a possible issue of Ronan not having Galick Gun upon recruitment.
- fixed an issue with a couple rare monster encounters having songs that would prevent the map music from coming back in after.
- fixed two fusoya palette issues in avalon's dream sequence.
- fixed a very small graphical issue with a map tile going through a character during an event.
- fixed an issue of the timer possibly being removed from the crumbling house event.
- prevented Astral (doll item/guest character) from being used during Avalon's dream event.
- corrected a wrong palette for Summon animation.
- applied patch to fix issue with Throw taking a step back if enemy jumps. (credit to LeetSketcher)
- brought back a flute instrument that was somehow erased.
- gave Aerith a Relic to prevent instant death, which could possibly happen to her in her Flashback battles.
- added 4 more Rare Items, with no real use, just for story-related reasoning.
- changed some of the spells that Runic can absorb. For instance Hyperdrive can no longer be absorbed.
- removed the extra flashes from Ronan's Guillotine Flash animation to hopefully cut back on the seizures.
- Nerfed Osmose.
- applied Status Unknown patch by LeetSketcher (credit to him)
- made Float spell single target only. Muahahaha, deal with it!
- made Sylph esper cast float on the entire party as well as heal HP.
- removed random encounters from Owzer's Mansion basement after that event is done.
- edited a bunch of dialog.
- applied a Rage reset code made by Think0028 so monster status does not stack on death. (thanks and credit to Think)
- fixed an issue of instrument overflow causing song glitches for Undertale Bonetrousle.
- fixed an issue with Tritoch sprite missing a piece of it's tail. (credit to bydoless)
- fixed an issue with chocobo sprite in Auction House being blocked by other sprites.
- Tentacle can be dodged now.
- Arise and Curaga can also be learned from Odin.
- added FF6j Relic indicators (credit to Novalia Spirit)
- touched up a few songs.
- Cerburus is now included in the ending scene, if Oboro was re-recruited in the WoR.
- Changed 2 of the custom wallpaper/window backgrounds to FFV and FFMQ ones. (credit to James White) Also, added a patch in the 'extras' folder that will swap in 7 different window backgrounds.
- Simplified (hopefully) some of the Combo (Blitz) input commands. Sorry to those of you who've memorized them...
A huge thank you to both Madsiur and James White for many of the nice features this latest version has to offer! Madsiur with the assembly coding of some really nice additions as well as fixes, and James' excellent spritework. This is a nice way to start of the new year indeed.Thanks for playing and let us know how you enjoy this latest version or report any issues etc.
Mike (Gi Nattak) & Team. -
RotDS v1.6.1 (fixes stuff) is ready
03 September 2016 - 01:16 PM
- fixed an issue with different difficulties status menus reading incorrectly (credit & thanks to Madsiur)
- fixed an issue with the Esper Restriction patch that I caused putting up garbage text and exiting out of skill menus.
- fixed an issue with a couple glitchy monster attack animations.
- re-removed Oboro's equipment at the end of the fire house events in case he has an esper equipped.
- possibly fixed up some weird spell learned % issues by removing a few treasures that were exceeding their designated RAM range into an area that might be used now for spell learning, or something...but I'm not sure yet.
- nerfed some boss speeds down a bit for the nATB patch.
Hopefully the issues brought up thus far for v1.6 are all better now, I did test but didn't do a super thorough job. So keep me posted please! And now if you'll excuse me, it's my birthday and I'm off to do some drinking.
Rafael xtreme
02 Feb 2017 - 10:33break
03 Sep 2016 - 23:12Very excited to play on the "Casual" mode.
12 May 2016 - 21:31Looking forward to checking it out this weekend.
25 Dec 2015 - 20:52I will be checking out v1.4.3 this weekend...time to take out those Cave-Crabs ^_^"
03 Jun 2015 - 23:24I somehow got the Midgar esper by getting Shadow,,, not the little quest. (Did the quest last night after I was on my way to fight Zuri ~,~ only to find a second midgar...)
16 May 2015 - 05:48